Elite: Lore

15 May 2020, 2:21am
The relic AI are definitely not like the Achilles units. They're more akin to the machines from the film Virus
15 May 2020, 8:22pm
Don't know if I'm allowed to put pictures of the book up, but no. The Relic AI are the last vestiges of the first AI experiments that led to the ban.

The enemies are possessed hulls of normal ships. For example, the "Aspwinder" is a Sidewinder and Asp Explorer hull fused together with claws and shit sticking out of it.
18 May 2020, 7:30pm
People who watch my gallery know that I'm currently visiting all the INRA sites that have been located so far, and one detail made me wonder:

We know that Jameson started his attackrun on the Thargoids in 12 Trianguli from Taylor Keep, but crashed on HIP 12099 1b, just one moon away from another INRA facility (Stack). We know his Cobra got sabotaged to make sure he won't return to report to the galaxy that INRA commited genocide using a bioweapon, it stands to reason that a com signal from Stack was used to trigger the ship's shutdown.

This means that in order to get to his target and then back to base (as this was the mission he got briefed on) he had to fly by Stack even on his way towards his target.

Now what I'm wondering is: Is there a tool somewhere to extend the line from 12 Trianguli to HIP 12099 so we could narrow down the systems where this battle that ended the First Thargoid War took place? As far as I know that battle site and the remains of that Thargoid "hive ship" Jameson attacked have not been found yet after all...
19 May 2020, 3:23am
Amata, "Space Detective/Historian"
19 May 2020, 4:56am
Well, we are aware that there may be things in the game not yet discovered.

Are there any Thargoid ground structures in the area? That may qualify as a downed "Hive Ship".
19 May 2020, 8:11am
Synthya WylderAmata, "Space Detective/Historian"

I think that honor belongs to these guys: https://canonn.science/

Jubei HimuraWell, we are aware that there may be things in the game not yet discovered.

Are there any Thargoid ground structures in the area? That may qualify as a downed "Hive Ship".

Not in HIP 12099. That's why I asked if there's a tool that would allow you to extend the line between 12 Trianguli and HIP 12099 as the battleside must be somewhere beyond the latter.

Last edit: 19 May 2020, 8:22am
19 May 2020, 1:39pm
Okaaaay... having visited Taylor Keep myself now I used the galaxy map to line up my bookmarks for Taylor Keep and Stack and then started to zoom out. The imaginary line continues down the Aries Dark Region into the Mel 22 sector, scraping by the "western" border to the Pleiades sector.
19 May 2020, 3:13pm
Amata LireinPeople who watch my gallery know that I'm currently visiting all the INRA sites that have been located so far, and one detail made me wonder:

We know that Jameson started his attackrun on the Thargoids in 12 Trianguli from Taylor Keep, but crashed on HIP 12099 1b, just one moon away from another INRA facility (Stack). We know his Cobra got sabotaged to make sure he won't return to report to the galaxy that INRA commited genocide using a bioweapon, it stands to reason that a com signal from Stack was used to trigger the ship's shutdown.

This means that in order to get to his target and then back to base (as this was the mission he got briefed on) he had to fly by Stack even on his way towards his target.

Now what I'm wondering is: Is there a tool somewhere to extend the line from 12 Trianguli to HIP 12099 so we could narrow down the systems where this battle that ended the First Thargoid War took place? As far as I know that battle site and the remains of that Thargoid "hive ship" Jameson attacked have not been found yet after all...

Could you plot a route between them with similar jump range as he would have had to guess where he would have gone? Either economic or fastest.
19 May 2020, 6:54pm
A C EnderCould you plot a route between them with similar jump range as he would have had to guess where he would have gone? Either economic or fastest.

See, that's the thing: We don't know what Jameson's old Cobra Mk III was equipped with, and you cannot scan his crashed ship for that information. And then he might have also had a fuel scoop. The only thing you can say for sure is the general direction he must have been headed for. (see above)

Last edit: 19 May 2020, 7:07pm
19 May 2020, 7:15pm
Wish I could remember what happens in Elite Frontier II.

Think that's where his last mission comes from unless EF2 didn't happen in ED.
19 May 2020, 7:49pm
Lambast MercyWish I could remember what happens in Elite Frontier II.

Think that's where his last mission comes from unless EF2 didn't happen in ED.

Wait... as far as I remember the Thargoids were not even present in Frontier Elite II but in Frontier II First Encounters?
19 May 2020, 7:57pm
Frontier II was First Encounter wasn't it?

It has been a quiet few years since I played it. All I remember First Encounter was the endless problems and getting patches off magazine cove discs. The game its self is hazy to say the least
19 May 2020, 7:58pm
Lambast MercyFrontier II was First Encounter wasn't it?

It has been a quiet few years since I played it. All I remember First Encounter was the endless problems and getting patches off magazine cove discs. The game its self is hazy to say the least

Guess I misread you then based on the Elite games' weird naming scheme:

Frontier Elite II
Frontier II First Encounters
Elite Dangerous
19 May 2020, 8:03pm
Oh! I imagine I played all of them, but the Fronters blend into each other.

I also think Elite Plus needs adding to that list. That had missions and the wireframes were colored in
19 May 2020, 8:44pm
Well, I googled a bit. First: The events of the previous Elite games are not canon in E:D

Second: In First Encounters you actually go and cure the Mycoid by stealing the antidote from INRA and hand it over to the Thargoids. You then get a Thargoid ship as a reward.


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