Elite: Lore

25 Jan 2019, 5:17am
I wouldn't call it a bug, I think FDev did it on purpose to show just how chaotic it really would be if this sort of thing was to happen. Think about it, the Gnosis or as I called it at the time 'The Boffin Coffin' was hyperdicted and damaged close to an ammonia world and attacked by Hydra's and scouts, I am not sure if there were other designations of interceptors, but the boffin coffin was damaged, the no fire zone defence system malfunctioned, all safeties were off, Thargoids attacked ships before they could launch from the pads, a sound strategy in war.

It was utter Chaos from what I hear, sadly my timezone did not allow me to be part of the initial onslaught though I wish I had been able to take part in that Immersive experience.

I do hope FDev give us the opportunity to experience that sort of thing again.
25 Jan 2019, 9:20am
Yes, like I said, everything fDev need is right there... play something out right and it'd be a great win for them. They'd get a lot of community

Here's hopin'
06 Feb 2019, 8:51pm
Are there any 500-1000 year old individuals in the elite galaxy/universe? Are people effectively immortal in 3305?
06 Feb 2019, 9:22pm
Nope. They're living longer than we do now, especially those rich ones with access to Proginator cells. However people are still very mortal and I've seen no evidence in lore to suggest people live anywhere close to 500 years.
07 Feb 2019, 5:27pm
I think, lore wise, the longest living "human" is Jacques the cyborg (owner of Jacques Station in Colonia). He is over 300 years old.
07 Feb 2019, 8:55pm
That could be very much true. I don't recall any mention of someone older.
08 Feb 2019, 6:42am
That lucky 300 year old sentient trash can .......
08 Feb 2019, 9:52pm
Jacques will also be the exception, not the rule in this case. He's like the Karan S'jet of Elite but without a massive exodus fleet to manage.
22 Feb 2019, 5:32pm
With the recent increase in tgoid attacks , do you think this is the ramp up to the big one ?
22 Feb 2019, 5:42pm
It could be that something is in the works, but it's hard to say. Either it's climbing to a bigger battle, or we will see a bigger, badder, thargoid ship.
22 Feb 2019, 11:06pm
Jubei HimuraIt could be that something is in the works, but it's hard to say. Either it's climbing to a bigger battle, or we will see a bigger, badder, thargoid ship.

Maybe a Thargoid capital ship?
Requires 5 wings of 4 to take it on?? That would be cool!
23 Feb 2019, 7:36am
I would want to see a fight between thargoid hive ships and multiple capital ships, city sized bug ships descending on a system to feed or whatever they do .
24 Feb 2019, 3:29pm
I personally think with us killing the Thargoids is actually making this war worse, so I actually don't attack the Goids and I've been one of the original players who got Hyperdicted back when they were just starting to return they could've easily killed me but they didn't, so me and other people including Malic_VR think they're actually peaceful, they just: want to destroy full bred Guardian Tech, get their stuff back, defend themselves, and of course defend their friends.
24 Feb 2019, 3:41pm
25 Feb 2019, 6:58am
Jack MillerI personally think with us killing the Thargoids is actually making this war worse, so I actually don't attack the Goids and I've been one of the original players who got Hyperdicted back when they were just starting to return they could've easily killed me but they didn't, so me and other people including Malic_VR think they're actually peaceful, they just: want to destroy full bred Guardian Tech, get their stuff back, defend themselves, and of course defend their friends.

They ARE peaceful. It's their handlers that make them aggressive.

That and the Tharg-Human hybrids they put in the Scouts, but if you will use a prison ship full of convicts.

This is all a misunderstanding. If I was the Emperor, which I'm not. Not yet anyways. I'd want to know just what Aegis keep in their ships.

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