Elite: Lore

14 Apr 2020, 1:50am
Nerys NymeiThere is a question that has been on my mind for a while, and it is about Thargoids.

The question is: in lore terms, how is it possible that we know so little about them?

Ok, in real world the answer is simple: FDev told us nothing. But in the game, we fight them from many years. We have destroyed thousands of their ships, so how is it possible that we have never recovered a corpse, never studied their biology, never found at least the sector of their home world?

It reminds me a bit of the Quarians in Mass Effect: three games and no one knew about their look. But there, it was a sort of internal joke towards the players: it was assumed that, yes, in the game universe everyone knew about Quarians, they were just never shown to us.

But here the official lore says that they a complete mystery even to the characters, and this seems a bit difficult to believe. Thoughts?

Thargoids are one of those instances where the tin-foil hat crowd was largely right. Despite humanity's history with them, their existence was first downplayed and then concealed by the powers-that-were (and be) controlling things from the shadows, known otherwise as The Club. The reason for this is largely one of stability; humanity would be unpredictable of word of an existential thread got out. It was only when their existence could no longer be denied that The Club got behind the effort of fighting them, being behind both the promulgation of the engineers and the anti-Thargoid weaponry from Aegis.

Yet— as others have pointed out— there were also real consequences of our past involvement with them, namely the frameshift drive.
14 Apr 2020, 7:54am
Creamy Goodness IIIThere's also famous people. I saw Rob Low hauling stuff last night and plenty of names from sifi

Not only that. There's something fishy when it comes to npc names. I once ran into a pirate called Domosi Gabor. My close friend who has nothing to do with elite, is called exactly that. Big brother is watching.
14 Apr 2020, 1:47pm
I have often wondered if NPC names are derived from random picks of existing Cmdr names? If anyone encounters an NPC pirate named Silver Taffer let me know ..... I’ll hunt the bastard down and gut him like a fish
14 Apr 2020, 2:21pm
Silver TafferI have often wondered if NPC names are derived from random picks of existing Cmdr names? If anyone encounters an NPC pirate named Silver Taffer let me know ..... I’ll hunt the bastard down and gut him like a fish

Psst. Don't look in the mirror!! Are you real, or are you a simulation? Queue x-files music.
14 Apr 2020, 2:59pm
A C Ender
Silver TafferI have often wondered if NPC names are derived from random picks of existing Cmdr names? If anyone encounters an NPC pirate named Silver Taffer let me know ..... I’ll hunt the bastard down and gut him like a fish

Psst. Don't look in the mirror!! Are you real, or are you a simulation? Queue x-files music.

*Starts and looks nervously around*

Hunting myself down ...... kinda reminds one of the Earthsea Trilogy, dunnit?
14 Apr 2020, 3:01pm
Quality lore discussion here. Really insightful stuff.
14 Apr 2020, 3:10pm
Point taken!
14 Apr 2020, 5:19pm
Nathan Atterlein
Creamy Goodness IIIThere's also famous people. I saw Rob Low hauling stuff last night and plenty of names from sifi

Not only that. There's something fishy when it comes to npc names. I once ran into a pirate called Domosi Gabor. My close friend who has nothing to do with elite, is called exactly that. Big brother is watching.

I just came across Mace Windu the other day in an orca transporting
14 Apr 2020, 5:22pm
My favorite name from Sifi I've seen is Hans Reinhardt. I'll bet his COVAS was called Maximilian.
17 Apr 2020, 11:52pm
I seem to recall something about backers getting to submit NPC names back in the day.
19 Apr 2020, 7:53am
I found Coffee Delivery yesterday. It was wanted, so I blew it up...
19 Apr 2020, 9:26am
I saw an Orca yesterday of which I'm not sure if I would board it for a cruise... the HR Giger
19 Apr 2020, 9:32am
A C EnderI found Coffee Delivery yesterday. It was wanted, so I blew it up...

This reminds me of a Dragon Ball Z Abridged episode where on Namik these lines were spoken. Neeiiilllll! I see a bird. It is pretty. Blow it up.

19 Apr 2020, 9:48am
Amata LireinI saw an Orca yesterday of which I'm not sure if I would board it for a cruise... the HR Giger

Stay away from the eggs at breakfast then.
21 Apr 2020, 1:22am
WarzoneThis reminds me of a Dragon Ball Z Abridged episode where on Namik these lines were spoken. Neeiiilllll! I see a bird. It is pretty. Blow it up. XD

...it was pretty.

...kick it's ass.

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