Elite: Lore

02 Dec 2020, 11:04am
Synthya WylderThat raises a question for me about Passenger Cabins. Are they sealed & pressurized independently of the ship?

Most likely, since it would make sense to compartmentalize every aspect of the ship. Same goes for being able to vent atmosphere from every compartment to combat fires or intruders for example.
02 Dec 2020, 11:11am
Rebecca Hail
Synthya WylderThat raises a question for me about Passenger Cabins. Are they sealed & pressurized independently of the ship?

Most likely, since it would make sense to compartmentalize every aspect of the ship. Same goes for being able to vent atmosphere from every compartment to combat fires or intruders for example.

I assume that there's one exception to this rule: Saud Kruger (and maybe Gutamaya). Those cruise ships do have stuff like gyms and other public rooms as well (and Gutamaya, like most of the Empire, is about showing off ).
02 Dec 2020, 11:32am
Amata Lirein
Rebecca Hail
Synthya WylderThat raises a question for me about Passenger Cabins. Are they sealed & pressurized independently of the ship?

Most likely, since it would make sense to compartmentalize every aspect of the ship. Same goes for being able to vent atmosphere from every compartment to combat fires or intruders for example.

I assume that there's one exception to this rule: Saud Kruger (and maybe Gutamaya). Those cruise ships do have stuff like gyms and other public rooms as well (and Gutamaya, like most of the Empire, is about showing off ).

Yeah, but I suppose that even those manufacturers compartmentalize almost every room where it's possible. After all you don't want that all your passengers die if one area suffers a hullbreach
02 Dec 2020, 11:39am
Rebecca Hail
Amata Lirein
Rebecca Hail

Most likely, since it would make sense to compartmentalize every aspect of the ship. Same goes for being able to vent atmosphere from every compartment to combat fires or intruders for example.

I assume that there's one exception to this rule: Saud Kruger (and maybe Gutamaya). Those cruise ships do have stuff like gyms and other public rooms as well (and Gutamaya, like most of the Empire, is about showing off ).

Yeah, but I suppose that even those manufacturers compartmentalize almost every room where it's possible. After all you don't want that all your passengers die if one area suffers a hullbreach

Yeah, it would be a safe bet that you can seal off the cabins in an emergency.
02 Dec 2020, 11:46am
Thank you; that seems to concur with present space vehicle & submarine design philosophy & practice, both operating in a toxic environment.

Compartmentalization. Areas which are open & shared under normal circumstances, but in certain (emergency) situations, affected areas or compartments are/can be sealed off so as to not risk the entire complement of crew or passengers. Seems both obvious & prudent.

I welcome input from any other "Lore-Meisters" as this question & the general consensus will play a key element to the story I have brewing.
02 Dec 2020, 5:21pm
IomhariActually, transporting slaves by cryostasis would be very imperial. The empire, as far as I'm aware, still socially expects people to treat slaves well. Although cryostasis may be what I'd expect to be an older method of transport, it's still far more efficient in keeping people healthy over distances, and it's probably better than the alternative. Imagine being transported as a slave but given no food or water with no seats or beds in a 747, no bueno. Cryostasis seems like both a cheap option, and a more pleasant option.

Also wouldn't surprise me if all areas within a ship, including cargo racks, are pressurized and climate controlled.

It quite literally says in the built-in lore codex that treating your slaves well is a status symbol in and around the empire. So I'm in complete agreeance with your statement there.
02 Dec 2020, 6:12pm
Synthya WylderThank you; that seems to concur with present space vehicle & submarine design philosophy & practice, both operating in a toxic environment.

Compartmentalization. Areas which are open & shared under normal circumstances, but in certain (emergency) situations, affected areas or compartments are/can be sealed off so as to not risk the entire complement of crew or passengers. Seems both obvious & prudent.

I welcome input from any other "Lore-Meisters" as this question & the general consensus will play a key element to the story I have brewing.

I agree with this. I think it was mentioned somewhere... I just can't remember where.
02 Dec 2020, 10:56pm
MirecUWell Elite tries hard to blend game mechanics with lore so the slaves are a commodity. Stripped of human rights. And it looks like the package they come with nowadays has a life support build in.

Imperial Slaves are not stripped of (most) human rights. Moreover, I'd risk statement that Imperial Slaves enjoy more privileges and social benefits than a typical working class citizen in Federation, because Imperial Slave is provided with high-standard housing, food and basic daily life commodities by default - for free. The only rights they are deposed from on the long run are mostly connected with something I'd call "social-political influence".

Also, "treating your slave well" part reminds me of 19th (and early 20th) Century's British Imperial aristocracy and attitude to the servants: a true British highborn would never allow his servants to be ever insulted or abused, both by family or the guests themselves. Mistreating them could lead to very serious exclusion from so-called elites - not even speaking about loss of respect that meant social death to such aristocrats.

Last edit: 02 Dec 2020, 11:09pm
03 Dec 2020, 8:33pm
Vinh KruczekImperial Slave is provided with high-standard housing, food and basic daily life commodities by default - for free.

And the high-standard houses somehow build themselves, the food just magically appears in the fridge, etc.
03 Dec 2020, 8:47pm
03 Dec 2020, 8:55pm
Vinh KruczekImperial Slave is provided with high-standard housing, food and basic daily life commodities by default - for free.

And the high-standard houses somehow build themselves, the food just magically appears in the fridge, etc.

It's more about comparison to the typical low-class Federal citizen (but obviously someone has to build and fill these "high-standard housing" in Empire). It has been mentioned quite a few times that unsuccessful Federal citizens live on the edge of poverty and outright starvation (given corporatism running wild among their systems) without much of the social net (and Zachary Hudson outright blames that on laziness, which isn't true in 99% of the cases according to IRL autopsy) - unlike Imperial citizens that become "slaves" on their own consent in order to get out from the situations which put "slave-wage" Feds to death.

Don't quote me on it, but I think someone from Frontier said once that Imperial Slavery is more like one of these 9-5 jobs and you aren't Imperial Slave 24/7.
04 Dec 2020, 1:56am
Posting this here as it follows this discussion more, as well as being somewhat in line with lore. Has anyone ever formed a patronage based squadron that also uses imperial slavery for players who need to get money or whatever? Not roleplay, just the whole mutual agreement of doing as the Master demands (within/relating to the game only) until freed?

I assume people have already made squadrons which use a patronage system of some sort, even outside of roleplay. I'm just curious if anyone knows anything on that

Does make me wonder, could an ACTUAL imperial slave also be a pilot and have a license?
04 Dec 2020, 2:05am
IomhariPosting this here as it follows this discussion more, as well as being somewhat in line with lore. Has anyone ever formed a patronage based squadron that also uses imperial slavery for players who need to get money or whatever? Not roleplay, just the whole mutual agreement of doing as the Master demands (within/relating to the game only) until freed?

I assume people have already made squadrons which use a patronage system of some sort, even outside of roleplay. I'm just curious if anyone knows anything on that

Does make me wonder, could an ACTUAL imperial slave also be a pilot and have a license?

I think that depends on if s/he got a license before s/he became a slave as it's not allowed to take Imperial Slaves outside of Imperial space.
04 Dec 2020, 2:12am
Amata Lirein
IomhariPosting this here as it follows this discussion more, as well as being somewhat in line with lore. Has anyone ever formed a patronage based squadron that also uses imperial slavery for players who need to get money or whatever? Not roleplay, just the whole mutual agreement of doing as the Master demands (within/relating to the game only) until freed?

I assume people have already made squadrons which use a patronage system of some sort, even outside of roleplay. I'm just curious if anyone knows anything on that

Does make me wonder, could an ACTUAL imperial slave also be a pilot and have a license?

I think that depends on if s/he got a license before s/he became a slave as it's not allowed to take Imperial Slaves outside of Imperial space.

Is that under laws outside of the Empire or Imperial law?
04 Dec 2020, 2:14am
A bit of both. Imperial law forbids the trade of Imperial slaves outside Imperial space. And in most of the rest of the bubble slavery in any form is illegal, even if it's voluntary indentured servitude (what Imperial slavery really is).

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