Elite: Lore

19 May 2020, 8:59pm
I can't have finished First Encounters then. The bugginess must have put me off.

Still, go to know it's not canon but also a bit of a shame.
19 May 2020, 9:24pm
So we basically only know the general direction on where Jameson was heading then and that he flew an older Cobra Mk III, which most likely had a lower average jumprange then the current iteration due to the improvements made to jumpdrives since then.
19 May 2020, 10:15pm
I've tried being a 'good girl' & researching Lore. So far, I can't find anything regarding teaching, learning, specifically, accelerated techniques.

Is there anything on that, or in the 3300-something year, is it still done in the same way, classrooms & instructors, & over a period of many years?
20 May 2020, 2:15pm
Synthya WylderI've tried being a 'good girl' & researching Lore. So far, I can't find anything regarding teaching, learning, specifically, accelerated techniques.

Is there anything on that, or in the 3300-something year, is it still done in the same way, classrooms & instructors, & over a period of many years?

It is assumed that classroom teaching is still the norm for most of the galaxy. Of course there are variations depending on the culture. For example in Pegasi, it is most likely that the tribal nature of many clans leads to a more 'trial by fire' way of 'teaching', while Alliance, Federal, and Imperial is more formalized. I'm sure there is always a student-mentor type of learning once one is out of school

The biggest difference may be in Utopia, where the culture there is very technology-based. They may still have classes, but they may also have a neural-linked VR training program, kinda like in The Matrix, where training and learning may take half the time. Unfortunately this theory is based on what little info FDev gave on Utopia, the collective group lore from the PowerPlay group, and possibly a story arc by the wonderful M.Lehman.
20 May 2020, 4:46pm
Amata LireinOkaaaay... having visited Taylor Keep myself now I used the galaxy map to line up my bookmarks for Taylor Keep and Stack and then started to zoom out. The imaginary line continues down the Aries Dark Region into the Mel 22 sector, scraping by the "western" border to the Pleiades sector.

Adding to this: It would match the sci-fi trope if the Thargoids, being the big bad evil alien antagonists, originated from the Aries Dark Regions of space, wouldn't it?
21 May 2020, 1:08pm
Amata LireinSo we basically only know the general direction on where Jameson was heading then and that he flew an older Cobra Mk III, which most likely had a lower average jumprange then the current iteration due to the improvements made to jumpdrives since then.

It reminds me. I wonder what's the explanation for Capital Ships dealing with relativity, given the game clearly states that Capital Ships have older hyperspace tech. Issue with that statement is from what I remember, by jumping between systems your in-ship clock had to compensate your few seconds into several hours/days that passed around you while using old jump drive.
21 May 2020, 2:44pm
Mug Kawiński
Amata LireinSo we basically only know the general direction on where Jameson was heading then and that he flew an older Cobra Mk III, which most likely had a lower average jumprange then the current iteration due to the improvements made to jumpdrives since then.

It reminds me. I wonder what's the explanation for Capital Ships dealing with relativity, given the game clearly states that Capital Ships have older hyperspace tech. Issue with that statement is from what I remember, by jumping between systems your in-ship clock had to compensate your few seconds into several hours/days that passed around you while using old jump drive.

Well, they do have "Watch Officers", right? Right?


22 May 2020, 10:21pm
Raxxla.... Anyone? lol
22 May 2020, 10:41pm
What about it?
22 May 2020, 10:46pm
I think he's referring to the current topic in 'General / game talk'?
23 May 2020, 1:22am
23 May 2020, 3:59pm
Synthya WylderI wonder if this Motrona Experience Jelly can be used as an accelerated teaching aid...

Quite an interesting proposition... learning by way of hallucinating that one was paying attention in class?

Still, I don't see over a decade of one's life (if the standard K-12 model of modern education is preserved) under the influence of a narcotic being a particularly good idea for the student, or indeed for the concept of education itself.
23 May 2020, 5:33pm
Well, it's in this context, for RP/story-writing in mind...

Synthya was just revived after several hundred years in a frozen cryo-coma state. In her early 20s, she's got a lot to catch up on.

Nearly all she's ever learned about space & ship piloting & operations is now beyond obsolete, & she knows next to nothing of the current 3300-era level of technology.

I'm trying to adhere to E:D canon & lore, at least, remaining plausible, without creating a 10+? year disconnect (how long would it likely take for someone in E:D to learn all that's needed to pilot a ship using the canon/traditional methods?).

I searched within what I could find in the Lore & found the MEJ. I thought, a picture being worth a 1,000 words, & going through such experiences from those trained in the requirements, even as a hallucination, might suffice as a plausible avenue for her; in addition to, & not replacing, traditional training.

Such a use & technique would be a highly controversial & experimental use of the MEJ & a careful programming/formulation would be needed. I realize that Synthya's situation is highly unusual, even novel, but still plausible, yes?

But, seeing that her ship was destroyed so long ago, & with no family or relatives in what little still remained in the (supposedly) fragmentary records of that era, some in the position of making such decisions might consider her expendable. No loss, in other words.

That's the reason for my asking the question. I'm glad you answered, with your experience & knowledge on such topics.

Last edit: 23 May 2020, 8:40pm
24 May 2020, 3:13am
Synthya WylderWell, it's in this context, for RP/story-writing in mind...

Synthya was just revived after several hundred years in a frozen cryo-coma state. In her early 20s, she's got a lot to catch up on.

Nearly all she's ever learned about space & ship piloting & operations is now beyond obsolete, & she knows next to nothing of the current 3300-era level of technology.

I'm trying to adhere to E:D canon & lore, at least, remaining plausible, without creating a 10+? year disconnect (how long would it likely take for someone in E:D to learn all that's needed to pilot a ship using the canon/traditional methods?).

I searched within what I could find in the Lore & found the MEJ. I thought, a picture being worth a 1,000 words, & going through such experiences from those trained in the requirements, even as a hallucination, might suffice as a plausible avenue for her; in addition to, & not replacing, traditional training.

Such a use & technique would be a highly controversial & experimental use of the MEJ & a careful programming/formulation would be needed. I realize that Synthya's situation is highly unusual, even novel, but still plausible, yes?

But, seeing that her ship was destroyed so long ago, & with no family or relatives in what little still remained in the (supposedly) fragmentary records of that era, some in the position of making such decisions might consider her expendable. No loss, in other words.

That's the reason for my asking the question. I'm glad you answered, with your experience & knowledge on such topics.

Given Synthia's circumstances, it seems that you have some storytelling options that you might not have considered. Please allow me to make some observations.

1) The fact that Synthia is accustomed to piloting an antique ship isn't necessarily a strike against her. The ships of her time lack a frameshift drive, yes— but that also means that they would exist "off grid" in 3305, which opens up some intriguing storytelling possibilities were she to acquire one! Drew Wagar's character of Luko had a similar setup, so we know that flying around with antique hyperdrive tech isn't a no-go in modern times. A very interesting arc could be created that revolves around Synthia acquiring a ship old enough to be familiar to her— perhaps from the Tionisla graveyard?

Besides, frameshift tech is only about fifteen years old, which means that finding said ship wouldn't be that much of a challenge.

2) The learning curve for Synthia to "catch up" could be an interesting avenue for character growth in and of itself, which I feel would be a more interesting way to proceed than treating MEJ as a macguffin.
24 May 2020, 5:22am
I'll have to explore the bit about an antique ship, & that Tionisla graveyard. I'll see what I can find about it.

I've been planning on Synthya's generation ship being of an "O'Neil Cylinder" design, & her crew developing & using a form of Bussard RamScoop drive augmentation... her crew being mainly scientists & engineers. Trying to figure out just how far & fast such a ship might have been able to achieve...

Something from Utopia might also be useful, perhaps in conjunction with, or inspired by the MEJ. I'll see what I can conjure up.

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