Elite: Lore

17 Jun 2020, 7:44pm
Story > Imagination > Lore
17 Jun 2020, 10:19pm
To Synthya

Ah a fellow imaginist and a bookworm too I'd vouch.

As Aleksander states, it's the middle bit that makes it happen.

I must have read The Dark Wheel 6 dozen times in the years I played Elite in the late 80s, those hours of station approach at standard speed because someone else was too close to use the jumpdrive (old fashioned frameshift I guess)
I read every snippet published in magazines of the time which were few and far between for the likes of nerdy swots like me.

I still don't know where Raxxla is

But I, yes ME made the story up as I went and I get you are trying not to bend the lore but it is kinda flexy to allow for the imaginative.

As a now grumpy old ape who learned Elite at the hands of his grandfather I am enthralled by the newest game and would dearly love to spend more time reading all the stories. Limited life time (and lifetime) means I get out in the voids and see it, as I imagined it was when it was a wireframe black and white game with beeps and bongs for sound.

I have enjoyed your posts previously so keep it up
18 Jun 2020, 12:52am
18 Jun 2020, 7:56am
The deeper I dive into it, the more frustrated I get about ED’s inconsistent lore. There are just so many contradictions. For example, faster-than-light communications and telepresence: these obviously exist in the game, but do they exist in the lore? When it comes to describing a manhunt between star systems, as I’m about to do, FTL comms are quite a big deal as they completely change the narrative landscape. Imagine smartphones in the wild west. Which path to take here?
18 Jun 2020, 9:20am
An issue, felt no doubt a lot.

Take Star Wars - by which I mean the 1977 Film and before Empire. (It changed my outlook on life as a child)

Very few novels and comic books to base any kind of Lore on as it were, only George knew for sure. But we made it up as we went for games of action figures.

Jump forward to just after Revenge of the  Sith

Thousands of published books, comics, graphic novels, trivia book etc. and of course games and game related novels, some where a little contradictory but mostly all followed a certain path and followed certain ideals etc. resulting in a continuous story line spanning thousands of  years.


Disney, in their infinite wisdom took 30 real years worth of what we considered Lore and threw it in the bin while releasing a NEW film about <DEEP BREATH> a droid stranded on a desert world holding vital information sought by a small group of  desperate heroes trying to defeat a super weapon ......... <record scratching noise as required> wait a second, that seems awful familiar.

I guess Lore is what you make it and no matter what, someone somewhere is going to disagree.

Anyway, I ramble on. Elite ~ I dug out my old books and will have a skim through when I get time.

With regard to your dilemma, how did Galcop ever know you were under attack, we never had 'alert to attack' beacons before (or did we but we just never got to turn them off) FTL travel & comms is tricky at best but so far as Lore goes, Anarchy systems - nobody is coming to rescue you no matter how fast your coms are. Could always use ED features like EMP type weapons to disrupt all comms on a ship.  If that's what your angle is.

Check me getting all creative in my old age
18 Jun 2020, 9:45am
From the Elite Encounters RPG core book:

"Communication frameworks are split into two categories: insystem (local) comms and interstellar comms. Planets, space stations and local spacecraft can be part of a  real­time communications link within the boundaries of a star  system. Some larger systems, or those with high­energy output  stars, use comms booster buoys to allow comms to be  maintained. Independent pilots can be employed for the sole  purpose of carrying communications data between systems.  Those who make their living doing this are called “data  couriers”. Interstellar communication allows the transmission of  audio data through hyperspace but at a much lower quality and  bandwidth than that provided by in­systems comms. Both local and FTL communications networks are heavily  encrypted by the providers, but individual users can install their  own encryption and security measures to their comms terminals  and personal comlinks."
18 Jun 2020, 10:11am
Yeah! What he said

The old and the new combine to make new adventures.

As a Ferengi once said " I gave those words to this Huumaan "
18 Jun 2020, 12:03pm
Isaiah Evanson"Interstellar communication allows the transmission of  audio data through hyperspace but at a much lower quality and  bandwidth than that provided by in­systems comms. Both local and FTL communications networks are heavily  encrypted by the providers, but individual users can install their  own encryption and security measures to their comms terminals  and personal comlinks."

That’s the kind of confirmation I was looking for. Thank you for taking the time to look it up! Much appreciated!
18 Jun 2020, 6:32pm
Another interesting topic on communication is if you do some spec ops/wetwork missions where you attack civilians. For the duration of the mission, authority response is prevented and no notoriety is given. This could be seen as even with some existence of FTL communications, their signals can be prevented or scrambled to avoid detection.
18 Jun 2020, 9:24pm
Isaiah Evanson"Interstellar communication allows the transmission of  audio data through hyperspace but at a much lower quality and  bandwidth than that provided by in­systems comms. Both local and FTL communications networks are heavily  encrypted by the providers, but individual users can install their  own encryption and security measures to their comms terminals  and personal comlinks."

That’s the kind of confirmation I was looking for. Thank you for taking the time to look it up! Much appreciated!

There also appears to be the need to run Courier missions... no cargo which can be lost or stolen so must be data of some sort.

Data which for some reason can't be encrypted & sent in any other way than via Couriers.

I suspect that it won't help with the inconsistencies or incongruencies...
18 Jun 2020, 10:36pm
I can think of a few reasons why you'd want data delivered in person instead of transmitted. Records of the transmission, the potential for interception, data that can't be easily transmitted without compromising the person making the transmission or receiving it, the sheer size of the files, the list goes on.
19 Jun 2020, 4:12am
Low bandwidth interstellar comms explain data courier missions perfectly. Like CD-ROM vs. 56K dial-up internet.
19 Jun 2020, 6:28pm
Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes hurtling down the highway.
–Andrew Tanenbaum, 1981
19 Jun 2020, 11:26pm
20 Jun 2020, 8:57am
There are also in-system missions delivering not only cargo, but data etc as well.

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