Elite: Lore

28 Feb 2021, 2:57pm
Vinh KruczekSmurfs?


No seriously, I think this entire chat belongs to Game talk or even Offtop but not Lore.  :D

I think we found one...
01 Mar 2021, 5:44pm
The Summit seems on the verge of collapse. The lack of common ground is imperiling all Galaxy! Damn politics!
01 Mar 2021, 6:22pm
Claudius AetiusThe Summit seems on the verge of collapse. The lack of common ground is imperiling all Galaxy! Damn politics!

Well, the Sirius Corporation is hosting. The Robotics division of Sirius Corporation were first up against the wall when the glorious revolution came in Hitchhikers.
It bodes.
01 Mar 2021, 6:28pm
Sirius Corporation be like:

But to be honest, I think everyone expected that would happen in any way. I don't get however why it was Denton Patreus and not Zemina Torval to be sent, as she seems to be more cool-headed individual in entire "Imperial Powerplay" family. Sending Denton Patreus is... he's an extremely prideful warrior, not politician able to admit his own equality or mistakes while doing any sort of negotiations.
01 Mar 2021, 6:36pm
Who cares? The devs made the player-made insult "Fedneck" part of the official lore! Let's celebrate!
01 Mar 2021, 9:08pm
Amata LireinWho cares? The devs made the player-made insult "Fedneck" part of the official lore! Let's celebrate!

This is a staggering bit of lore, as it confirms that rednecks are 1) still present in 3307, and 2) common enough that an Imperial can make that pun and expect people to know what he's talking about.
01 Mar 2021, 9:51pm
M. LehmanThis is a staggering bit of lore, as it confirms that rednecks are 1) still present in 3307, and 2) common enough that an Imperial can make that pun and expect people to know what he's talking about.

I would risk a statement that "redneck" would be overall state of mind term rather than something connected to any nationality or ethnicity. After all, part of our own culture perceives the ancients in wrongful ways, doing anachronisms and simplifying contexts (or even spreading severe historical inaccuracies like in case of Assassin's Creed: Odyssey in regard to Sparta and Athens). I don't think it would be any different in relation to 21st Century as seen by 34th Century people - as seen by existence of M. Gorbachev starport in Sol, despite the authoritarian attitudes of the individual in question.

Last edit: 01 Mar 2021, 9:58pm
02 Mar 2021, 5:44am
Claudius AetiusI've been killing a lot of mercenaries at and around Sirius System. Sirius Corporation is doing a poor job of security for the Summit. If Li Yong-Rui doesn't shake up his Corporation's defense system asap, I see trouble in the next days.

By the way, those pirates seems very well packed. Condas, Pythons, Krait MkII... only good ships -- and expensive too. Too much quality for ragtag pirates.

They're using a lot of engineered experimental weapons too. Something isn't right, never seen so many well equipped "pirates" in such large numbers before

All very true, and that must cover the armor as well. My acid rounds from my multi-cannon aren't doing a thing to the most of these pirates armor at all. Also I've noted that I'm burning through prismatic shields on these guys too. It's taking longer then normal on the python, anacondas, and krait MKII shields because of this.

Anyone else getting the feeling it's about to go bad really fast on Thursdays?
02 Mar 2021, 6:54pm
Pirates that aren't running the usual pirate gear, eh? Almost sounds like they're runnin' military grade stuff.

Told ya somethin' smelled funny.
02 Mar 2021, 7:00pm
Jubei HimuraPirates that aren't running the usual pirate gear, eh? Almost sounds like they're runnin' military grade stuff.

Told ya somethin' smelled funny.

Means that it's either the remains of the Jupiter Division, the NMLA and their mysterious Fedneck supporters, or both.
03 Mar 2021, 1:17am
What if find interesting around the Distress Calls is that majority of the pirate ships seem to be flying Sirius Corporation colors. But that could be just coincidence of RNG or basically some sort of bug FDev did not perceive. However, I'd like to think these would be rogue Sirius cells like back in case of Ram Tah.

These Pirate signals are also weird in all honesty. Some of the targets are so Engineered even CZ SpecOps are way less demanding. One Federal Corvette was so hard to kill due to constant spam of shield recharge in the end it left the signal area before its hull went 5%. Even the High Wake was weird, as I would swear those were not 15 seconds. This one however might be Frontier testing some options though in a clinically small area, instead of having a wonderful idea of releasing cousins of Cylons like THAT one time.

Oh, those were the dark times indeed.
03 Mar 2021, 10:31am
Vinh KruczekWhat if find interesting around the Distress Calls is that majority of the pirate ships seem to be flying Sirius Corporation colors. But that could be just coincidence of RNG or basically some sort of bug FDev did not perceive. However, I'd like to think these would be rogue Sirius cells like back in case of Ram Tah.

These Pirate signals are also weird in all honesty. Some of the targets are so Engineered even CZ SpecOps are way less demanding. One Federal Corvette was so hard to kill due to constant spam of shield recharge in the end it left the signal area before its hull went 5%. Even the High Wake was weird, as I would swear those were not 15 seconds. This one however might be Frontier testing some options though in a clinically small area, instead of having a wonderful idea of releasing cousins of Cylons like THAT one time.

Oh, those were the dark times indeed.

What advantage Sirius Corporation -- and by extension Li Yong-Rui -- would possibly get plotting the debacle of such important Summit in its own system? The situation is fishy, I agree, but I sense other dark powers are in place.
03 Mar 2021, 3:45pm
Sir Sprockett“The most significant of these treaties is the Cornelius-Lasky Convention, named after its two leading proponents. This requires the Alliance, Empire and Federation to share information on any large-scale threats to civilian populations, including environmental, medical and xenological crises.”

“There has been slow progress on other topics, such as military limitation and border control. Many independent ambassadors are demanding to prioritise debates on the Thargoid issue, and especially the defensive role played by Aegis.”

“Outside the chamber, First Minister Fairfax invited Princess Duval to a small ceremony to honour her late father. Fairfax formally apologised for Prince Harold’s death and condemned the terrorists responsible. Aisling Duval gracefully accepted this, but time will tell if it was an empty gesture or the first step toward Imperial-Marlinist rapprochement.”

i think that we are in for a XENO attack across the 3 main powers....
03 Mar 2021, 7:12pm
A full-scale XENO attack??? I hope it is not the case. That's would be a nightmare scenario.
03 Mar 2021, 8:53pm
Claudius AetiusA full-scale XENO attack??? I hope it is not the case. That's would be a nightmare scenario.

Even if Frontier suddenly had the courage to make the Thargoids an existential threat, the mass whining from the community would convince them to immediately pull back.

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