Elite: Lore

03 Apr 2020, 12:59pm
The use of a crown in the emblem for Zemina Torval also show that such a symbol isn't forgotten. It's completely plausible that hiarchy could be displayed by a few crowns:

1 empty
1 full
2 empty
1 full+1 empty
2 full
3 empty
1 full+2 empty
2 full+1 empty
3 full

As a very basic example.
03 Apr 2020, 2:00pm
A C EnderThe use of a crown in the emblem for Zemina Torval also show that such a symbol isn't forgotten. It's completely plausible that hiarchy could be displayed by a few crowns:

You mean similar to the proposition I made here?
03 Apr 2020, 2:20pm
Amata Lirein
A C EnderThe use of a crown in the emblem for Zemina Torval also show that such a symbol isn't forgotten. It's completely plausible that hiarchy could be displayed by a few crowns:

You mean similar to the proposition I made here?

Well, depends on what you mean. You used a crown, yes, but I think each rank is not that easily distinguished and there's opportunity to mistake one for another. For example the only difference between a prince and a squire is 4 small triangles on top of the line. If the rank is displayed on a uniform on the shoulder, these triangles would presumably be towards your back, meaning if someone watch you from the front, and especially is shorter, they may not be able to see your rank. Speaking as someone who were in the navy, if you suddenly encountered an officer in a doorway, you needed to say "good morning captain" etc in a split second. You don't have time to try and figure out their rank, it needs to be immediately obvious. I presume the Imperials will be atleast as caring for being shown the proper respect.

I think the lowest 5 ranks could be designated with a combination of 1-2 empty and full lines, this would leave crowns for lord and above.

Last edit: 03 Apr 2020, 2:30pm
08 Apr 2020, 11:59am
There is a question that has been on my mind for a while, and it is about Thargoids.

The question is: in lore terms, how is it possible that we know so little about them?

Ok, in real world the answer is simple: FDev told us nothing. But in the game, we fight them from many years. We have destroyed thousands of their ships, so how is it possible that we have never recovered a corpse, never studied their biology, never found at least the sector of their home world?

It reminds me a bit of the Quarians in Mass Effect: three games and no one knew about their look. But there, it was a sort of internal joke towards the players: it was assumed that, yes, in the game universe everyone knew about Quarians, they were just never shown to us.

But here the official lore says that they a complete mystery even to the characters, and this seems a bit difficult to believe. Thoughts?
08 Apr 2020, 12:46pm
That vexes me too. The lack of background and associated mission to learn more about them is probably for later updates to make Fdev more money but in the meantime, we're just left with :-

"Oh look at the death flower that is made or possibly grown by bug-people maybe"

It's hard to get into the lore when there is next to nothing in-game to support it. I would love to get involved with Xenobiologist style mission to further our knowledge of the Thargoids, instead all we get is BALST THEM AND RAID THEIR NESTS.

Ok, that's fun and I enjoy it, but I'd also enjoy the other side of that coin.
08 Apr 2020, 2:27pm
^I'd quote, post & agree with you both.^ I think I asked a similar question, back when I made my debut on Inara, & asked WHY in an entire galaxy, there were only 2 species currently active in E:D?

Not ONE other species, not Antagonists, not Protagonists, not even as a functional NPC species.

As I recall, I think it was re: Romulans & their cloaking technology in the StarTrek franchise that lit the fuse on that powder keg.

In my opinion, E:D desperately needs some fleshing-out of its lore, rather than it being a lonely grind, or a pew-pew haven for pirates & gankers.

Perhaps the E:D Devs would consider being open to suggestions?

Just my 2 credits.
08 Apr 2020, 2:29pm
My take is that because we chose to engage in a hostile relationship with them, they will kill is on sight, preventing anyone from discovery of their origin. The fact that they can also interdict you during a hyperspace jump suggest that they may have another understanding of reality than us, or even come from another reality. There's also the fact that we effectively only jump from one system to the next: we never travel the void between. Where are we hyperdicted? In the void between. The void is massively larger than any system.

There's plenty possibilities why mankind know nothing of them.
08 Apr 2020, 2:32pm
Synthya Wylder^I'd quote, post & agree with you both.^ I think I asked a similar question, back when I made my debut on Inara, & asked WHY in an entire galaxy, there were only 2 species currently active in E:D?

Not ONE other species, not Antagonists, not Protagonists, not even as a functional NPC species.

As I recall, I think it was re: Romulans & their cloaking technology in the StarTrek franchise that lit the fuse on that powder keg.

In my opinion, E:D desperately needs some fleshing-out of its lore, rather than it being a lonely grind, or a pew-pew haven for pirates & gankers.

Perhaps the E:D Devs would consider being open to suggestions?

Just my 2 credits.

Well, thank the Imperials for that, destroying the other living sentient race...
08 Apr 2020, 2:36pm
I prefer to keep Thargoids as the mysterious race we know little to no about. I still hate on Mass Effect 3 for Reapers turning out to be cliche "Rogue AI" instead of what Drew Karpyshyn suggested: an ancient race of machines that are preventing civilizations from overusing "mass effect" what would hamper creation of new stars due to abdundant amount of dark energy - which is side effect of Eezo usage.
08 Apr 2020, 2:44pm
Regardless, I think my question & point remains valid & pertinent.
08 Apr 2020, 2:45pm
Well, I guess that's why it is so important to make the pilgramage to Jameson's crashsite.
08 Apr 2020, 3:08pm
A C EnderMy take is that because we chose to engage in a hostile relationship with them, they will kill is on sight, preventing anyone from discovery of their origin. The fact that they can also interdict you during a hyperspace jump suggest that they may have another understanding of reality than us, or even come from another reality. There's also the fact that we effectively only jump from one system to the next: we never travel the void between. Where are we hyperdicted? In the void between. The void is massively larger than any system.

There's plenty possibilities why mankind know nothing of them.

It has been suggested that they "live in the hyperspace" or that "they are not of this galaxy", and this could be a valid explanation of why we have not yet discovered their main planet.

But when they attack our ships, they are here, and when we destroy theirs, they leave a lot of wreckages. Not a single body has been recovered? Not even a finger? A Thargoid battlefield should be the heaven of each xenobiologist in the galaxy, yet nothing is known about them. I find it a bit irrealistic.

The moral of the story? FDev, fleet carriers are fine, but now please give us also a bit of lore!
08 Apr 2020, 3:47pm
^ +1! ^
08 Apr 2020, 3:55pm
I'd love to see Community Goals come back as well, as it was wonderful to see player choices influencing the ongoing lore of the galaxy.
08 Apr 2020, 4:24pm
Lore is where it's at for me. I typed up a load of text about player science ships and missions from a research station for players that had equipped a science vessel while I was out exploring. Didn't publish it in my logs as it just turned into a wish list. Shame I didn't keep it.

When I got ED I was hoping to relive my childhood on Elite+ gettin traped in witch space and fighting off Thargoid ships and scooping the very valuable Thargons they left behind. Instead, Thargoids were even in the game and no one had heard of them....

After 3 games I played to death, one of them centered around the Thargoids, I expected a lot more about them.
Still waiting.

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