Elite: Lore

17 Oct 2020, 6:32pm
Welllll... as I just remembered a certain scene from Star Trek Beyond...

...and since E:D is playing quite a bit into the future as well, even further then most Trek series (with exception of the latest season of Discovery), I would like to do a somewhat different discussion that not only is regarding E:D's lore but in some way your personal tastes as well:

Which piece of music do you think would be considered "classic music" by 3306 and where do you think would it be most popular: Inside the Federation, the Empire, the Alliance or independent systems?
17 Oct 2020, 7:03pm
Amata LireinWhich piece of music do you think would be considered "classic music" by 3306 and where do you think would it be most popular: Inside the Federation, the Empire, the Alliance or independent systems?

Popular inside the Empire, obviously:

17 Oct 2020, 7:12pm
There was a ... Well I was gonna say talk about what would survive from our time to Elites setting, but if it's not considered highbrow enough by the lord culture babies, you are WRONG.

Rule of thumb, if it's really really popular, there's a chance it will make it. ... But not if it's South Park-esk. That's too silly.
17 Oct 2020, 7:24pm
No doubt this will be popular among followers of the blue-haired princess:

17 Oct 2020, 7:31pm
I personally prefer Bayonetta's version of that song:

17 Oct 2020, 7:45pm
This will play in the background every time you buy something at a 15% discount. Featuring Li Yong-Rui himself.

17 Oct 2020, 7:56pm
Now where have I seen those dancers' costumes before? Oh yeah, I remember:

Aaaaanyway, before we start derailing anymore, I think this one would suit the Feds quite well:

18 Oct 2020, 5:41pm
A bit off the current topic, but I read earlier on this forum that there is no artificial gravity in elite dangerous. If that's true how come my hair doesn't float around inside the cockpit?
18 Oct 2020, 5:52pm
Today is a Public Holiday in the Empire.
Happy Ascension Day!
19 Oct 2020, 8:49pm
Amata LireinWhich piece of music do you think would be considered "classic music" by 3306 and where do you think would it be most popular: Inside the Federation, the Empire, the Alliance or independent systems?

Popular inside the Empire, obviously:



If we're going to associate a piece of classical music with the Empire, then it's the 4th movement from "From the New World" by Dvořák:

19 Oct 2020, 10:43pm

Imperial slaves lol
20 Oct 2020, 12:07am
Hmm... now that was unexpected...

Out of boredom I decided to pay all the generation ships a visit (thank you Canonn for that nice list you have on where they are) and listen to their logs.

I just finished with the Atlas.

Its logs point out that once we are able to land on earthlikes we might discover a rather interesting surprise somewhere between Sol and Charick Drift.

Just listen to those logs yourselves: Logs of the Atlas, title: "No Brakes"
20 Oct 2020, 3:56pm
Amata LireinHmm... now that was unexpected...

Out of boredom I decided to pay all the generation ships a visit (thank you Canonn for that nice list you have on where they are) and listen to their logs.

I just finished with the Atlas.


Its logs point out that once we are able to land on earthlikes we might discover a rather interesting surprise somewhere between Sol and Charick Drift.

Just listen to those logs yourselves: Logs of the Atlas, title: "No Brakes"

A poignant story. Call me an incurably plausible & engineer-minded type, but I can't help but wonder, if it had been me on board, I'd have to wonder & ask, if that ship could steer to alter course, it should have been able to shut down the main drives, spin around (albeit slowly) so they were aimed in the opposite direction & then fired up again.

Surely, not without the fine control need to, say, maneuver into orbit successfully, but...

Then, the story wouldn't be poignant. As the saying goes, 'One cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs.'

Unless, maybe, one were to use powdered eggs? Hey, do powdered eggs come from powdered chickens?
20 Oct 2020, 4:41pm
Perhaps the main engines were dead? Only thusters left for minor course correction makes sense to me.
21 Oct 2020, 11:28am
Well then, I payed those 6 megaships with the Marlinist refugees a visit to see what they are all about. They are:

Liberty's Horizon at Charunder A1

A ship with a name like that I would associate more with the Federation, not the Empire.

Wings of Peace at Ennead B1a

This ship's name would raise red flags to me no matter if it's Federal, Imperial, Alliance or independant...

Hope's Sanctuary at HIP 36081 3

Somehow I doubt that this ship was originally named this way.

Freedom's Chance at LTT 1935 6a

This name I would associate more with an independent system then an Imperial one.

Spirit Of Solidarity at LTT 3607 A6 and Future Dreams at Thetis C

Those are the only two I would consider legit names for freighters that have been repurposed as refugee vessels on a short notice.

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