Elite: Lore

09 Jan 2021, 2:37am
I started doing research about this game after i downloaded it.... I had no idea not only how in depth it is..... But the history and lore sucked me in even more i was kinda suprised ive never heard of this game nor playex it before, is this chat fairly active ?
09 Jan 2021, 2:53am
UptownmedalI started doing research about this game after i downloaded it.... I had no idea not only how in depth it is..... But the history and lore sucked me in even more i was kinda suprised ive never heard of this game nor playex it before, is this chat fairly active ?

dude...this is inara...if you are in elite this is the one tool you have to have.
09 Jan 2021, 3:07am
UptownmedalI started doing research about this game after i downloaded it.... I had no idea not only how in depth it is..... But the history and lore sucked me in even more i was kinda suprised ive never heard of this game nor playex it before, is this chat fairly active ?

dude...this is inara...if you are in elite this is the one tool you have to have.

let me tell you the life of an elite veteran...i used to be an irregular gamer my whole life...consoles first, then pc... after failing airborne school in the military( wanted to be an astronaut) i went back home being retired for 4 years.. i had 1 monitor one mediocre pc a keyboard and a mouse...Then scrolling around the internet i hear about this remake of the original 1984 elite. story short....six years later i have 2 accounts, 1 running on keyboard and mouse making me credits constantly...and a main doing exploration photography and sometimes mining too. 2 pc's, VPN...the whole shennanigans...next up is the chair. and when they finally make VR smooth enough for me to go there...thats the next step. so you see this is a blessing and a curse..it is the most detailed game ever made, for example, if you know a little bit of astronomy you can easily recognize the orion constellation in real life corrrect? well in this game, when you gain access to sol if you choose to, go around earth orbit, get at about subtropical to equatorial latitude and look towards orion nebula.. the stars that you see on your screen will line up perfectly and you will see in the game the orion constellation. It is a 1:1 up to date with scientific data representation of the milky way. This game,its greatest feat after 6 years still remains THE MAP, and its EXTREME attention to detail.
09 Jan 2021, 5:18pm
UptownmedalI started doing research about this game after i downloaded it.... I had no idea not only how in depth it is..... But the history and lore sucked me in even more i was kinda suprised ive never heard of this game nor playex it before, is this chat fairly active ?

dude...this is inara...if you are in elite this is the one tool you have to have.

let me tell you the life of an elite veteran...i used to be an irregular gamer my whole life...consoles first, then pc... after failing airborne school in the military( wanted to be an astronaut) i went back home being retired for 4 years.. i had 1 monitor one mediocre pc a keyboard and a mouse...Then scrolling around the internet i hear about this remake of the original 1984 elite. story short....six years later i have 2 accounts, 1 running on keyboard and mouse making me credits constantly...and a main doing exploration photography and sometimes mining too. 2 pc's, VPN...the whole shennanigans...next up is the chair. and when they finally make VR smooth enough for me to go there...thats the next step. so you see this is a blessing and a curse..it is the most detailed game ever made, for example, if you know a little bit of astronomy you can easily recognize the orion constellation in real life corrrect? well in this game, when you gain access to sol if you choose to, go around earth orbit, get at about subtropical to equatorial latitude and look towards orion nebula.. the stars that you see on your screen will line up perfectly and you will see in the game the orion constellation. It is a 1:1 up to date with scientific data representation of the milky way. This game,its greatest feat after 6 years still remains THE MAP, and its EXTREME attention to detail.

So you're running a bot... on a secondary account... for the sole purpose of harvesting credits?


Last edit: 09 Jan 2021, 6:06pm
09 Jan 2021, 7:24pm
Hello, two lore questions. Sorry if they've already been discussed, I haven't found how to search.

1) What's the 34th century equivalent of a PDA or a smart-phone? Something to manage your bank account, communication, digital/encrypted signatures, etc? I decided on a "handbrain" terminology as a hommage to Howard Tayler's Schlock Mercenary, but if there's already a lore-entrenched device, I can edit that.

2) Is artificial gravity really a no-no? I've read frontier statements that people in outposts are using magnetic boots. But I've been needing some gravity in an outpost for my story, so I reasoned that as FSD must include some gravitational / inertia protection effects, there could be some FSD-derived machinery to supply some gravity, even if impractical and reserved to a "luxury" part of the outpost. Just needed to have my characters sitting in a bar drinking expensive alcohol in a glass, not through a straw, plus I wanted a jacuzzi! But if it's really a no-no, I can retcon that to happen in proper station (won't totally match my flight log, but it's not a big problem), or retcon the jacuzzi with a hammam-style vapor bath or a sauna.

What do you think?
09 Jan 2021, 7:33pm
AkiyaHello, two lore questions. Sorry if they've already been discussed, I haven't found how to search.

1) What's the 34th century equivalent of a PDA or a smart-phone? Something to manage your bank account, communication, digital/encrypted signatures, etc? I decided on a "handbrain" terminology as a hommage to Howard Tayler's Schlock Mercenary, but if there's already a lore-entrenched device, I can edit that.

2) Is artificial gravity really a no-no? I've read frontier statements that people in outposts are using magnetic boots. But I've been needing some gravity in an outpost for my story, so I reasoned that as FSD must include some gravitational / inertia protection effects, there could be some FSD-derived machinery to supply some gravity, even if impractical and reserved to a "luxury" part of the outpost. Just needed to have my characters sitting in a bar drinking expensive alcohol in a glass, not through a straw, plus I wanted a jacuzzi! But if it's really a no-no, I can retcon that to happen in proper station (won't totally match my flight log, but it's not a big problem), or retcon the jacuzzi with a hammam-style vapor bath or a sauna.

What do you think?

I'm no expert, but with regard to gravity, if it isn't rotating, I guess it's mag boots. As for the digi-tech stuff, I imagine we have tablets and holo panels etc and smart watch type devices etc.

Perhaps the lore gurus will correct me. I like to imagine the elite world of tech to be much akin to the Expanse. Happy to be guided though if I get out of lore too far in my ramblings.
09 Jan 2021, 10:08pm
I know that there is a trade commodity that is personal data terms/devices, but it seems like we pilots just have the standardized COVAS UI in our ships for bank account management and other personal items. But outposts, to generate gravity, would either have to be rotating (which they don't and it wouldn't really even work with their shape) or constantly accelerating in one constant direction to match 1g, that is assuming all of the floors in an outpost remain parallel to each other. But I don't think they leave their given positions at all in game, so drinks and jacuzzies don't seem likely either. Not at all that knowledgeable in physics or in-game lore, but I think the FSD and super cruise still decelerate you and your ship as opposed to Star Wars-splatting you to your dashboard and canopy, though dropping in front of stars as suddenly as we do still seems like very "inertial dampener"-esque bullshit, so I mean, maybe your drinks could come in actual shotglasses as opposed to adult CapriSuns. Sorry if this didn't answer a single thing, I'm just about as dumb as any average high schooler, so please take what I say with a *handful* of salt.

AkiyaHello, two lore questions. Sorry if they've already been discussed, I haven't found how to search.

1) What's the 34th century equivalent of a PDA or a smart-phone? Something to manage your bank account, communication, digital/encrypted signatures, etc? I decided on a "handbrain" terminology as a hommage to Howard Tayler's Schlock Mercenary, but if there's already a lore-entrenched device, I can edit that.

2) Is artificial gravity really a no-no? I've read frontier statements that people in outposts are using magnetic boots. But I've been needing some gravity in an outpost for my story, so I reasoned that as FSD must include some gravitational / inertia protection effects, there could be some FSD-derived machinery to supply some gravity, even if impractical and reserved to a "luxury" part of the outpost. Just needed to have my characters sitting in a bar drinking expensive alcohol in a glass, not through a straw, plus I wanted a jacuzzi! But if it's really a no-no, I can retcon that to happen in proper station (won't totally match my flight log, but it's not a big problem), or retcon the jacuzzi with a hammam-style vapor bath or a sauna.

What do you think?
09 Jan 2021, 10:15pm
Far be it from me to claim any sort of "Lore-Guru" status, but...

Afaik, Outposts tended to be rather spartan & minimalistic, geared more to basic functionality. Maybe, think 'frontier border settlement'-like?

So, no gravity on outposts, & what 'gravity' there is, is found only in 3 places: on some sort of body like a planet or moon, a station (which rotates thus providing centrifugal force) & a ship either in constant acceleration (inertia) or in a circular loop course (centrifugal force).

I can imagine that bars in an outpost might have magnetic seats or bungee straps, & drinks served in covered cups, or squeezable containers (imagine the sport of catching a floating globule in your mouth or shooting it over to a mate)...

Jacuzzis or hot tubs might be found in limited/select luxury suites in a miniature spinning drum of some sort... but being spartan, might not even be available?

Datapads... maybe, like a very advanced version of a smartphone might be today? E:D universe is >1K years into the future, minus perhaps whatever tech might have been lost either during the global war prior to the beginning of the mass exodus, or added to by the needs of the relatively advanced tech & time period.

Don't take my word on things tho... there are far better informed "Lore-Meisters" here than I.
09 Jan 2021, 10:30pm
AkiyaHello, two lore questions. Sorry if they've already been discussed, I haven't found how to search.

1) What's the 34th century equivalent of a PDA or a smart-phone? Something to manage your bank account, communication, digital/encrypted signatures, etc? I decided on a "handbrain" terminology as a hommage to Howard Tayler's Schlock Mercenary, but if there's already a lore-entrenched device, I can edit that.

The Elite novels refer to a "dataslate"— what we would recognize as a tablet. It can be used for just about anything.

Akiya 2) Is artificial gravity really a no-no? I've read frontier statements that people in outposts are using magnetic boots. But I've been needing some gravity in an outpost for my story, so I reasoned that as FSD must include some gravitational / inertia protection effects, there could be some FSD-derived machinery to supply some gravity, even if impractical and reserved to a "luxury" part of the outpost. Just needed to have my characters sitting in a bar drinking expensive alcohol in a glass, not through a straw, plus I wanted a jacuzzi! But if it's really a no-no, I can retcon that to happen in proper station (won't totally match my flight log, but it's not a big problem), or retcon the jacuzzi with a hammam-style vapor bath or a sauna.

What do you think?

Yes to magnetic boots in place of artificial gravity— at least, Star Trek/Wars-style artificial gravity. Rotating stations, station rings, and Majestic-class Imperial capital ships can be reasonably said to possess artificial gravity. So can megaships with the rotating ring. For even more accuracy, you can write in that the gravity closer to the core or the surface of a rotating station is a bit wonky.

Planetary gravity would simply depend on the planet.

Hope this helps!
09 Jan 2021, 10:51pm
It does help, thanks!
Will edit my last logs to put them in the station instead of the adjacent outpost.

(for the handbrain think, the way HT draws it match your description of a dataslate I think, so I have to decide if I edit too, or if I decide it's Godel Vista slave jargon for the dataslate to keep the shoutout in)
10 Jan 2021, 6:23am
I wonder how rich folks on the top of the galaxy in Rackham’s Peak are doing their parties. It's not proper space port, just outpost. So no gravity. Evening dresses, gravity boots and booze through a straw?
10 Jan 2021, 10:15am
Or naked.

Zero Gee does wonderful things for the 'jiggle'.
10 Jan 2021, 10:38am
Tengri UmaiI wonder how rich folks on the top of the galaxy in Rackham’s Peak are doing their parties. It's not proper space port, just outpost. So no gravity. Evening dresses, gravity boots and booze through a straw?

Good timing!

I've been giving that a lot of thought as I imagined what sort of acts Creamy would book for a 2-weeks worth of variety shows onboard a luxury passenger carrier. Without the rotating rings of the dedicated mega-liners, the acts would have to be low to zero-gee tailored. There would be parts of the voyage where the ship would stop at a pre-determined cosmic wonder and spin to add some centrifugal force while the passengers enjoy the view and the sit-down dinner and dance would be more familiar, but I( concentrated quite a lot on the low grav aspect.

I'll be typing about it after Creamy has found his co-host.
10 Jan 2021, 11:46am
Tengri UmaiI wonder how rich folks on the top of the galaxy in Rackham’s Peak are doing their parties. It's not proper space port, just outpost. So no gravity. Evening dresses, gravity boots and booze through a straw?

I think it would have an effect on fashion, too.
In zero-g, some kind of dresses would easily end around you head without some strategically placed straps. On the other hands things designed to look like they're floating would really float! I think we'd see more things closer to the legs, with floating parts just for effect, maybe inspired by 21st century chinese or vietnamese dresses.

(Now that you made me think about it, I want to dress Akiya in an ao dai!)
10 Jan 2021, 12:10pm
Synthya WylderOr naked.

Zero Gee does wonderful things for the 'jiggle'.

I guess they wouldn't be pointed at the floor anymore.

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