Elite: Lore

09 Feb 2021, 1:00pm
I suspect that Frontier Development wanted to back off from in-game situation as it get crossed with real-life events about involvement of a president of a real superpower, after which Federation is heavily based on.
09 Feb 2021, 2:46pm
Galnet, 3307/2/9

Using the new self-appointed title of Supreme Executive Rochester, he broadcast this statement across all Federal media channels:

"Supreme Executive"...

And then the Fednecks say that us Imperials are the ones fond of perposterous titles

“For many years, I helped Core Dynamics become one of the galaxy’s strongest companies, but petty laws and bureaucracy restricted me at every turn. I have always felt that people should not be ruled by politicians, but by those holding true economic power – the corporations.”

Yes, because the current level of corporate rule inside the Federation is working sooo well for the ordinary citizens *looks at the poverty-ridden slums you can find in every Fedneck starport and settlement*

Total corporate control will surely fix that...

“It will be a long time before I can act on my commercial plans, but I will prove that corporate rule is the most beneficial system of governance for the Federation.”

Jupiter Rochester is the eldest son of Shadow Vice President Isolde Rochester, and a key member of the influential Rochester family. As yet there have been no public statements from his mother or siblings.

Maybe the Empire should, as a precautionary matter, declare the Fedneck Ambassador and Jupiter's brother Jordan Rochester a persona non grata and kick him out?

OOC - Out of character:

Will be interesting to see how the rest of the Rochester clan will a) react to this and b) will be reacted with...

Isolde Rochester - Federal Congresswoman

The current matriarch of the Rochester family, and mother of five. Influential member of the Liberal Party and staunch supporter of Shadow President Felicia Winters.

No direct connection visible to her eldest son, and as a supporter of Winters I guess she should get out of it rather unharmed if she condemns his actions.

Jordan Rochester - Federal Ambassador to the Empire

Middle son of Isolde. Stationed on Emerald in the Cemiess system. His personal ship is the Farragut Battle Cruiser FNS Pioneer. Formerly engaged to Princess Aisling Duval of the Imperial Family.

If Aisling vows for him (they were engaged at some time after all, so she should know him well enough) it might safe his behind, otherwise the Empire might not risk having a wild card like him around and kick him out.

Juno Rochester - Vice Admiral in the Federal Navy

Eldest daughter of Isolde. Commanding officer of the Farragut Battle Cruiser FNS Pioneer.

Since she is the Pioneer's CO I guess she's in Imperial space as well? Might be kicked out or asked to leave by her brother (and mother) to ease tensions with the Empire. Potentially a candidate to replace Fleet Admiral Vincent in return?

Jocasta Rochester - Post Captain in the Federal Navy

Youngest daughter of Isolde.

Nothing else known about her so far. Will be interesting to see how her brother's actions will affect her career.

Jonah Rochester

Youngest son of Isolde. Regarded as the black sheep of the family.

Oh, his star is going to rise after the stunt his eldest brother just pulled.

Kalen Rochester

Son of Jupiter Rochester and actor Tomas Turai.

Yes, you read that right. Actor, not actress, Tomas Turai. Wonder how that worked? Foster mother? Test tube? Adopted? (And no, I'm not against LGBTQ+, I just want to know how they worked around a certain biological "restriction"). Together with his sister...

Kali Rochester - Olympus Village University student

Daughter of Jupiter Rochester and Tomas Turai.

...the two of them will most likely suffer most if they stay inside the Federation now that their father basically admitted being a traitor.

(All infos taken from the wiki)

Last edit: 09 Feb 2021, 3:37pm
09 Feb 2021, 3:32pm
OOC: I always thought they had artificial wombs in the 34th century (the biotech to create an egg from any gametes seemed a given, because the Empire has cloning tech or something like that?)
09 Feb 2021, 11:34pm
There's no evidence that doesn't exist. However, I'd say that's more for the people that want a designer baby. Probably more for the upper crust of the societies.
10 Feb 2021, 7:32am
Technology may exist, but the question is: is it legal, and widespread?
10 Feb 2021, 5:29pm
Does anyone know the story behind this ship, the INV Law Of Achenar?

(picture is also a link to its larger version, just click on it)

According to the wiki it was last seen in the Kamitra system on 11 Jan 3304...
11 Feb 2021, 2:35am
looks like a fed capital ship to me
11 Feb 2021, 2:42am
That is a Fed Capital Ship. The lasers on Imperial cap ships are blue and not on the starboard/port sides of the ship.
11 Feb 2021, 4:05am
INV stands for Imperial Navy Vessel. It was captured by Empire, but I didn't find any information on how and when. You can find several other Farragut class capital ships that were captured. For example Vangard is a pirate vessel now, lol.
11 Feb 2021, 6:41am
Tengri UmaiINV stands for Imperial Navy Vessel. It was captured by Empire, but I didn't find any information on how and when. You can find several other Farragut class capital ships that were captured. For example Vangard is a pirate vessel now, lol.

Darned Imperial thieves.
16 Feb 2021, 3:49pm
Chase Quinnell
Tengri UmaiINV stands for Imperial Navy Vessel. It was captured by Empire, but I didn't find any information on how and when. You can find several other Farragut class capital ships that were captured. For example Vangard is a pirate vessel now, lol.

Darned Imperial thieves.

First they steal human liberty, then they steal human liberty, and NOW? THEY TOOK OUR JOBS!
-Some Federal citizen somewhere.
22 Feb 2021, 9:26pm
Claudius AetiusC'mon! Zac Hud was involved in the former President's assassination attempt! And now he's off the hook? No way. That guy is as guilty as sin.

Just look at him.
22 Feb 2021, 9:58pm
Claudius AetiusC'mon! Zac Hud was involved in the former President's assassination attempt! And now he's off the hook? No way. That guy is as guilty as sin.

"Bernie, calm down, I'm sure he..."
"Don't 'Bernie' me! You can see it on his smug little face! He's guilty!"-"You're letting him GO!? This little rat is guilty! GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY GUIL-"
22 Feb 2021, 10:58pm
Regarding today's GALNET-Article:

I feel really sorry for Jupiter's two kids. The two of them will never lose the stigma of being the offspring of a literal traitor, and to make things even worse it seems like their other father, actor Tomas Turai, is disowning them. I really hope that this will backfire badly for him on the Fedneck's version of social media. Pushing your kids away just because your former spouse turned out to be a traitor? THAT should be a massive scandal and disqualify him from getting casted for any more movies.
23 Feb 2021, 9:35am
Amata Lirein[quote=Galnet, 3307/2/9]

If Aisling vows for him (they were engaged at some time after all, so she should know him well enough) it might safe his behind, otherwise the Empire might not risk having a wild card like him around and kick him out.

They didn't exactly end things on the best terms. The Chad Imperial Princess vs the Cuckold Fed Ambassador and all that jazz.

There's more precedent for Fedneck political figures seeking asylum/defecting to/ending up living with the Alliance than Empire, anyway.

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