Elite: Lore

20 Jun 2020, 5:20pm
John BootsThere are also in-system missions delivering not only cargo, but data etc as well.

Though data in system can be delivered through laser etc, at reasonable distance you probably couldn't hit more precisely than single stations, which make bandwidth a potential problem even in-system. Having a pilot deliver a data package of GPB (I don't know the SI prefix for that) does seem faster than trying to beam it.
21 Jun 2020, 1:35am
Very valid point

Consider Earth and Mars, for several months one is on the far side of the sun (as are all at some point in our year of course)

Without mirrors/encoders/RX&TX etc, placed at specific Lagrange points it could be quicker to fly it round the sun. Also recounting the shear size of something that could be targeted to accomplish such a job.

Stars may cause considerable disruption to line of sight communications of any sort - sub or faster than light.
21 Jun 2020, 10:25pm
From what I know, in ED all communication seems to be based on quantum particles, but exact explanation isn't just there. If anything, I'd guess that Frame-Shift Drive provided some kind of solution and the fact courier data missions are still a thing, they could be caused by a lot of reasons: starting from confidentiality to old-fashioned messenger. The latter is suggested by some Dictatorship data couriering missions that seem to be "we succeded at this and that, so our messenger rubs it into your face".
07 Jul 2020, 12:05am
Quite a few plausible reasons for data couriering...
1. FTL vs Light speed transmissions
2. Data privacy, against transmission interceptions, against broadcasting
3. Dissipation/weakening of signal strength over distance

Last edit: 07 Jul 2020, 12:11am
19 Jul 2020, 9:22pm
Now a little question that falls both into gameplay mechanic and in-game lore:

What happens to Powerplay in 3307/2021? Do you think that is FD going to introduce a second Alliance Power or just replace name of the power, since Edmund Mahon ceases to be Alliance Prime Minister along with his cadency ending?
20 Jul 2020, 5:02pm
Nkizo BaxterNow a little question that falls both into gameplay mechanic and in-game lore:

What happens to Powerplay in 3307/2021? Do you think that is FD going to introduce a second Alliance Power or just replace name of the power, since Edmund Mahon ceases to be Alliance Prime Minister along with his cadency ending?

I would be blown away if Frontier even acknowledged PP's existence.
21 Jul 2020, 7:22am
Power what now?
30 Jul 2020, 1:41am
I just want to be able to build ships, from ore, to mineral refinement to part making to ship building. I want something other than mindlessly selling to the simulation to make credits. I want a sustainable not boring way to pit groups against each other. I want harder to find resources, not easier. Anyone with a squadron of 1000 people should be able to build their own faction and earn the right to begin construction of a station and a home system and a bid at the power play. I believe the time is more than tremendously ripe for space legs and atmospheric entries.. I want alarms blaring as I dump heat sinks entering a planet with atmosphere too thick while going too fast. Enveloped in fire I want to fly amongst habitable planets and land in specialized zones where I can trade make connections with players , exchange knowledge. I want a lot more things to find in that codex. I believe these are common playerbase whims and expectations for the game they love most. I also trust and believe Fdev will deliver each and every one of the things above mentioned and more. We do need to support and keep them up and running, which may mean the ocasional 5$ purchase of arx, and the expansion when it comes. It’s a way of ensuring they stay putting out the content. I will be playing elite way into the 3350’s so we have time.
01 Aug 2020, 3:25pm
I feel like the community could use a new NPC "enemy" in game. My idea is something like those iRobot looking things promoted by Achilles outside the stations taking over planetary outposts and/or stations once this Odyysey expansion drops. Could give some life to ED.
01 Aug 2020, 10:05pm
You mean, a "Bad Robot"-type Achilles? One where the "Three Laws of Robotics" chip shorted out?
04 Aug 2020, 2:56pm
Maybe an extra , SELF AWARENESS CHIP?
04 Aug 2020, 7:56pm
CephyMaybe an extra , SELF AWARENESS CHIP?

I suppose, it would either have to be some kind of (found/unfound?) relic, or something bootlegged or jury-rigged? Wasn't all that sort of thing outlawed & (supposedly) destroyed, 1 way or another some time ago?
05 Aug 2020, 8:52am
CephyMaybe an extra , SELF AWARENESS CHIP?

If only it were that easy, lmao.
11 Aug 2020, 5:28pm
Awareness is not self, a simple robot can be aware, but to make it see itself a a self conscious being existing beyond its circuits and parts? That’s the tricky part.

Abstract thought is also not self, that is simple the product of extrapolation of memories. Combined to create something that seems original ...for ai to become aware of self it’s going to take quantum leaps in physics.
14 Aug 2020, 1:08pm
BORDERxP4TROLI feel like the community could use a new NPC "enemy" in game. My idea is something like those iRobot looking things promoted by Achilles outside the stations taking over planetary outposts and/or stations once this Odyysey expansion drops. Could give some life to ED.

Howabout a galactic group of virus carrying "flat diskers" spreading a pandemic because they think it will build galactic immunity. We could start a new powerplay with their leader being a giant orange oomploompa with three ambitious children.

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