Elite: Lore

11 Nov 2020, 2:53am
SakashiroGutamaya produces rifles, too?

Indeed. Gotta look sexy while killin'.
11 Nov 2020, 4:51am
Jubei Himura
SakashiroGutamaya produces rifles, too?

Indeed. Gotta look sexy while killin'.

Still a filthy imp through and through, Jubs.
11 Nov 2020, 10:25am
WulthusWhy do federal weps look like something an occupying, evil space force would wield?  Bare metal, with menancing glow. Hell, just look at the Combine-made AR2 from the Half Life series.

When you think about it, no Superpower in Elite is truly "the good guys". If you look from the Imperial point of view, it's the Federation that doesn't have social safety net and a lot of people live in poverty. For Federation, Empire is evil because of the form of the government which limits certain liberties. Depending on how you look at it, even Alliance is bad guys, because they don't intervene into Communist governments that defy individualism - the basis of liberty and freedom Alliance vows for.

Last edit: 11 Nov 2020, 11:59am
11 Nov 2020, 7:13pm
Vinh Kruczek
WulthusWhy do federal weps look like something an occupying, evil space force would wield?  Bare metal, with menancing glow. Hell, just look at the Combine-made AR2 from the Half Life series.

When you think about it, no Superpower in Elite is truly "the good guys". If you look from the Imperial point of view, it's the Federation that doesn't have social safety net and a lot of people live in poverty. For Federation, Empire is evil because of the form of the government which limits certain liberties. Depending on how you look at it, even Alliance is bad guys, because they don't intervene into Communist governments that defy individualism - the basis of liberty and freedom Alliance vows for.

I agree with this. Although I'm not pledged to him, (trying to make it clear that this isn't some devout Grom-follower talk) Yuri Grom actually has a fair standpoint: We shouldn't interfere with the Empire's social standards. They have slavery, yes, but it's a legal and consensual process should you choose to become as such. And imperial slaves can earn their freedom and independence all the same. Just because it's morally wrong doesn't mean it doesn't work well and resonate with everyone. And the Federation tries so hard to assert political and militaristic dominance that they kinda just forgot about the people they're supposed to be serving; enter the major corporations. The Alliance opts to stay out of major conflicts if they don't benefit them or their people. From every angle you look at it, somebody's a good guy and everybody else is, well, not. (I may have some facts and viewpoints screwed up or just outright wrong. Please feel free to correct me!)
12 Nov 2020, 5:36am
Rebecca Hail Still a filthy imp through and through, Jubs.

Yeah, but I can still say that Imperial Ships have functional flaws. Especially Hard-point placement and convergence. I've always bitched about that.
12 Nov 2020, 7:17am
It's all about the looks.
13 Nov 2020, 11:12am
Having experienced much of what a real life Federation has to offer, I had gravitated recently to the Empire in recent times. Freedom without direction leads to nothing.
13 Nov 2020, 11:17am
Lakshmi BaiHaving experienced much of what a real life Federation has to offer, I had gravitated recently to the Empire in recent times. Freedom without direction leads to nothing.

To paraphrase a meme: Come to the enlightened side... we have style (in both our ships AND our fashion )!
13 Nov 2020, 3:14pm
Some of us have honour. The real kind.

In my head-canon there is a distinction between aristicat 'honour' and real honour. The people of the Shinigami system place a hell of a lot more emphisis on the latter.
13 Nov 2020, 3:39pm
Jubei HimuraSome of us have honour. The real kind.

In my head-canon there is a distinction between aristicat 'honour' and real honour. The people of the Shinigami system place a hell of a lot more emphisis on the latter.

Honour is overrated. It doesn't matter how you win, only that you win!
19 Nov 2020, 6:13pm
Jubei Himura
AlekzandreDo we have any idea of what personal firearms there are in Elite lore? Pulling from short stories, novels, etc. (i.e. not Odyssey related)?

Yes we do. There are many kinds of personal kinetic (bullet) guns, and various laser guns. Kevin Massey illustrated a bunch for the E:D-RPG.


Ahhh, thank you very much!
19 Nov 2020, 10:33pm
Jubei HimuraSome of us have honour. The real kind.

In my head-canon there is a distinction between aristicat 'honour' and real honour. The people of the Shinigami system place a hell of a lot more emphisis on the latter.

On one hand you may speak of honor and abide hell to it, on the other you know that your enemy doesn't have one. That's what heavily influenced adjustments into the samurai gear* and some of the tactics when they first clashed with Mongols in the 13th Century. They expected one-on-one duel-like combat, but were not prepared for dozen of Mongols jumping and butchering one bushi after another, as war belonged to the warrior caste. Oh, and it was the first time in history the "grandfathers of grenades" (in fact just simple hand-throw bombs) were used by Mongols.

Which I find somewhat ironic, because Genghis Khan highly valued loyalty - and many could not understand on why he had slain the people who aided Mongols by betraying their own liege.

*Ghosts of Tsushima video game actually show some of the equipment used at least 100 years AFTER Mongol invasion but it was a decision made on purpose due to how the samurai are perceived in the West - as a sidenote trivia.

Now back to the lore of Elite: Dangerous. I just pulled out the 13th Century example on how perception of honor might be quite one-sided. Oh, and there was one attempt to introduce Feudal Japan-inspired polity and bushido ideology, namely Morana system - but I think that idea was abandoned long-ago.
24 Nov 2020, 4:35pm
Wow... in all the ongoing story-arcs I totally did NOT see this coming

GALNET - 24 NOV 3306 - Core Dynamics Bids to Purchase Lakon Spaceways

An official bid for complete ownership of Lakon Spaceways has been made by Core Dynamics, a major shipbuilding corporation in the Federation.

The announcement caused ripples in the manufacturing sector, particularly as Lakon has been in partnership with the Alliance for several years.

The newsfeed Sol Today featured a statement by Jupiter Rochester, the CEO of Core Dynamics:

“Lakon Spaceways has made a name for itself with its practical and well-respected ship designs – the workhorses of the galaxy. Core Dynamics can help the company reach greater heights, and be even more successful.”

“This can only be a positive move for both corporations. As with our acquisition of Vodel last year, Lakon will retain its talented engineers and production facilities while operating under our guidance.”

There has been no response yet from the board of directors at Lakon Spaceways. Some industry specialists have speculated that the company may have financial difficulties, after investing heavily in the Alliance Chieftain and its sister ships.

Questions have been raised in the Alliance Assembly about the legality of inter-superpower corporate mergers. However, neither the Federal Commerce Authority nor the Independent Commission for Market Equality have disapproved of the proposal.
24 Nov 2020, 6:19pm
So... What about these Lakon's exclusive deals with the Alliance? Core, a Federal firm, owning Lakon - in active cooperation with Alliance - is a direct conflict of interest, making it virtually illegal on the long run unless law in Elite Dangerous works differently. Not to mention possibility of Core forcing Lakon to violate their NDA with Alliance, as factual owner.

Last edit: 24 Nov 2020, 6:44pm
25 Nov 2020, 2:24am
Vinh KruczekSo... What about these Lakon's exclusive deals with the Alliance? Core, a Federal firm, owning Lakon - in active cooperation with Alliance - is a direct conflict of interest, making it virtually illegal on the long run unless law in Elite Dangerous works differently. Not to mention possibility of Core forcing Lakon to violate their NDA with Alliance, as factual owner.

Indeed and Rochester saying "while operating under our guidance.” is a collossal red flag for the Alliance, as that potentially implies that Core Dynamics will have a say in the design and production of ships Lakon will produce. Core Dynamics acquiring Lakon Spaceways could potentially be a security risk for the Alliance if the Alliance has been negotiating contracts with Lakon that we haven't heard about.

I suppose the closest real world thing to this would be how if tomorrow Lockheed-Martin tried to acquire Dassault Aviation, for whatever reason, it could potentially be a big security issue for France.

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