Elite: Lore

06 Oct 2020, 2:26pm
Amata LireinPeople who watch my gallery know that I'm currently visiting all the INRA sites that have been located so far, and one detail made me wonder:

We know that Jameson started his attackrun on the Thargoids in 12 Trianguli from Taylor Keep, but crashed on HIP 12099 1b, just one moon away from another INRA facility (Stack). We know his Cobra got sabotaged to make sure he won't return to report to the galaxy that INRA commited genocide using a bioweapon, it stands to reason that a com signal from Stack was used to trigger the ship's shutdown.

This means that in order to get to his target and then back to base (as this was the mission he got briefed on) he had to fly by Stack even on his way towards his target.

Now what I'm wondering is: Is there a tool somewhere to extend the line from 12 Trianguli to HIP 12099 so we could narrow down the systems where this battle that ended the First Thargoid War took place? As far as I know that battle site and the remains of that Thargoid "hive ship" Jameson attacked have not been found yet after all...

Well then, out of boredom I flew back to Taylor Keep, then headed to Jameson's crashsite and then studied the map a bit to see if I could narrow down where this battlesite might be located at, and I think it's a safe bet to say that it's somewhere in the border region between the Aries Dark Region and the Pleiades Sector... which is still a rather large area of space. Anyone having an idea how to narrow it down a bit more?
06 Oct 2020, 6:39pm
Amata Lirein
Amata Lirein
Now what I'm wondering is: Is there a tool somewhere to extend the line from 12 Trianguli to HIP 12099 so we could narrow down the systems where this battle that ended the First Thargoid War took place? As far as I know that battle site and the remains of that Thargoid "hive ship" Jameson attacked have not been found yet after all...

Well then, out of boredom I flew back to Taylor Keep, then headed to Jameson's crashsite and then studied the map a bit to see if I could narrow down where this battlesite might be located at, and I think it's a safe bet to say that it's somewhere in the border region between the Aries Dark Region and the Pleiades Sector... which is still a rather large area of space. Anyone having an idea how to narrow it down a bit more?

You might try and plug in some of the data points into a Spansh Tour route, as well as the limitations of the Cobra 3 and help extrapolate a heading with a little trigonometry. One feature of the Tour route is the ability to see the route in 3-D space. It won't give you stars along a trajectory, but between it and using EDSM to get the coordinate data points, you can probably figure out which stars are likely candidates.


Here's the links, if you don't already use EDSM and Spansh:

Spansh Tour Route Planner

Elite Dangerous Star Map
06 Oct 2020, 7:39pm
I tried in the past, but the problem is that you cannot tell either tool to extend said route beyond HIP 12099, so they're kind of useless for this particular task.
06 Oct 2020, 9:11pm
Amata LireinI tried in the past, but the problem is that you cannot tell either tool to extend said route beyond HIP 12099, so they're kind of useless for this particular task.

Use the spansh tool and start from 12 trianguli
Add HIP 12099 as a destination
Guess a target destination and calculate the route, then look at the map. Alter the target destination to try and make it more of a line.

For example: this to Maia

If you make it a loop route that makes it a bit easier to see how straight the line is.

Edit: If you calculate the vector from 12 Trianguli to HIP 12099 you get {-24; -19; -45} - You can use that to extend it properly if you want.

Edit 2:

12 Trianguli got origin point {-77,-76,-120}
If you add 1 vector {-24,-19,-45} to this, you get {-77+(-24),-76+(-19),-120+(-45)} you get point {-101,-95,-165} which is HIP 12099. So you if you want to guess he made it half the way, a quarter of the way etc you would start with the origin point and add 2 or 4 times respectively vector {-24,-19,-45} you get the literal coordinate of where he was heading, assuming a perfectly straight line.

Last edit: 06 Oct 2020, 9:29pm
07 Oct 2020, 9:30am
A C EnderEdit: If you calculate the vector from 12 Trianguli to HIP 12099 you get {-24; -19; -45} - You can use that to extend it properly if you want.

Edit 2:

12 Trianguli got origin point {-77,-76,-120}
If you add 1 vector {-24,-19,-45} to this, you get {-77+(-24),-76+(-19),-120+(-45)} you get point {-101,-95,-165} which is HIP 12099. So you if you want to guess he made it half the way, a quarter of the way etc you would start with the origin point and add 2 or 4 times respectively vector {-24,-19,-45} you get the literal coordinate of where he was heading, assuming a perfectly straight line.

Oh right... coordinates are a thing on the map, so calculating stuff might be working. Thanks ^^
07 Oct 2020, 9:54am
M. Lehman
Synthya WylderAs I recall seeing from one or another site, & not sure if it's canon Lore or not, is the 'modular' design & construction nature of the ships in E:D, in that due to the equipment & various parts & structures, the accessible area via casual walking around inside is a good bit smaller than the exterior might otherwise imply.

That 'modular' nature would make it lots easier in a shipyard to swap out this or that for other things, rather than something like a major overhaul or refurbishing, or simply pulling something out to have it serviced or repaired then re-installed relatively quickly.

Just a thought.

It seems that the modular nature of outfitting would only go so far. It's clearly at work when it comes to weapon hardpoints and vehicle bays, but seems like it would swiftly break down when it comes to standardizing everything else that can fit in an optional slot. The obvious workaround is to make only a portion of one's ship actually accessible. I don't need to look at live cows in my Krait's cargo bay that badly.

Something like this?

07 Oct 2020, 7:20pm
Amata Lirein
A C EnderEdit: If you calculate the vector from 12 Trianguli to HIP 12099 you get {-24; -19; -45} - You can use that to extend it properly if you want.

Edit 2:

12 Trianguli got origin point {-77,-76,-120}
If you add 1 vector {-24,-19,-45} to this, you get {-77+(-24),-76+(-19),-120+(-45)} you get point {-101,-95,-165} which is HIP 12099. So you if you want to guess he made it half the way, a quarter of the way etc you would start with the origin point and add 2 or 4 times respectively vector {-24,-19,-45} you get the literal coordinate of where he was heading, assuming a perfectly straight line.

Oh right... coordinates are a thing on the map, so calculating stuff might be working. Thanks ^^

Okay, I need an educated guess from people more familiar with the Cobra then me:

The maximum jumprange of a Cobra Mk III geared towards combat, but with fuelscoop, around 150 years ago?
07 Oct 2020, 7:29pm
Amata LireinThe maximum jumprange of a Cobra Mk III geared towards combat, but with fuelscoop, around 150 years ago?

Need to play the original Elite to find out.
07 Oct 2020, 7:47pm
Amata LireinThe maximum jumprange of a Cobra Mk III geared towards combat, but with fuelscoop, around 150 years ago?

Need to play the original Elite to find out.

According to an old manual I found on the web the Cobra Mk III in Elite classic had an abysmal jump range of 7 LY.... that's not nearly enough for anything on E:D's map
07 Oct 2020, 8:15pm
Amata LireinAccording to an old manual I found on the web the Cobra Mk III in Elite classic had an abysmal jump range of 7 LY.... that's not nearly enough for anything on E:D's map

Just like an unmodified Sidewinder in ED.
07 Oct 2020, 8:25pm
Amata Lirein
Amata LireinThe maximum jumprange of a Cobra Mk III geared towards combat, but with fuelscoop, around 150 years ago?

Need to play the original Elite to find out.

According to an old manual I found on the web the Cobra Mk III in Elite classic had an abysmal jump range of 7 LY.... that's not nearly enough for anything on E:D's map

All ships ostensibly had a max 7LY jump range in Elite, but the lore on Jameson is adapted from Frontier: First Encounter's story, where a Cobra 3 apparently had a max jump range of 27LY

07 Oct 2020, 8:30pm
Okay, I guess I'll turn off my FSD booster then and set my Python's jumprange to 25ly to acknowledge the added weigth of the Mycoid payload and fuel....that should give me a realistic jump range I think.
07 Oct 2020, 10:37pm
Yeah... guess I can put that theory into the bin. With that jump range and trajectory you run into a dead end real quick
07 Oct 2020, 11:18pm
Amata LireinYeah... guess I can put that theory into the bin. With that jump range and trajectory you run into a dead end real quick

I admire the work your putting into this...its inspirational...I need to read up on lore i just play the game mostly...thanks...
07 Oct 2020, 11:28pm
Amata LireinYeah... guess I can put that theory into the bin. With that jump range and trajectory you run into a dead end real quick

Maybe, but before you give up, you might try a more respectable 33 ly to see if a modern Mk 3 with no engineering is what they based the info on (if they even did that much thinking in the story)

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