Elite: Lore

07 Oct 2020, 11:28pm
Amata LireinYeah... guess I can put that theory into the bin. With that jump range and trajectory you run into a dead end real quick

I admire the work your putting into this...its inspirational...I need to read up on lore i just play the game mostly...thanks...

I am an amateur in this. You wanna talk dedication? Look at the guys of Canonn
07 Oct 2020, 11:30pm
August Davenport
Amata LireinYeah... guess I can put that theory into the bin. With that jump range and trajectory you run into a dead end real quick

Maybe, but before you give up, you might try a more respectable 33 ly to see if a modern Mk 3 with no engineering is what they based the info on (if they even did that much thinking in the story)

Well... if they thought about having an ancient Cobra at Jameson's Crash Site I kinda doubt they forgot about it being less sophisticated


Also: A modern unengineered Cobra has a range of 25LY

08 Oct 2020, 12:44am
Amata LireinOkay, I guess I'll turn off my FSD booster then and set my Python's jumprange to 25ly to acknowledge the added weigth of the Mycoid payload and fuel....that should give me a realistic jump range I think.

There are multiple SAR (search and rescue) patterns you can fly in real life. Perhaps try one of those from your best guess position? The principle should be the same?
08 Oct 2020, 8:39am
If we don't engineer, we can get 28 LY jump range while still allowing 3 full jumps before running dry;


You can get slightly more if you use a size 2 fuel tank but doubt that's worth it.
08 Oct 2020, 9:15am
A C EnderIf we don't engineer, we can get 28 LY jump range while still allowing 3 full jumps before running dry;


You can get slightly more if you use a size 2 fuel tank but doubt that's worth it.

The problem with this theory though is that Jameson was using a Cobra Mk III from 150 years ago, meaning that its FSD was most likely less advanced then ours are and that it was fully equipped for combat (he wanted to fight the Thargoid mothership after all).
08 Oct 2020, 9:39am
Hmm... I just recalled something...

There's a third INRA base that is somewhat directly related to that historic battle: Carmichael Point in HIP 16824. INRA used it as bait to lure in a Thargoid ship to test some new weapons but they had not expected to get visited by the mothership.

Not entirely sure yet how to use that information in relation to Taylor Keep, the Crashsite and the Pleiades in general though.
08 Oct 2020, 1:00pm
I don't know that much about the lore, but doesn't it seem pretty suicidal and stupid to attempt an attack on a thargoid mothership with a cobra 3?
08 Oct 2020, 1:16pm
08 Oct 2020, 5:02pm
Amata Lirein
A C EnderIf we don't engineer, we can get 28 LY jump range while still allowing 3 full jumps before running dry;


You can get slightly more if you use a size 2 fuel tank but doubt that's worth it.

The problem with this theory though is that Jameson was using a Cobra Mk III from 150 years ago, meaning that its FSD was most likely less advanced then ours are and that it was fully equipped for combat (he wanted to fight the Thargoid mothership after all).

The major difference between modern FSD and the witchspace drives of old was no in-system supercruise, they used some sort of tech that accelerated the pilot's perception of time instead. I kind of miss being able to do gravity slingshots instead of just being slowed down by gravity wells.

This is also the lore justification for why we do not see capital ships in supercruise- they still use older hyperspace drives.

But yeah ignoring engineering jump range should not be that different on an older hyperspace drive, the major innovation of the FSD was being able to hit warp-9 in system to justify everyone in a multiplayer game operating on the same timescale.
08 Oct 2020, 10:46pm
Well, I didn't find that mothership wreck so far, but I stumbled over Penal Colony BV-2259 on HIP 16217 AB 1a...

Putting aside the idiocy of building a correctional facility right in the middle of the Pleiades (aka Thargoid turf) the logs of this place are rather chilling... literally.

The Thargoids attacked the place and abducted everyone but the facility's director. She froze to death being locked inside the command center at -20°C. When examining the systems she discovered that the Thargoids (unknown aliens to her) apparently did this to her on purpose...

...which kinda implies that those bugs are propably working on a anti-Human counterpart to INRA's Mycoid weapon.
09 Oct 2020, 12:18am
Amata LireinJameson's Cobra was equipped with a special payload: A Mycoid WOMD. See his logs for further details.

The part about seeing the logs sent down a very entertaining rabbit hole. Thanks.
09 Oct 2020, 12:29am
Amata LireinJameson's Cobra was equipped with a special payload: A Mycoid WOMD. See his logs for further details.

The part about seeing the logs sent down a very entertaining rabbit hole. Thanks.

Don't blame me... blame Canonn
09 Oct 2020, 12:40am
Amata LireinJameson's Cobra was equipped with a special payload: A Mycoid WOMD. See his logs for further details.

Speaking of rabbit holes, I followed your link too.

it is now 1:40 am

Nice one tho eh o7
09 Oct 2020, 12:46am
Canonn.science is a really awesome compendium. It really helps you visiting all those nice little POIs that has been found so far.
09 Oct 2020, 6:16am
Amata LireinWhen examining the systems she discovered that the Thargoids (unknown aliens to her) apparently did this to her on purpose...

...which kinda implies that those bugs are propably working on a anti-Human counterpart to INRA's Mycoid weapon.

Or that the Thargoids realised she was mistreating the Humans and decided to punish her. No doubt those prisoners are in a better place now thet are in the care of the aliens.

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