Elite: Lore

02 Oct 2020, 9:35am
Brutal employment of ideologies? Sounds like the Empire to me... Your post also seems more focused on morality than lore.
03 Oct 2020, 11:22am
Me just being curious... could the APEX feature be classed or considered as a sort of "transporter"? A la, as seen & used in the Star Trek series? Or am I uninformed or misunderstanding what's involved or how it works?
03 Oct 2020, 12:31pm
From what I've heard so far, it will be no teleportation/fast travel, but you'll be sitting in a ship piloted by an NPC, multi-crew style. So the trip will take just as long as it would if the ship was your own.
03 Oct 2020, 9:00pm
Regarding Odyssey and being able to walk around inside outposts and wrecks: Will this mean we will be able to explore the interiors of places like Dev's Hope, the INRA bases and even Jameson's crashed Cobra now?
03 Oct 2020, 9:15pm
Amata LireinRegarding Odyssey and being able to walk around inside outposts and wrecks: Will this mean we will be able to explore the interiors of places like Dev's Hope, the INRA bases and even Jameson's crashed Cobra now?

That would be amazing...

... which means I'm not holding my breath.
04 Oct 2020, 7:21pm
Just imagine how long it would take to walk from the bow to stern on a corvette.

I honestly have a hard time trying to fathom how the devs are going to achieve this do to sheer scale of everything in the game. Cant wait to see how they do it.
05 Oct 2020, 6:05am
Be a lot faster if you disengaged those mag boots and floated through those corridors. There better be EVA opportunities too.

(Ooc. From what little i understand about ship interiors the problem revolves around the ship moving within the instance and you moving within it, maybe even moving objects and leaving them somewhere in the ship. Then add another ship and others moving within that and maybe an slf, some multi crew and a couple of cannisters, it all adds up to a headache that isn't easy to solve. Hence no ship floating/walking just yet. As I understand it. I hope I'm wrong. )
05 Oct 2020, 6:59am
The ship interiors that we currently have were clearly designed with artificial gravity or magnetic boots in mind. Big ships like the Anaconda have massive cockpits (or rather: bridges) with no handrails to grab in zero G.

But there is also something about rotating space stations in ED that hasn't been considered: the direction of centrifugal force is always perpendicular to the rotational axis. But the station interiors they've created for Odyssey don't reflect that at all, as they are perfectly level, and the avatars share the same "up" direction in every corner of the room.
05 Oct 2020, 11:40am
OuberosBe a lot faster if you disengaged those mag boots and floated through those corridors. There better be EVA opportunities too.

(Ooc. From what little i understand about ship interiors the problem revolves around the ship moving within the instance and you moving within it, maybe even moving objects and leaving them somewhere in the ship. Then add another ship and others moving within that and maybe an slf, some multi crew and a couple of cannisters, it all adds up to a headache that isn't easy to solve. Hence no ship floating/walking just yet. As I understand it. I hope I'm wrong. )

That can be solved the way Warframe did it with the Railjack.

Basically, the ship itself is a nonmoving part of the instance out of sight, but the windows and controls are connected to the moving model within the instance, thus giving the impression of actual movement. That principle makes it harder to have outside forces apply to the interior of the ship, but circumvents a lot of the issues that come with moving models within other moving models.
05 Oct 2020, 6:12pm
Revelation Halts Starship One Trial

The Federal High Court trial over the destruction of Starship One has been temporarily halted following a proffered confession from the defendant.

Chief Technician Rory Webster is charged with mass murder and treason, with testimonials claiming that he ordered his engineering team to sabotage Starship One’s hyperdrive systems.

Crime correspondent Ethan Takahashi reported for The Federal Times:

“Despite a spirited performance from the defence, highlighting the absence of a sufficient motive, Mr Webster visibly struggled in the dock last week as the technical evidence mounted. Several jury members nodded when the prosecutor called for the death sentence, should the accused be found guilty of slaughtering hundreds.”

“The judge was about to begin her summation, when Mr Webster’s defence counsel announced that the defendant now wished to change his plea to guilty and make a full confession in return for clemency, claiming that he had acted on ‘orders from the top’.”

“There was much discussion between the judge and legal representatives. Eventually it was agreed that the trial would be suspended while Mr Webster’s testimony was taken by the Federal Intelligence Agency, and then a suitable course of action would follow.”

The Federal Attorney’s Office stated that a decision on resuming the trial is expected within a few days.

Something tells me that Mr. Webster will not live long enough to testify anything...
05 Oct 2020, 6:16pm
Amata Lirein
Revelation Halts Starship One Trial

The Federal High Court trial over the destruction of Starship One has been temporarily halted following a proffered confession from the defendant.

Chief Technician Rory Webster is charged with mass murder and treason, with testimonials claiming that he ordered his engineering team to sabotage Starship One’s hyperdrive systems.

Crime correspondent Ethan Takahashi reported for The Federal Times:

“Despite a spirited performance from the defence, highlighting the absence of a sufficient motive, Mr Webster visibly struggled in the dock last week as the technical evidence mounted. Several jury members nodded when the prosecutor called for the death sentence, should the accused be found guilty of slaughtering hundreds.”

“The judge was about to begin her summation, when Mr Webster’s defence counsel announced that the defendant now wished to change his plea to guilty and make a full confession in return for clemency, claiming that he had acted on ‘orders from the top’.”

“There was much discussion between the judge and legal representatives. Eventually it was agreed that the trial would be suspended while Mr Webster’s testimony was taken by the Federal Intelligence Agency, and then a suitable course of action would follow.”

The Federal Attorney’s Office stated that a decision on resuming the trial is expected within a few days.

Something tells me that Mr. Webster will not live long enough to testify anything...

The Federal Intelligence Agency would never do such a thing
05 Oct 2020, 9:41pm
OuberosBe a lot faster if you disengaged those mag boots and floated through those corridors. There better be EVA opportunities too.

(Ooc. From what little i understand about ship interiors the problem revolves around the ship moving within the instance and you moving within it, maybe even moving objects and leaving them somewhere in the ship. Then add another ship and others moving within that and maybe an slf, some multi crew and a couple of cannisters, it all adds up to a headache that isn't easy to solve. Hence no ship floating/walking just yet. As I understand it. I hope I'm wrong. )

There could always be a gate put in place during flight so that we cannot move around the ship while in action (at least wile they figure out the logistics of things). I'd still be satisfied if we got interiors while docked.
05 Oct 2020, 10:27pm
As I recall seeing from one or another site, & not sure if it's canon Lore or not, is the 'modular' design & construction nature of the ships in E:D, in that due to the equipment & various parts & structures, the accessible area via casual walking around inside is a good bit smaller than the exterior might otherwise imply.

That 'modular' nature would make it lots easier in a shipyard to swap out this or that for other things, rather than something like a major overhaul or refurbishing, or simply pulling something out to have it serviced or repaired then re-installed relatively quickly.

Just a thought.
05 Oct 2020, 11:03pm
Synthya WylderAs I recall seeing from one or another site, & not sure if it's canon Lore or not, is the 'modular' design & construction nature of the ships in E:D, in that due to the equipment & various parts & structures, the accessible area via casual walking around inside is a good bit smaller than the exterior might otherwise imply.

That 'modular' nature would make it lots easier in a shipyard to swap out this or that for other things, rather than something like a major overhaul or refurbishing, or simply pulling something out to have it serviced or repaired then re-installed relatively quickly.

Just a thought.

It seems that the modular nature of outfitting would only go so far. It's clearly at work when it comes to weapon hardpoints and vehicle bays, but seems like it would swiftly break down when it comes to standardizing everything else that can fit in an optional slot. The obvious workaround is to make only a portion of one's ship actually accessible. I don't need to look at live cows in my Krait's cargo bay that badly.
06 Oct 2020, 12:50am
So, I guess my point was "moo-oo-oot"?

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