Elite: Lore

06 Dec 2020, 6:07pm
Amata LireinSoooo... someone on the official forums just tried to proof to me that the Empire is mistreating their slaves despite what their dignitas tells them to do by bringing up the rare commodity "Burnham Bile Distillate"

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So... It was pretty easy to debunk his claim with said description itself: The producers say the slaves volunteer. If that is true their rights got respected, no mistreatment happening. Yet there are people in the Empire who obviously want the ISA to keep a much closer eye on this process to ensure the producers don't lie. Either way: Imperial dignitas got served.

That being said I will not touch this stuff either way. Why? Welll... let me ask a counter-question instead that bothers me much more then the treatment of the donors..........

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Judging from the name I suppose that they mean bile when they say "bodily fluids". ;P
06 Dec 2020, 6:45pm
06 Dec 2020, 8:10pm
Rebecca Hail
Amata LireinSoooo... someone on the official forums just tried to proof to me that the Empire is mistreating their slaves despite what their dignitas tells them to do by bringing up the rare commodity "Burnham Bile Distillate"

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So... It was pretty easy to debunk his claim with said description itself: The producers say the slaves volunteer. If that is true their rights got respected, no mistreatment happening. Yet there are people in the Empire who obviously want the ISA to keep a much closer eye on this process to ensure the producers don't lie. Either way: Imperial dignitas got served.

That being said I will not touch this stuff either way. Why? Welll... let me ask a counter-question instead that bothers me much more then the treatment of the donors..........

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Judging from the name I suppose that they mean bile when they say "bodily fluids". ;P

Oh... and here I thought "bile" was an adjective, similar to "vile". Thanks, dict.leo.org, for a translation.
06 Dec 2020, 8:57pm
Amata LireinThe producers say the slaves volunteer.

The slaves were not available for comment as they underwent the bile extraction procedure.

Seriously, wtf?
07 Dec 2020, 3:26am
Could be viewed the same way as cows being farmed & used for producing milk for human consumption, for example. & ofc, there a very select few humans who choose to produce milk for others to drink that aren't their babies & infants... jus' sayin'...
07 Dec 2020, 3:55am
Sure, but folks get milked for all sorts of reasons.
07 Dec 2020, 7:48am
At least milk is accessible without surgery. Bile on the other hand... Check out the extraction methods here.

Someone at FDev clearly has a sick sense of humor. "The slaves volunteered" is turning into some sort of running gag in the game. Wealthy Imps are basically depicted as vampires at this point, but it's all good, the slaves volunteered.
07 Dec 2020, 3:33pm
SakashiroAt least milk is accessible without surgery. Bile on the other hand... Check out the extraction methods here.

Someone at FDev clearly has a sick sense of humor. "The slaves volunteered" is turning into some sort of running gag in the game. Wealthy Imps are basically depicted as vampires at this point, but it's all good, the slaves volunteered.

I don't think that it's a sick sense of humor, I think it's political commentary designed to precipitate exactly these kind of conversations.
07 Dec 2020, 3:35pm
SakashiroWealthy Imps are basically depicted as vampires at this point, but it's all good, the slaves volunteered.

Huurrrmmphff! Vampires indeed! I can't speak for anything related to Burnham Bile Distillate as I do not have a taste for it and it's not very popular on Yawa. That said, the Otoli family slaves are well-treated and much-loved family members. Mary is practically a mother to Electra having been with her since she was a small child! Furthermore, the toga-clad love slaves present at our parties absolutely enjoy their work. Please don't tell either Cindy or Dick they are mistreated, they will cry. Then we will need to supply them with the free psychiatric care and anti-depressants they so willingly inhale, again. Shame.

Last edit: 07 Dec 2020, 6:13pm
08 Dec 2020, 12:50am
SakashiroAt least milk is accessible without surgery. Bile on the other hand... Check out the extraction methods here.

Someone at FDev clearly has a sick sense of humor. "The slaves volunteered" is turning into some sort of running gag in the game. Wealthy Imps are basically depicted as vampires at this point, but it's all good, the slaves volunteered.

I don't think that it's a sick sense of humor, I think it's political commentary designed to precipitate exactly these kind of conversations.

This Bile Juice, the existence of Imperial Slavery and FDev's rather open ended description of said slavery arguably seems designed to give lore-interested players something to have these sorts of socio-political discussions.

Hell, there's just enough fuel in ED's lore for me to write a small essay on the Socio-economic problems of The Bubble's superpowers. I won't, because I can't really be bothered (yet), but the point is that I could.

Last edit: 08 Dec 2020, 4:52am
08 Dec 2020, 1:25am
The most stunning thing about Imperial slavery is how many people put blinders on and buy the idea that it isn't slavery, no matter how many in-your-face examples of slave abuse FDev puts into the lore. As long as the story has someone somewhere claiming that "the slaves volunteered", it gets defended and even praised as a role model of social security.

A bit scary, if you think about it...
08 Dec 2020, 1:51am
SakashiroThe most stunning thing about Imperial slavery is how many people put blinders on and buy the idea that it isn't slavery, no matter how many in-your-face examples of slave abuse FDev puts into the lore. As long as the story has someone somewhere claiming that "the slaves volunteered", it gets defended and even praised as a role model of social security.

A bit scary, if you think about it...

Ehm... the FDevs themselves pointed out time and time again that Imperial slavery is more indentured servitude then actual slavery and mistreatment of Imperial slaves is not only dishonorable but actually illegal.

The Empire values both status and honour very highly indeed. So whilst it is acceptable to flaunt wealth, treating people well is a question of honour – and this includes slaves. Having an unpaid debt is seen as utterly dishonourable – an honourable Imperial citizen would sell themselves into slavery to clear a debt they couldn’t otherwise clear.

Newsletter #22

GALNET - 21 AUG 3301 - Imperial Slave Association Audited

A surprise audit of the Imperial Slave Association was recently conducted by a special committee of the Imperial senate. The records and practices of the ISA were meticulously examined to ensure compliance with laws governing the treatment and transportation of Imperial slaves. The committee found numerous violations of transportation regulations in systems near Imperial borders, and numerous border-security officers and pilots were subsequently indicted for these violations.

No serious violations concerning the treatment of Imperial Slaves were uncovered, though many warnings were issued to those who were found holding slaves beyond their fixed term of service. Imperial slaves found in these circumstances were restored to full citizenship and reimbursed for the labour they performed beyond their established term.

The ISA issued a statement following the audit:

“We wish to reiterate that the sale of Imperial slaves to non-Imperials and to systems beyond Imperial space is strictly prohibited. Any who are found engaging in this illicit activity will be held accountable."

Commander Corrigendum

“Those who treat their slaves badly should receive the same. After all, how can they work properly if they are not cared for correctly?”

Senator Zemina Torval (from her Powerplay page)

Just to name a few examples.
08 Dec 2020, 1:51am
Imperial slaves are well treated. They volunteer to pay back what ever debt is owed to the empire. It is considered an honorable thing to do and you are given a second chance when the debt is paid off. They are servants of the empire. Unlike the Federation , the empire offers its citizens a  an honorable second chance at life by earning their way out of debt . I don't see anything wrong with this. Perhaps if Fdev changed the name to Imperial Servants people wouldn't be so misunderstanding of this commodity, because realistically your not a slave if you have volunteered for job .

I mean imagine a government that offers you a job to pay back your debt. They find you a job, they cloth you, feed you, lodge you and anywhere you travel is paid for and your asleep during the trip. Sounds like a dream come true to me ...
08 Dec 2020, 1:58am
08 Dec 2020, 2:17am
Amata LireinHere is Drew Wagar, one of the authors for Elite:Dangerous, describing Imperial slavery.

he explains it very well. precise and professional. just like the empire

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