Elite: Lore

06 Mar 2021, 3:55am
M. LehmanAh, Zorgon Peterson. The firm that veers between utilitarian everyman ships and hyper-deadly deathyachts.

Oh my God, that's such a sexy slogan! I love me my hyper-deadly deathyacht!
08 Mar 2021, 2:27pm
RedivivusCrowdI've been killing a lot of mercenaries at and around Sirius System. Sirius Corporation is doing a poor job of security for the Summit. If Li Yong-Rui doesn't shake up his Corporation's defense system asap, I see trouble in the next days.

By the way, those pirates seems very well packed. Condas, Pythons, Krait MkII... only good ships -- and expensive too. Too much quality for ragtag pirates.

Welcome to combat CG.
Everything is situational.

Also when you are attacking weak ships with your enginnered best everything is fine, but when pirates are attacking you with their engineered bests thats bad.
09 Mar 2021, 12:31am
Paul Glynn

Also when you are attacking weak ships with your enginnered best everything is fine, but when pirates are attacking you with their engineered bests thats bad.

Do you realize that "Lore" means role-playing and immersion, isn't it? I was just doing that.
09 Mar 2021, 11:40am
Claudius AetiusI've been killing a lot of mercenaries at and around Sirius System. Sirius Corporation is doing a poor job of security for the Summit. If Li Yong-Rui doesn't shake up his Corporation's defense system asap, I see trouble in the next days.

By the way, those pirates seems very well packed. Condas, Pythons, Krait MkII... only good ships -- and expensive too. Too much quality for ragtag pirates.

They're using a lot of engineered experimental weapons too. Something isn't right, never seen so many well equipped "pirates" in such large numbers before

Hey look it's that guy who yells orders at people in all caps in game like he owns them, or had any authority over their pad use whatsoever. I noticed your a** docked in solo though. Enjoy that? Nect time ask nicely
09 Mar 2021, 3:28pm
Igneel Prime
M. Lehman
Claudius AetiusA full-scale XENO attack??? I hope it is not the case. That's would be a nightmare scenario.

Even if Frontier suddenly had the courage to make the Thargoids an existential threat, the mass whining from the community would convince them to immediately pull back.

Kinda sad how true this is. "There are hostile aliens in this game. How about they just don't attack properly because we don't want that? What do you mean it wouldn't make sense for them to just sit there?"

"Oh no! We're invading the home systems of these aliens and terraforming their home planets! They weren't supposed to fight back and defend themselves! F-Dev, do something about it!"
09 Mar 2021, 4:08pm
Kelton Blalock
Igneel Prime
M. Lehman

Even if Frontier suddenly had the courage to make the Thargoids an existential threat, the mass whining from the community would convince them to immediately pull back.

Kinda sad how true this is. "There are hostile aliens in this game. How about they just don't attack properly because we don't want that? What do you mean it wouldn't make sense for them to just sit there?"

"Oh no! We're invading the home systems of these aliens and terraforming their home planets! They weren't supposed to fight back and defend themselves! F-Dev, do something about it!"

But we don't invade their home systems and terraform their planets?
09 Mar 2021, 4:17pm
"Potential solutions to the threat posed by the Thargoid race are being debated at the diplomatic conference in the Sirius system."

More and more I realize the "Thargoid problem" is not something solved my weapons. There is something hidden about them. And the Guardians, in my opinion, knew that.

We need to improve our research on Guardian knowledge, not for better pieces of machinery but for a better understanding of Thargoid and Guardian motivations.
09 Mar 2021, 4:23pm
Last I checked (granted that was a while ago now so not sure how accurate this is) at least part of the reason why Thargoids attack us is that they seem to consider at least some of the area of space we operate in their space and they do not respond well to uninvited guests. So the invasion part seems to not be so far fetched but this is the first time I hear of trying to terraform their shit
09 Mar 2021, 4:27pm
One of Sirius Corp's daughter companies is trying to terraform Ammonia worlds specifically in the Coalsack... there even was an exploration CG not too long ago which asked for Ammonia world DSS data to be delivered to them.
09 Mar 2021, 4:35pm
Iirc the reason given in premonition it's neither terraforming nor a human invastion of Thargoid space. It's more the other way around, the Thargoids are intentionally approaching human space to incite a conflict.
09 Mar 2021, 6:41pm
Rebecca Hail
Kelton Blalock
Igneel Prime

Kinda sad how true this is. "There are hostile aliens in this game. How about they just don't attack properly because we don't want that? What do you mean it wouldn't make sense for them to just sit there?"

"Oh no! We're invading the home systems of these aliens and terraforming their home planets! They weren't supposed to fight back and defend themselves! F-Dev, do something about it!"

But we don't invade their home systems and terraform their planets?

Sorry! Yes, we did, as a CG if I recall correctly. However, I do apologize for not clarifying the brief nature of that event, as my comment does make it seem that this has been a long-term situation. My bad!
10 Mar 2021, 9:32pm
Didn't we send a virus in an attempt to wipe out their species once. That could sort of give them an attitude, I think.
11 Mar 2021, 11:24am
Full scale Thargoid attack!??

Alliance, Empire and Federation capitals as well as the HQ's of Hudson, Winters, Mahon, Patreus and Arissa......

The situation is confuse right now, Sirius is in LOCKDOWN

My nightmare is happening...
11 Mar 2021, 12:04pm
Claudius AetiusFull scale Thargoid attack!??

Alliance, Empire and Federation capitals as well as the HQ's of Hudson, Winters, Mahon, Patreus and Arissa......

The situation is confuse right now, Sirius is in LOCKDOWN

My nightmare is happening...

Not the goids... it's the NMLA again.
11 Mar 2021, 1:17pm
Amata Lirein Not the goids... it's the NMLA again.

DAMN!! I arrived at Li Qing Jao, the attack was vicious. This demands a strong response from Federation and all powers. The audacity to attack while a Galactic Summit was happening is unbelievable.

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