Elite: Lore

23 Feb 2021, 10:34am
OOSqueekyThey didn't exactly end things on the best terms. The Chad Imperial Princess vs the Cuckold Fed Ambassador and all that jazz.

There's more precedent for Fedneck political figures seeking asylum/defecting to/ending up living with the Alliance than Empire, anyway.

I was referring to him keeping his position as the Federal Ambassador to the Empire.
23 Feb 2021, 5:05pm
I have a bad felling about this Galactic Summit... Zack and Felicia confirmed presence. All leaders there. Too much a temptation for a terrorist attack.

Prime Minister Edmund Mahon has proposed that the Alliance election be delayed for three months. A lot of crisis around this event.
23 Feb 2021, 5:22pm
Claudius AetiusAll leaders there. Too much a temptation for a terrorist attack.

On one vessel in the space, not even on safe surface with gravity and atmosphere. Like I've said a few days ago, they have to learn history of humankind a bit.
23 Feb 2021, 5:42pm
Only all leaders of the Federation and Alliance. The Empire is "only" sending Chancellor Anders Blaine, Senator and Admiral of the Fleet Denton Patreus as well as Princess Aisling Duval.
24 Feb 2021, 11:11am
Amata LireinOnly all leaders of the Federation and Alliance. The Empire is "only" sending Chancellor Anders Blaine, Senator and Admiral of the Fleet Denton Patreus as well as Princess Aisling Duval.

Aisling has a share of malcontents against her inside Empire. Perhaps she could be framed?
25 Feb 2021, 11:39am
I don't believe as Imperials we should worry too much about an attack on the highest members of our fair and prosperous Empire. The reason the Galaxy chose Sirius Corporation over Utopia to host the summit is that they have had a long history of being fair to every side of the political sphere. They also have a reputation to maintain and I doubt Sirius Gov. would dare allow members of a prestigious Imperial House to be assassinated on their watch. The Empire remains safe, her people are content and I speak for my people in Dzalak Mani but we welcome this Galactic Summit and anticipate a change for the better as regards inter-galactic relations.
25 Feb 2021, 1:39pm
Somethin' smells off, if ya ask me.
25 Feb 2021, 3:07pm
Jubei HimuraSomethin' smells off, if ya ask me.

On the contrary, this is going to turn out just fine. Trust in the Sirius Government and the glory of the Empire.
25 Feb 2021, 7:04pm
Erika Wagner ChanterI don't believe as Imperials we should worry too much about an attack on the highest members of our fair and prosperous Empire. The reason the Galaxy chose Sirius Corporation over Utopia to host the summit is that they have had a long history of being fair to every side of the political sphere. They also have a reputation to maintain and I doubt Sirius Gov. would dare allow members of a prestigious Imperial House to be assassinated on their watch. The Empire remains safe, her people are content and I speak for my people in Dzalak Mani but we welcome this Galactic Summit and anticipate a change for the better as regards inter-galactic relations.

I don't recall the Utopia party having a reputation for allowing assassinations on there watch. When their literal goal is to achieve literal utopia? THAT's a reputation to uphold. Not doubting your statement, just laying down my two cents on the matter.
26 Feb 2021, 1:18am
Erika Wagner Chanter

On the contrary, this is going to turn out just fine. Trust in the Sirius Government and the glory of the Empire.

Lady, I've been a part of the Empire from birth. An' I'll tell ya, I love my Empire, but there's only a select group o' people I trust.

I don't trust Pompous Patreus, Granny Torval, or princess Smurf. An' I only trust Her Majesty Arissa when I hear the words comin' from her own mouth.
26 Feb 2021, 4:19am
I've been killing a lot of mercenaries at and around Sirius System. Sirius Corporation is doing a poor job of security for the Summit. If Li Yong-Rui doesn't shake up his Corporation's defense system asap, I see trouble in the next days.

By the way, those pirates seems very well packed. Condas, Pythons, Krait MkII... only good ships -- and expensive too. Too much quality for ragtag pirates.
26 Feb 2021, 11:01am
Jubei Himura
Erika Wagner Chanter

On the contrary, this is going to turn out just fine. Trust in the Sirius Government and the glory of the Empire.

Lady, I've been a part of the Empire from birth. An' I'll tell ya, I love my Empire, but there's only a select group o' people I trust.

I don't trust Pompous Patreus, Granny Torval, or princess Smurf. An' I only trust Her Majesty Arissa when I hear the words comin' from her own mouth.

Careful using that S word around here. Apparently the Smurfs anger really easily.

Not... that I know from experience, of course...
26 Feb 2021, 11:10am
Kyla EmmerichNot... that I know from experience, of course...

I bet angry smurfs look pretty amusing...

Until they outnumber you 10 to 1, of course.
26 Feb 2021, 11:21am

No seriously, I think this entire chat belongs to Game talk or even Offtop but not Lore.  :D
28 Feb 2021, 11:36am
Claudius AetiusI've been killing a lot of mercenaries at and around Sirius System. Sirius Corporation is doing a poor job of security for the Summit. If Li Yong-Rui doesn't shake up his Corporation's defense system asap, I see trouble in the next days.

By the way, those pirates seems very well packed. Condas, Pythons, Krait MkII... only good ships -- and expensive too. Too much quality for ragtag pirates.

They're using a lot of engineered experimental weapons too. Something isn't right, never seen so many well equipped "pirates" in such large numbers before

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