Elite: Lore

01 Nov 2020, 3:07pm
Are some people here already finding some new hint about the Adamastor? HIP 64011 is actually full of wreaks, probes, material and various facility.
01 Nov 2020, 6:40pm
Jack "Smiling" DrakeAre some people here already finding some new hint about the Adamastor? HIP 64011 is actually full of wreaks, probes, material and various facility.

Isn't that one of the systems that the ghostship was supposed to go through?
01 Nov 2020, 6:52pm
Yes, but i just can't cover all the moons and celestial body allone and some are literaly litered with wreaks., other have various facilitys on their surface, like labs, warhouse and things, with pods around.
03 Nov 2020, 11:25pm
I think that a war between both factions would benefit very well both leaders of each faction who are currently very weakened and a war can make the population forget their dramas
04 Nov 2020, 10:00am
War is Peace.
05 Nov 2020, 2:46am
(System Power Reroute...)

To: R*AC Dire*tor of Car*ograph*cs, V**ian Lagrang*
Fro*: CMDR*********, RTAC Unit Nu*ber ****
L*cat*on: UNK*OW*

(Restart RTAC low band communication signal transmission encryption sequence...

Encrypting... ... ...

Message encryption complete with Squadron Symbols Verification Match:
® T ∆ ©
® T  ^ ©

WARNING! Transmitter Malfunction!
Encryption Incomplete...Signal Compromised...Transmission Intercept Possible...)

Greetings Director,

The exploration mission to the Outer Orion Spur was a resounding success. I am happy to report no major damage to the Solidarity, and the crew are in good spirits. You expressed your desire to learn of any notable discoveries immediately. On our journey back from the Outer Orion Spur, we made a significant mineral discovery. Our scanners found Low Temperature Diamonds, Void Opals, Painite, Tritium and other valuable mineral hot spots in the rings of two planets in the system of Col 173 Sector RN-H B27-O. It is an untouched miner's jackpot. It is 1200ly from Shin Dez, so bring scoops or designate a carrier for deployment. It seems that station New Growth in Pencil Sector EL-Y D5 may be the best launch point. We also discovered Notable Stellar Phenomena at two points in system Col 173 Sector TJ-P D6-21. Please enjoy the Flavum Crystal sample. I have also listed a few of the big payout systems we scanned and will hand in my total receipt from Universal Cartographics upon my return to Sungai.

Solidarity out. o7

High Credit Value Systems Scanned:
Col 173 Sector FO-E C13-22 = 827,203 CR
PLIO EURL AA-P C19-12 = 786,979 CR
NGC 2546 Sector VA-D D13-38 = 549,769 CR
NGC 2546 Sector KB-O B51-4 = 528,427 CR
Col 173 Sector SJ-P D6-20 = 501,839 CR
NGC 2546 Sector HV-H C25-6 = 409,950 CR
PLIO EURL UP-C B40-3 = 388,014 CR
NGC 2546 Sector UV-P B50-4 = 254,946 CR
Pencil Sector HW-W C1-39 = 229,327 CR

(Begin Solidarity RTAC internal diagnostics... Total Ship Health 98.6%.
Scanning modules... Module damage identified.
Fuel Scoop Damage: .8% Extent: Unknown.
Sensors Damage: .6% Extent: Component failure.
Isolate Failed Component... Identify...
Failed Components Identified: [ENCPTCOM Transmitter Relay 2V-B], [External Thermal Shield Panel 3-1]
Advanced Maintenance Level 4 Required Immediately...

Failure Cause Analysis Initiated...
Compiling Flight Logs...
Compiling CMDR Logs...
Analyzing Fuel Scoop Usage...
Analyzing Power Distribution...
Analyzing Shield Impact Data...

Failure Cause Identified... Unauthorized Heat Level with Fuel Scoop deployed.

RTAC Squadron Command Alert Triggered {RTAC Fuel Scoop Order 12.C}

Ship Heat Level Recorded at 103% with Fuel Scoop Deployed...
Failure Cause Probability -
Thermal = 97.9%
Battle Damage = 1.6%
End of Life Cycle = 0.4%
Gremlins = 0.1%

RTAC Fuel Scoop Directive 12.C: Vessel heat should remain below 80% during fuel scooping, unless authorized by RTAC Command.

Generate Internal Investigation Report... Violation of RTAC FSO 12.C.
Send Report...
Flagged... COMS NOT READY...
Queue for Hard Line Transfer...

Diagnostics Complete. 00:03 elapsed.)
10 Nov 2020, 12:04am
Do we have any idea of what personal firearms there are in Elite lore? Pulling from short stories, novels, etc. (i.e. not Odyssey related)?
10 Nov 2020, 1:37am
AlekzandreDo we have any idea of what personal firearms there are in Elite lore? Pulling from short stories, novels, etc. (i.e. not Odyssey related)?

Yes we do. There are many kinds of personal kinetic (bullet) guns, and various laser guns. Kevin Massey illustrated a bunch for the E:D-RPG.

10 Nov 2020, 2:32am
Jubei Himura
AlekzandreDo we have any idea of what personal firearms there are in Elite lore? Pulling from short stories, novels, etc. (i.e. not Odyssey related)?

Yes we do. There are many kinds of personal kinetic (bullet) guns, and various laser guns. Kevin Massey illustrated a bunch for the E:D-RPG.


Oh hell yeah, that's sick.
10 Nov 2020, 4:52am
Awh shit, a chaingun. Please tell me there's a mobile turret mode.

BFG Division intensifies
10 Nov 2020, 9:43am
Why do federal weps look like something an occupying, evil space force would wield?  Bare metal, with menancing glow. Hell, just look at the Combine-made AR2 from the Half Life series.

10 Nov 2020, 10:01am
WulthusWhy do federal weps look like something an occupying, evil space force would wield?  Bare metal, with menancing glow. Hell, just look at the Combine-made AR2 from the Half Life series.


Function over style.

The exact opposite of the Empire.
10 Nov 2020, 11:14am
I still like the idea of a PlasmArc. (my name for a theoretical but plausible laser-plasma-high intensity electrical discharge weapon)
10 Nov 2020, 12:34pm
WulthusWhy do federal weps look like something an occupying, evil space force would wield?  Bare metal, with menancing glow. Hell, just look at the Combine-made AR2 from the Half Life series.

Because the Federation is a somewhat evil (and dystopian) space force?
10 Nov 2020, 1:32pm
Gutamaya produces rifles, too?

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