Elite: Lore

23 Oct 2020, 4:54pm
Lots of posts here are not about lore now. While I understand you might need to reference real world concepts, at least tie it to what lore you're discussing.
23 Oct 2020, 6:34pm
The important thing is that we all agree that whatever one does or supports in-game is all there is to know as to that person's real-life moral compass and behavior.

Last edit: 23 Oct 2020, 6:59pm
23 Oct 2020, 8:10pm
I am sorry for the outburst but I think I got severely misunderstood on what I wrote and I really don't like being misunderstood. Blame it on English NOT being my primary language.

As for the lore, I can't stop analysis on basis of real-life historical counterparts  - especially when I am a vivid hobbyist historian and certified Political Studies MA. On purpose or not, FDev seems to copy some events from the Earth's past. Situation with Marlinist bring a lot of similarities with similar uprisings towards "evil royals" what usually ended up in outright massacres on both sides and even worse regimes emerging after these "evil royals" were dethroned.

Plus since Superpowers seem to be dystopian versions of respective existing ideologies (i.e. Federation going extreme liberalism with poverty and without social benefits) so it is not entirely possible to try not to compare stuff to real-life counterparts given the direction FDev had taken as well. If anything, I advise you to watch Legend of the Galactic Heroes, as that old sci-fi anime touches aspect of two superpowers being in shades of gray, despite initial presentation of "Alliance good, Empire bad".

I'd like to point out that Imperial Slavery is also wrongly perceived though the 19th C. slavery in America while ignoring Roman model (...which wasn't the best too but it wasn't as radical and as based on ethnicity), and a lot of players in here - and among Discord groups - openly admit that they don't care reading about the lore. It shined upon me when I discussed Empire and Federation with one CMDR and they were surprised about aspects in both superpowers they weren't aware of.
23 Oct 2020, 8:13pm
Keltin VistoI am sorry for the outburst but I think I got severely misunderstood on what I wrote and I really don't like being misunderstood. Blame it on English NOT being my primary language.

As for the lore, I can't stop analysis on basis of real-life historical counterparts - especially when I am a vivid hobbyist historian and certified Political Studies MA. On purpose or not, FDev seems to copy some events from the Earth's past. Situation with Marlinist bring a lot of similarities with similar uprisings towards "evil royals" and ending up in outright massacres on both sides (French Revolution) and even worse regimes (Soviet Union, Cromwellian England).

Plus since Superpowers seem to be dystopian versions of respective existing ideologies (i.e. Federation going extreme liberalism with poverty and without social benefits) so it is not entirely possible to try not to compare stuff to real-life counterparts given the direction FDev had taken as well. If anything, I advise you to watch Legend of the Galactic Heroes, as that old sci-fi anime touches aspect of two superpowers being in shades of gray, despite initial presentation of "Alliance good, Empire bad".

I'd like to point out that Imperial Slavery is also wrongly perceived though the 19th C. slavery in America while ignoring Roman model (...which wasn't the best too but it wasn't as radical and as based on ethnicity), and a lot of players in here - and among Discord groups - openly admit that they don't care reading about the lore. It shined upon me when I discussed Empire and Federation with one CMDR and they were surprised about aspects in both superpowers they weren't aware of.

It really matters not how good of a writer you are, nor how wide your imaginations are, at some point your person, and your experiences, your educations are all going to show up into how you craft anything, be it writing a book or writing a game.

Now I will be blunt. I have a PhD in Physics, you will not see me flaunting it, so drop your MA crap, its tiresome.
24 Oct 2020, 9:43pm
Lots of posts on here are not even about lore now
25 Oct 2020, 11:10pm
Beyond whether or not they are right, what do you think this could be the germ of a possible total war? We are at the gates of odyssey and an event of these characteristics can completely move the galactic board (now they make me wonder if some sector or planet developed the welfare state of the 40s / 50s)
26 Oct 2020, 7:32am
DiavoleBeyond whether or not they are right, what do you think this could be the germ of a possible total war? We are at the gates of odyssey and an event of these characteristics can completely move the galactic board (now they make me wonder if some sector or planet developed the welfare state of the 40s / 50s)

I'd love it, but I doubt it's going to happen. At best they're going to slug each other over a couple of systems like the last time.
26 Oct 2020, 3:05pm
Things are heating up...

...both inside the Federation itself as well as the relationship between the Empire and the Feds.
27 Oct 2020, 6:15pm
I really hope for a huge galactic war.
28 Oct 2020, 8:09am
I'm only just finding this section of inara, I'm starting an expedition to the formadine and I'm hoping to get a few more xbox pilots to sign on.
30 Oct 2020, 6:04pm
30 Oct 2020, 6:35pm
Probably with the deaths of a crap ton of NPC's.
30 Oct 2020, 7:45pm
EtacaranaeProbably with the deaths of a crap ton of NPC's.

And maybe some Commanders. But yes. Mostly crap tons of NPC's
31 Oct 2020, 9:41am
Me on my way back to the bubble is gonna look like that scene from Independence Day: everyone rushing to flee the bubble and I'm the only schmuck trying to get in.
01 Nov 2020, 2:17am
After the last CG everyone left LFT625 in such a jiffy I had to write a story on just what is supposed to happen next, at least from what I imagine.

Im headed back towards Pilot's Federation space to help train new pilots and look after some investments while I guess everyone else is headed for the Coalsack!

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