Elite: Lore

03 Mar 2021, 9:48pm
M. Lehman
Claudius AetiusA full-scale XENO attack??? I hope it is not the case. That's would be a nightmare scenario.

Even if Frontier suddenly had the courage to make the Thargoids an existential threat, the mass whining from the community would convince them to immediately pull back.

Kinda sad how true this is. "There are hostile aliens in this game. How about they just don't attack properly because we don't want that? What do you mean it wouldn't make sense for them to just sit there?"
04 Mar 2021, 10:30am
Fdev could do it.

Lets say they take 5 star systems on the edge of the bubble and say 3 of them are with NPC and player populations, then the Goids attack and take control - all Fdev has to do is when the attack comes (update) is move all players fleets, in affected systems, to the next populated system that is not being attacked, send relevant players messages of getting their fleets out. (so no player assets lost)

then the CG would be protect the passenger rescues ships from GOID attack that is happening in the instance around each affected station, with the goids being super aggressive. if player base loose the CG then the goids attack another set of systems. FC's would not be attacked directly but the instance around the FCs could be hostile
04 Mar 2021, 2:51pm
Speaking of Goids,

I missed much of the lore *after* the Thargoid war started. Killed a few early ones then went on hiatus. I just read on the Galnet that Mahon is trying to unite everyone against the Goids at this summit. Since when? Last i remember the Alliance was trying to buddy up to the aliens. What happened?
04 Mar 2021, 3:15pm
"Pirate warlord Archon Delaine has unexpectedly appeared at the diplomatic conference and demanded to participate as a political delegate.

Delaine is the leader of the Kumo Crew, a notorious crime syndicate that controls dozens of systems. Their arrival at Patterson Enterprise station initially caused many delegations’ security teams to begin evacuations."

That's an unexpected move. While their minions were massacred by our group of Commanders outside the Megaship, Delaine simply sneaked in the Summit to mingle... and eat luxurious food and drink, I bet.
04 Mar 2021, 3:23pm
Space-Christ, this just keeps getting better and better... What a shit show.

Huh, never thought I'd agree with Patreus, Winters, and Hudson at the same time.
04 Mar 2021, 3:49pm
"Their arrival at Patterson Enterprise station initially caused many delegations’ security teams to begin evacuations."

Who could that have been? Certainly the Imperials.
04 Mar 2021, 8:16pm
Melanthes"Their arrival at Patterson Enterprise station initially caused many delegations’ security teams to begin evacuations."

Who could that have been? Certainly the Imperials.

No, the Fednecks. How do I know this? Because only Starship One is being so paranoid, they have their escort shoot you up for getting a closer look, the INV Emperor's Dignity lets you look as long as you like.
04 Mar 2021, 9:57pm
Folks, you all need to read between the lines here. A WARLORD force yourself in such powerful Summit... and he is allowed to stay!

"(...) representatives of the Sirius Corporation called for calm and delivered this message:

“We have vouchsafed Archon Delaine’s presence and extended full diplomatic immunity to his retinue. As with all attendees, they are expected to abide by our rules and etiquettes.”

This reassurance did not prevent several ambassadors from walking out in protest. Some accused Sirius Corporation of striking a deal with Delaine to prevent even more pirate vessels from swarming through the Sirius system."

We are on the verge of a possible takeover or some dangerous game by Li Yong-Rui. I'm afraid the effort and lives given by us Commanders defending and securing Sirius' systems were in vain. Since the beginning I was sensing something strange going on.
04 Mar 2021, 10:07pm
That kinda won't prevent Kumo Crew players from attacking everyone in Sirius, just saying. However, I am very surprised about Archon Delaine's presence on the Summit, given that Kumo Crew's only diplomacy has always been "kill everyone who's not Kumo Crew" - at least accordingly to the playerbase I had contact with.

Last edit: 04 Mar 2021, 10:34pm
05 Mar 2021, 3:12pm
Vinh KruczekThat kinda won't prevent Kumo Crew players from attacking everyone in Sirius, just saying. However, I am very surprised about Archon Delaine's presence on the Summit, given that Kumo Crew's only diplomacy has always been "kill everyone who's not Kumo Crew" - at least accordingly to the playerbase I had contact with.

That was a security detail meant to discourage further bounty hunting.

Amata LireinNo, the Fednecks. How do I know this? Because only Starship One is being so paranoid, they have their escort shoot you up for getting a closer look, the INV Emperor's Dignity lets you look as long as you like.

Unlikely, given Patty's hysterical fit.
05 Mar 2021, 10:57pm
"Jupiter Rochester Sentenced to Life Imprisonment

Former Core Dynamics CEO Jupiter Rochester has received a summary judgement for multiple crimes against the Federation.

The Federal Justice Department gave this statement:

'The facts in the case of Jupiter Rochester are self-evident. His principal role regarding Starship One and Jupiter Division make him guilty of treason, mass murder and many other crimes. He will serve a solitary life sentence in a maximum security prison.'


Despite Rochester’s failure to build a powerbase in the HIP 54530 system, his manifesto of placing the Federation under direct corporate rule has received praise in some regions. A corporatist movement, founded by commercial networks and civil groups, is gradually gaining popularity."

Jupiter became a martyr of his cause, and a new movement arises. The Federation creates a monster. How big and how dangerous that monster is, we need to wait and see...

Considering the Federation's strength is its corporation (and lucrative trading) and Core Dynamics' ships are a big part of it, I sense that a new ship industry is on the way. Aimed to directly compete with Core's. The key is bold design, and better prices in my opinion.

Pilots' Federation members surely are thirsty for better and more beautiful ships. I do, at least.
06 Mar 2021, 12:16am
Is the "new ships are coming because of the Rochester storyline!" anything that's actually been confirmed, or just the fanbase whipping itself up into a frenzy?

Last edit: 06 Mar 2021, 12:30am
06 Mar 2021, 12:29am
The latter. People are hoping for the Panther Clipper, forgetting that it's a design by Zorgon Peterson
06 Mar 2021, 12:31am
Amata LireinThe latter. People are hoping for the Panther Clipper, forgetting that it's a design by Zorgon Peterson

Ah, Zorgon Peterson. The firm that veers between utilitarian everyman ships and hyper-deadly deathyachts.
06 Mar 2021, 12:33am
Or in case of the Panther clipper: A trader so large you were unable to dock it on a spacestation in the original games, only at planetary ports

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