Elite: Lore

12 Mar 2021, 12:05am
To be honest, we aren't talking about just some renegades but a fully-coordinated set of attacks towards Federation, Empire and Alliance at the same time, what does not only mean manpower but finances to pull out such a stunt.

However, I want to pull out one name that might be connected:

Riri McAllister.

She has never been confirmed dead but missing.
12 Mar 2021, 12:10am
Vinh KruczekTo be honest, we aren't talking about just some renegades but a fully-coordinated set of attacks towards Federation, Empire and Alliance at the same time, what does not only mean manpower but finances to pull out such a stunt.

However, I want to pull out one name that might be connected:

Riri McAllister.

She has never been confirmed dead but missing.

Like I said before, somethin' don't smell right, bub.
12 Mar 2021, 12:28am
I'm still suspecting that Jupiter Division is/was the mysterious Federal backer of the NMLA
12 Mar 2021, 12:34am
Vinh KruczekTo be honest, we aren't talking about just some renegades but a fully-coordinated set of attacks towards Federation, Empire and Alliance at the same time, what does not only mean manpower but finances to pull out such a stunt.

However, I want to pull out one name that might be connected:

Riri McAllister.

She has never been confirmed dead but missing.

I heard something about some kind of "agreement" between the NMLA and Thargoids. It seems super crazy but at this point I tend to consider everything.

Since the begging of the Summit I've been saying there's something fishy going on, and an attack of great proportions could happen. I was wrong to think the attack will be against the Summit itself. At the end it was even worse.
12 Mar 2021, 2:07am
Amata LireinI'm still suspecting that Jupiter Division is/was the mysterious Federal backer of the NMLA

I second this. I'm also willing to bet it's what left of the Seekers, A.K.A. The Circle of Elite Pilots, from the book "And Here The Wheel". A lot of them did escape after all.
12 Mar 2021, 3:39am
These attacks by the NMLA make no sense. The Marlinist colonies were being officially recognised by the the Federation and Alliance. Relations with the Empire were starting to thaw somewhat. There is no benefit to the Marlinists behind these bombings whatsoever, they are more alienated than ever.

I think the "NMLA" care about as much for Marlinism as the Empire. They are simply using it to mask their real agenda which seems to be stirring up mistrust and hatred within the bubble. It happened right as the Sirius Treaty was going to be finalised and ratified, which would have allowed Humanity to put up a strong united front the against the Thargoids.

I have a hunch, not much more than a theory.

I suspect the NMLA are Thargoid sympathisers attempting to destabilise and fracture Humanity. Caustic weapons are nothing new but they've never been seen on this scale before. Aside from the Thargoids themselves that is. The attacks are so similar that the automated systems flag them as "Thargoid attacks" Maybe they are exactly that.

Thargoid attacks.
12 Mar 2021, 4:58am
Knightwolf 1785Can we all take a step back and just deal with the damage done first?! Fed, Imp, pirate, or Alliance doesn't matter now! There's a group out there that has no problem killing people by bombing space stations, and you're all infighting like the politics are?! This is what the NMLA want, so how about we save the people, rebuild the stations, and then slam the fools into the black hole! What happened to being the Elite and Dangerous they fear that protect humanity?

Because superpower political games are the biggest threat for humanity right now (and, maybe, always was). These moneybags even provoke the Thargoids, and all these sold out Elite Commanders folks are too busy acting as their hired goon bodyguards and food couriers. So it would be no wonder to find that NMLA is someone's dirty ops squad.

Last edit: 12 Mar 2021, 5:03am
12 Mar 2021, 6:48am
If I were to offer up a theory it would be this...

Odyssey will need "baddies" for you to shoot. It's unlikely that you'll be attacked by NPCs on foot whilst you're out in your ship so they'll need missions that will require you go to "Place X" and hunt baddies.

This would, in my opinion, mean you have to go to an instillation and kill targets... so it could mean there's a growing pirate presence that are attacking places.

So... my theory is that this is all Archon Delaine's doing to spread out his opposition so he can make a power move... ahead of something that will tie in with Odyssey. Maybe having Pirate naval ranks or something.

Just my thoughts on it.
12 Mar 2021, 7:11am
JB ThreepwoodSo... my theory is that this is all Archon Delaine's doing to spread out his opposition so he can make a power move...

I doubt that he attended to Summit, required attention and made a speech about "building a nation of his own" only to bomb civilian stations afterwards. Too contradictory move.

But I cannot argue about the theory of NMLA ground forces going to be the usual ordinary common target for those who don't do thinking, but just shoot at whoever authorities marked "red". Much like "wanted" ships at the RES places now. There's definitely some logic here.
12 Mar 2021, 10:27am
RedivivusCrowdThese attacks by the NMLA make no sense. The Marlinist colonies were being officially recognised by the the Federation and Alliance. Relations with the Empire were starting to thaw somewhat. There is no benefit to the Marlinists behind these bombings whatsoever, they are more alienated than ever.

I think the "NMLA" care about as much for Marlinism as the Empire. They are simply using it to mask their real agenda which seems to be stirring up mistrust and hatred within the bubble. It happened right as the Sirius Treaty was going to be finalised and ratified, which would have allowed Humanity to put up a strong united front the against the Thargoids.

I have a hunch, not much more than a theory.

I suspect the NMLA are Thargoid sympathisers attempting to destabilise and fracture Humanity. Caustic weapons are nothing new but they've never been seen on this scale before. Aside from the Thargoids themselves that is. The attacks are so similar that the automated systems flag them as "Thargoid attacks" Maybe they are exactly that.

Thargoid attacks.

Agreed. We need to a steep up our learning curve on Thargoid's politics. Intelligence and Politics are intertwined. Which kind of politics the Thargoid Society has -- well, that is another mystery.
12 Mar 2021, 11:13am
Claudius Aetius

Agreed. We need to a steep up our learning curve on Thargoid's politics. Intelligence and Politics are intertwined. Which kind of politics the Thargoid Society has -- well, that is another mystery.

we do not even know how they structure society or even if they have the concept of society. Politics is a human construct so probably does exist within the Thargoids... they most likely think (or whatever) completely different to Human thinking....
12 Mar 2021, 3:46pm
Sir Sprockett we do not even know how they structure society or even if they have the concept of society. Politics is a human construct so probably does exist within the Thargoids... they most likely think (or whatever) completely different to Human thinking....

Nonetheless, we are forgetting that Intelligence is not a human construct, is a life phenomena. Civilization, society, religion AND politics are all part of a complex evolution of Intelligence.

IF (and this is a big "if") those institutions are not part of another alien intelligent life form, we don't know.

And we are not talking about common intelligence. We are discussing intelligence in its highest order. Thargoids are hugely technological, and has indisputable higher intelligence.

Any affirmation that they lack politics is very inaccurate, to say the least.
12 Mar 2021, 3:51pm
archon delaine and his kumo crew may be responsible for the recent attacks at the core systems. as of now, all of the carrier crew of the IFC Ignatenko are on high alert for any kumo crew designated ships, and issued a refusal of docking for all vessels affiliated with archon delaine. this may change as we get more information, but as of now, I have moved the IFC ignatenko to the witch head nebula in order to secure our cargo of platinum and rare metals.
12 Mar 2021, 4:19pm
Federation is linking the ‘Serene Harbour’ incident with the "Nine Starports" terrorist attack. If this is the case, the Empire responsibility on this tragedy is clear.

However Imperial leaders insist in the denial of any ‘Serene Harbour’ whatsoever.

The situation is becoming more and more shady.
12 Mar 2021, 4:26pm
Claudius AetiusFederation is linking the ‘Serene Harbour’ incident with the "Nine Starports" terrorist attack. If this is the case, the Empire responsibility on this tragedy is clear.

However Imperial leaders insist in the denial of any ‘Serene Harbour’ whatsoever.

The situation is becoming more and more shady.

Let us not forget that the Federation fought against the Empire when it tried to find and shut down the NMLA bomb making facility in LTT 1935 (where Theta 7 got apprehended btw) after the Federation refused to investigate that lead themselves. So if the Fednecks want to blame someone they should look into a mirror.

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