Elite: Lore

11 Mar 2021, 1:58pm
10.000 ly away from sol, damn it....
I have to fly back, expedition can wait. :-/
11 Mar 2021, 2:47pm
Ni6h70wl10.000 ly away from sol, damn it....
I have to fly back, expedition can wait. :-/

Hurry. Galnet says all powers Defense Forces in alert, new attacks could happen.
11 Mar 2021, 3:29pm
The recent bombings are the result of the futile attempt to negotiate with unintelligent goats parading as real people. These free-thinking Marlinists have proven countless times that the only language they speak is violence. I am very disappointed at this point in our Emperor for her inaction so far in dealing with these criminals. She was soooooo swift to deal with Nova Imperium and their allies for their treasonous ideologies. Why are we still breaking bread with Mrs Fairfax and the Marlinist community? Why haven't they been routed and thrown in jail for even daring to question the House of Duval? Why are they still roaming free and allowed to radicalise weak-minded fools that are too cowardly to fight openly?

The Emperor need to address this issue immediately... with blood. Marlinist blood.
11 Mar 2021, 3:52pm
Erika Wagner ChanterThe recent bombings are the result of the futile attempt to negotiate with unintelligent goats parading as real people. These free-thinking Marlinists have proven countless times that the only language they speak is violence. I am very disappointed at this point in our Emperor for her inaction so far in dealing with these criminals. She was soooooo swift to deal with Nova Imperium and their allies for their treasonous ideologies. Why are we still breaking bread with Mrs Fairfax and the Marlinist community? Why haven't they been routed and thrown in jail for even daring to question the House of Duval? Why are they still roaming free and allowed to radicalise weak-minded fools that are too cowardly to fight openly?

The Emperor need to address this issue immediately... with blood. Marlinist blood.

This was the work of extremists, terrorists. Not the entire Marlinist refugees. Empire's lack of empathy is astonishing. Any move against Marlinist civillians will not be tolerate by Federation.

All this tragedy will not be follow by Empire's thirst for genocide.
11 Mar 2021, 5:48pm
Erika Wagner ChanterThe recent bombings are the result of the futile attempt to negotiate with unintelligent goats parading as real people. These free-thinking Marlinists have proven countless times that the only language they speak is violence. I am very disappointed at this point in our Emperor for her inaction so far in dealing with these criminals. She was soooooo swift to deal with Nova Imperium and their allies for their treasonous ideologies. Why are we still breaking bread with Mrs Fairfax and the Marlinist community? Why haven't they been routed and thrown in jail for even daring to question the House of Duval? Why are they still roaming free and allowed to radicalise weak-minded fools that are too cowardly to fight openly?

The Emperor need to address this issue immediately... with blood. Marlinist blood.

These NMLA false flag attacks are part of a covert war waged by the autocratic Empire against both its internal opposition and its external rivals, the Federation and the Alliance.
11 Mar 2021, 6:00pm
SakashiroThese NMLA false flag attacks

Interesting POV, certainly. I have almost no doubt that every "shmuperpower" have it's own dirty squads. If they got through the heavy security in these worlds, they could bomb the summit instead, effectively turning all the big bosses into a well done steak. But they didn't. Okay, the consequences of Galactic Exploding Summit would be dire, but something tells me that they don't care about it. Conclusion: someone on this summit have immunity for NMLA attacks, but not telling it openly.
11 Mar 2021, 7:31pm
Erika Wagner ChanterThe recent bombings are the result of the futile attempt to negotiate with unintelligent goats parading as real people. These free-thinking Marlinists have proven countless times that the only language they speak is violence. I am very disappointed at this point in our Emperor for her inaction so far in dealing with these criminals. She was soooooo swift to deal with Nova Imperium and their allies for their treasonous ideologies. Why are we still breaking bread with Mrs Fairfax and the Marlinist community? Why haven't they been routed and thrown in jail for even daring to question the House of Duval? Why are they still roaming free and allowed to radicalise weak-minded fools that are too cowardly to fight openly?

The Emperor need to address this issue immediately... with blood. Marlinist blood.

These NMLA false flag attacks are part of a covert war waged by the autocratic Empire against both its internal opposition and its external rivals, the Federation and the Alliance.

I fail to see how bombing a few stations and killing innocent civilians constitute a victory against a rival. Prince Harold Duval (bless his divine name) wasn't a political rival. The disgraced usurper Hadrian Augustus has no 'teeth' left to chew the softest foam and yet an attempt on his life was made. These attacks aren't the work of an organised political faction seeking to keep or gain power. These attacks are random, opportunistic acts of violence carried out by mindless free-thinkers seeking to disrupt the fair and glorious institution of the Empire. They sought the support of other powers, were refused, and like immature, spoilt little brats diverted their ire on the Federation and the Alliance.

The Marlinists finally get to form their own experimental government (which is doomed to fail by the way), but that doesn't seem to be enough. They now wish to topple the Empire itself. The time of peace is long gone. Marlinist blood must flow.
11 Mar 2021, 7:42pm
Erika Wagner Chanter
Erika Wagner ChanterThe recent bombings are the result of the futile attempt to negotiate with unintelligent goats parading as real people. These free-thinking Marlinists have proven countless times that the only language they speak is violence. I am very disappointed at this point in our Emperor for her inaction so far in dealing with these criminals. She was soooooo swift to deal with Nova Imperium and their allies for their treasonous ideologies. Why are we still breaking bread with Mrs Fairfax and the Marlinist community? Why haven't they been routed and thrown in jail for even daring to question the House of Duval? Why are they still roaming free and allowed to radicalise weak-minded fools that are too cowardly to fight openly?

The Emperor need to address this issue immediately... with blood. Marlinist blood.

These NMLA false flag attacks are part of a covert war waged by the autocratic Empire against both its internal opposition and its external rivals, the Federation and the Alliance.

I fail to see how bombing a few stations and killing innocent civilians constitute a victory against a rival. Prince Harold Duval (bless his divine name) wasn't a political rival. The disgraced usurper Hadrian Augustus has no 'teeth' left to chew the softest foam and yet an attempt on his life was made. These attacks aren't the work of an organised political faction seeking to keep or gain power. These attacks are random, opportunistic acts of violence carried out by mindless free-thinkers seeking to disrupt the fair and glorious institution of the Empire. They sought the support of other powers, were refused, and like immature, spoilt little brats diverted their ire on the Federation and the Alliance.

The Marlinists finally get to form their own experimental government (which is doomed to fail by the way), but that doesn't seem to be enough. They now wish to topple the Empire itself. The time of peace is long gone. Marlinist blood must flow.

Spoken like a proper imperial puppet. Is the taste of the boot at least somewhat good?
11 Mar 2021, 7:56pm
Erika Wagner ChanterThey now wish to topple the Empire itself.

Who doesn't?

But as you've pointed out yourself, the NMLA never targets the powerful factions within that cesspool.
11 Mar 2021, 8:39pm
Rebecca Hail
Spoken like a proper imperial puppet. Is the taste of the boot at least somewhat good?

I have dealt with too many Federation aligned traders by now to know that your comment is the worst you can throw at an Imperial; along with the likes of "inbred" and "Imp". Imperial pride being misconstrued as 'having no will of one's own" can only come from having zero patriotic pride, and I feel sorry for you. Marlinists believe that progress can only from democracy; a concept which I scorn at, after watching the Federation for so many years. Bureaucrats bickering for ages before passing laws that only benefit they and their supporters, unfortunate citizens left to waste away and become nuisances rather than being rehabilitated and adopted by wiser, more honourable families, who will bestow upon them the knowledge required to pick up their lives in the future.

I do commend your affiliation with the Fuel Rats and for that, you have my respect for maintaining the decency and honour every person must strive to maintain. Beyond that, please do not address me in such a lowly tone.
11 Mar 2021, 8:51pm
Erika Wagner ChanterThey now wish to topple the Empire itself.

Who doesn't?

But as you've pointed out yourself, the NMLA never targets the powerful factions within that cesspool.

Marlinists, NMLA are all the same to me at this point. Free-thinking Radicals. They didn't warrant my attention until the latest attack on hundreds of thousands of civilians. I promise to do whatever I can to stamp them out
11 Mar 2021, 9:11pm
Erika Wagner Chanterunfortunate citizens left to waste away and become nuisances rather than being rehabilitated and adopted by wiser, more honourable families

Both you and feds use "less fortunate" citizens to achieve goals of your own. I don't know what's the worst fate - to suffer from starvation and lack of options or to be used for a lifetime as a slave, devoid of will.
11 Mar 2021, 10:24pm
Can we all take a step back and just deal with the damage done first?! Fed, Imp, pirate, or Alliance doesn't matter now! There's a group out there that has no problem killing people by bombing space stations, and you're all infighting like the politics are?! This is what the NMLA want, so how about we save the people, rebuild the stations, and then slam the fools into the black hole! What happened to being the Elite and Dangerous they fear that protect humanity?
11 Mar 2021, 11:43pm
Knightwolf 1785Can we all take a step back and just deal with the damage done first?! Fed, Imp, pirate, or Alliance doesn't matter now! There's a group out there that has no problem killing people by bombing space stations, and you're all infighting like the politics are?! This is what the NMLA want, so how about we save the people, rebuild the stations, and then slam the fools into the black hole! What happened to being the Elite and Dangerous they fear that protect humanity?

As long as Imperial radicals stop blaming legitimate refugees, we can unite and work to save and rescue. This is not the time to point fingers in the wrong direction. The Empire need to step back. Perhaps it is time to Aisling Duval say something, considering she is -- supposedly -- the least arrogant of Empire leaders.
12 Mar 2021, 12:05am
Claudius AetiusAs long as Imperial radicals stop blaming legitimate refugees, we can unite and work to save and rescue. This is not the time to point fingers in the wrong direction. The Empire need to step back. Perhaps it is time to Aisling Duval say something, considering she is -- supposedly -- the least arrogant of Empire leaders.

What in the goddamn hell are you getting high on? The smurf princess is the most conceited Imperial out there, and yes I'm also counting Patreus. There's a good amount out there showing that she only cares about popularity.

I'll agree that the Empire should make a distinctions from NMLA and the legit Marlinists. I'll also point out that Arissa has not said anything directly in a long time. Torval can have a heart attack, Patreus can jump into a star.

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