Elite: Lore

12 Mar 2021, 7:36pm
Amata LireinLet us not forget that the Federation fought against the Empire when it tried to find and shut down the NMLA bomb making facility in LTT 1935 (where Theta 7 got apprehended btw) after the Federation refused to investigate that lead themselves. So if the Fednecks want to blame someone they should look into a mirror.

Zac Hudson is the "Fedneck Attitude" in person. I still find very strange that a relatively small group of fanatics were able to plan, organize and execute an attack of this magnitude.

And let's remember that Hudson never tolerated Marlinist refugees since the beginning. This situation will bring back his disdain of diplomacy and interest in finding an excuse to step up war rhetoric against Empire.
12 Mar 2021, 7:55pm
I also have a theory that most may disagree but the only guy to take advantage of Summit prolonging would be... Edmund Mahon. Why? Because his term is ending and was prolonged until Galactic Summit ends, what met with very negative public opinion. And while it wouldn't make sense at the first glance given Alliance got hit too, when you think about it there is no better way to avert the public negativity but to suddenly become "savior of the Alliance from the terrorists" - and use that to be reelected as Alliance Prime Minister.

But then again, I come from the point it was VERY suspicious that Fazia Silva died shortly after she openly declared that, as Alliance President, she would run a massive fiscal investigation against Edmund Mahon and his office. Especially when you add up that Alliance removed presidential office (technically, being a political counterbalance) and replaced rogue admiral with a pro-Mahon one. Not to mention entire drama with Kincaid/Yamamoto turned eyes of the public away from suggested Mahon's financial mismanagement and fiscal abuse.

Ever since, I became rather distrusting towards anything Edmund Mahon does.
12 Mar 2021, 10:14pm
Vinh KruczekI also have a theory that most may disagree but the only guy to take advantage of Summit prolonging would be... Edmund Mahon. Why? Because his term is ending and was prolonged until Galactic Summit ends, what met with very negative public opinion. And while it wouldn't make sense at the first glance given Alliance got hit too, when you think about it there is no better way to avert the public negativity but to suddenly become "savior of the Alliance from the terrorists" - and use that to be reelected as Alliance Prime Minister.

But then again, I come from the point it was VERY suspicious that Fazia Silva died shortly after she openly declared that, as Alliance President, she would run a massive fiscal investigation against Edmund Mahon and his office. Especially when you add up that Alliance removed presidential office (technically, being a political counterbalance) and replaced rogue admiral with a pro-Mahon one. Not to mention entire drama with Kincaid/Yamamoto turned eyes of the public away from suggested Mahon's financial mismanagement and fiscal abuse.

Ever since, I became rather distrusting towards anything Edmund Mahon does.

Very good point. I completely forgot all Alliance commotion on the verge of Summit's discussions...

Well, in another words everyone has some motive. It's like the game of Clue.
15 Mar 2021, 3:34pm
How about motives of engineer Liz Ryder?
At the time, the Empire suspected Liz Ryder of supplying weapons to the NMLA terrorist group. - posted at recent CG description.

Is it just random acquisition or does it have any solid reason to say this at Galnet?
15 Mar 2021, 3:44pm
TarrimHow about motives of engineer Liz Ryder?
At the time, the Empire suspected Liz Ryder of supplying weapons to the NMLA terrorist group.

Is it just random acquisition or does it have any solid reason to say this at Galnet?

Liz loves things that go boom. And she's running her business trying to be completely unaffected by any power games and counted as independent. But she's working in Imp space, was originally from Empire and somehow tied to a faction that considered an enemy of Imp laws. So no wonder that engineer, working with explosives and willing not to be affiliated with any of the governments, will eventually see terrorists happily shopping at little boom store, because terrorists (as "terrorists" or as "someone's dirty squad", there's no difference here) love things that go boom too. Imps probably want to frame her and get rid of this inconvenient character living in their cozy slavegarten.
15 Mar 2021, 3:46pm
TarrimHow about motives of engineer Liz Ryder?
At the time, the Empire suspected Liz Ryder of supplying weapons to the NMLA terrorist group. - posted at recent CG description.

Is it just random acquisition or does it have any solid reason to say this at Galnet?

Liz is linked with the Eurybia Blue Mafia. They seem not only a shady criminal group, but also Anarchists. I don't know her too much. My hesitation to became - let's say -- "acquainted" with her Mafia is the problem. The EBM has a lot of systems in its zone of influence, tho.
15 Mar 2021, 4:14pm
TarrimHow about motives of engineer Liz Ryder?
At the time, the Empire suspected Liz Ryder of supplying weapons to the NMLA terrorist group. - posted at recent CG description.

Is it just random acquisition or does it have any solid reason to say this at Galnet?

GALNET - 12 OCT 3306 - Engineer Reveals Link to Terrorist Bombs

Liz Ryder, an engineer based in the Eurybia system, has confirmed that her designs for an explosive match those used by NMLA terrorists against Imperial starports.

Her statement was distributed by Vox Galactica:

“Under a private contract from what appeared to be the Eurybia Blue Mafia, I designed demolition charges capable of delivering a secondary payload. At no point did I know these would be customised to hold Thargoid caustic enzymes or used in terrorist activities. Until recently, I had no idea that the starport bombings were caused by modified versions of my design.”

“I have since discovered that my contractors used false identification, and now seem to be untraceable. It appears that the NMLA, or people working for them, infiltrated the Eurybia Blue Mafia to access my services.”

“To help clear the Eurybia Blue Mafia, which has supported me for years, I have provided Imperial investigators with all the data I have regarding this contract. I urge the Empire to accept that we were all deceived by the terrorists.”

The Imperial Internal Security Service confirmed that the warrant for Liz Ryder’s arrest has been rescinded and it is reviewing her information, which may lead to locating the source of the Thargoid enzymes used in the bombs.


That was only after the Eurybdia Blue Mafia won the CG against the Empire that made most pilots defend her after they made this claim:

GALNET - 01 OCT 3306 - Engineer Linked to Terrorist Weapons

*Pilots Federation ALERT: For the attention of all Commanders*

Conflict between Keltim Empire League and Eurybia Blue Mafia in the Eurybia system.

Explosive devices used in recent terrorist attacks on four Imperial starports have been linked to Liz Ryder, an engineer based in the Eurybia system.

The Imperial Internal Security Service published this report:

“Analysis of station traffic revealed that the explosives were delivered on cargo transports linked to the Eurybia Blue Mafia, a notorious anarchist organisation that we have reason to believe is secretly supplying the NMLA.”

“The Eurybia Blue Mafia is protecting demolitions expert Liz Ryder, who we strongly suspect designed the specialist weapons used in the starport bombings. As they have refused to cooperate, a state of war has been declared until she is surrendered to our custody.”

“Our affiliate faction, the Keltim Empire League, has requested the support of independent pilots against any resisting anarchist forces.”

Ana Westergard, a spokesperson for the Eurybia Blue Mafia, broadcast this emergency message:

“This is an outrageous invasion by the Empire! We categorically deny any involvement with the NMLA. I urgently call upon our supporters – and anyone who cares about freedom – to help us defend Liz Ryder as well as our independence.”

Engineering services are still available at the Demolition Unlimited workshop, with Liz Ryder communicating remotely from a place of safety.



Anti-Imperial bias inside the playerbase prevented the investigations against the NMLA to proceed faster, aiding the NMLA in the long run resulting in Friday's "Nine-Matryrs"-bombings.
15 Mar 2021, 6:50pm
Claudius Aetiusbut also Anarchists

Sounded like Anarchy is something undeniably bad. Anarchy is just a state in which neither you nor anyone else have to smell a boot. It's people who just can't go uncontrolled, lacking any inner moral compass, any understandings about "good" and "bad", made this state a bad name. Anarchy isn't bad for humankind. It's humankind isn't ready for it.
15 Mar 2021, 8:10pm
Meowers Sounded like Anarchy is something undeniably bad. Anarchy is just a state in which neither you nor anyone else have to smell a boot. It's people who just can't go uncontrolled, lacking any inner moral compass, any understandings about "good" and "bad", made this state a bad name. Anarchy isn't bad for humankind. It's humankind isn't ready for it.

Didn't say it's bad. I typed "ALSO". My only mistake was not elaborate my argument.

Last edit: 16 Mar 2021, 2:21am
15 Mar 2021, 8:30pm
Claudius Aetius
Meowers Sounded like Anarchy is something undeniably bad. Anarchy is just a state in which neither you nor anyone else have to smell a boot. It's people who just can't go uncontrolled, lacking any inner moral compass, any understandings about "good" and "bad", made this state a bad name. Anarchy isn't bad for humankind. It's humankind isn't ready for it.

Didn't say it's bad. I typed "ALSO". My only fail was not elaborate my argument.

Ah. Got it. Sorry if it was like offensive: you're not the one to blame here, as I've said, bad name was made and it's made solid. I agree on the fact that introducing Anarchy in any society at current state of human... evolution? will almost certainly lead it to become a cesspit full of vermin, so many factions with Anarchy state now is little more than it.

So my opinion on Ryder is similar. Ties to EBM can eventually pull her down to the bottom, no matter how helpful they was in the past. There's no "but" in being Independent, it's a binary state, Yes or No.
15 Mar 2021, 10:42pm
Issue with anarchy is that humans are pack animals and sooner or later the leader will emerge, even if anarchy has been achieved. It is also not about the pure freedom itself but freedom co-joined with safety. If there is no safety, there cannot be healthy societal development due to continuous fear - therefore, you cannot really express your own freedom in full degree.

Individuals and entire groups living in anarchy are technically unable to maintain it on the long run. Why? Anarchistic society would not defend itself due to one of the major points: non-existent authority, which means severe ineffectiveness to withstand against external influences, because there is no one to police them in the first place. If society polices out certain influences - it ceases to be anarchy.
15 Mar 2021, 11:26pm
Sure, but this point of view is based on current level of human consciousness, with humans still being rowdy pack animals of some sort, requiring policing and regulations to live in safety and some kind of stability. That's the reason for me saying "evolution?" with some mild hesitation. Hypothetical "evolved anarchic" society requires humans to develop many times more advanced sense of responsibility, to neighbors and to humanity in whole. To have this calculations of options and possible outcomes running "in background" with much more depth, maybe incomprehensible by human mind it its current state. So any "regulators" such as authorities, would be needed only to do statistics math, to identify possible threats (environmental, external, any other kind) and to keep people updated about how's humankind is going today.

Sounds like some delirious utopia now, but give it 10000 years, maybe 100000, maybe even million, who knows.

Power games are the biggest threat for people today and they was for thousands of years.
16 Mar 2021, 2:25am
Responsibility? The fact that 50% of the capable voters are not going to voting booth is the best measure alone how far and utopian idea of "anarchic society" is, given citizens are horribly irresponsible given a lot of factors from their immediate social group to entire historical context that shaped entire nations. There are wounds which push a lot of the latter into position of being severely misunderstood by other nations just because are different - falsely perceived through way different measures. The same applies to simple societies, subcultures and minorities.

Also, what you tried to describe in the last sentence in the first paragraph is basically libertarian utopia, which for a lot of reasons cannot be achieved - or worse, it can be twisted entirely so it creates "democratic" tyranny ruled by the mob, their toxicity and not by common sense. Just look at the French Revolution: born against the tyranny and paved with good intentions but quickly spiraled into chronic hatred towards anyone who did not support the revolution. Vendée is the finest example of what kind of madness humanity is capable of.
16 Mar 2021, 3:08am
Vinh KruczekResponsibility? The fact that 50% of the capable voters are not going to voting booth is the best measure alone how far and utopian idea of "anarchic society" is, given citizens are horribly irresponsible given a lot of factors from their immediate social group to entire historical context that shaped entire nations. There are wounds which push a lot of the latter into position of being severely misunderstood by other nations just because are different - falsely perceived through way different measures. The same applies to simple societies, subcultures and minorities.

Also, what you tried to describe in the last sentence in the first paragraph is basically libertarian utopia, which for a lot of reasons cannot be achieved - or worse, it can be twisted entirely so it creates "democratic" tyranny ruled by the mob, their toxicity and not by common sense. Just look at the French Revolution: born against the tyranny and paved with good intentions but quickly spiraled into chronic hatred towards anyone who did not support the revolution. Vendée is the finest example of what kind of madness humanity is capable of.

Bro, take this pill, it's from Doctor Zizek. You clearly poisoned by neoliberal propaganda. Take it before it's too late!
16 Mar 2021, 3:13am
Sure, again. From current point of view with our today's, how do I put this... decadent hopeless abominably low standards with people used to seeing and doing various unfair stuff and considering this normal or not having any means to deal with it. I've said before - things that I'm trying to describe is simply unachievable and maybe even inconceivable with human society (and maybe basics of human psychology) being at its current state.

What "responsibility" do we wait from this bastards of every sort?

And it's no way to reach it within time that comparable to human average lifespan, even taking in account any progenitor cells medication. Talking about lifespan... Humans are mortal, and that's the problem. They are bastards, too. So they try to gorge as much as they can in their share of time. For someone it's a shredded cockroach basic corpo slave meal, for someone it's influence over star systems. Yup, having a tick-tock countdown overhead is motivating... Motivating humans at their current, not so far away from primates, level.

Utopias can be twisted. Twisted by whom? If utopia of some kind (let it be one that I describe, maybe another) is built, it has been built by way way more advanced creatures than humans which we see now scurrying around in the Bubble. And any attempts to somehow make this progress, this evolution, go faster, are perfectly fit into my statement about "they try to gorge as much as they can in their share of time", because they just want to see it by their own eyes, not die from old age halfway.

So let's settle with what we have now. We won't see it better anyway. Dying on that hill isn't such a bad outcome. :p
Things that I'm trying to describe is more like a fiction about "higher level of humanity" that would take our place after a hundreds of years of progress. Of course if superpowers will not bomb the humankind into a medieval age before it.

Last edit: 16 Mar 2021, 3:33am

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