Elite: Lore

26 Apr 2021, 7:25pm
Pilots Federation benefits the most from all of this, and that's a fact.

Just saying.
26 Apr 2021, 8:55pm
Claudius Aetius"I am willing to believe into lucky coincidences during terms of certain politicians, but in case of Mahon these happen WAY too often."

What I see is a constant and sometimes intense pressure on Empire's rulers in many ways. The scenario show Empire's center of power surrounded by -- if I could say it -- traitorous dissidents, dangerous revolutionaries and dubious loyalists.

Is this really a case of an embattled Empire Dynasty facing serious risks of overthrowing or Arissa Lavigny-Duval is the ultimate devious ruler and she is creating grounds to a even more repressive government?

We still need to consider that all Great Powers' leaders are -- essentially -- benefiting in some way of this situation.

Many possibilities, many underlying threads. The great question after all seems to be: is there a hidden Puppeteer pulling those threads? If it is the case, who?

Usually I'd say there wasn't anyone behind it and X Organisation (in this case the NMLA) is completely genuine, and that all the politicians and CEOs who have benefitted are just very good at taking advantage of the situation - they seem suspicious but they're not responsible, and at most the NMLA had received funding from Federal and/or Alliance Intelligence prior to blowing up Federal and Alliance stations, when having an insurgency fight the Empire was beneficial. Things similar to that have happened in real life; see the CIA's Operation Cyclone or Timber Sycamore.

Elite's universe, however, isn't a usual place so I can say with confidence that there's at least one puppeteer behind this. I can't say with confidence who, previously I would blame Hudson, but now he just seems too easy a target. With this recent 'leak' accusing Hadrian Duval the likelihood of it being someone within the Empire has increased in my mind - painting Hadrian as a target doesn't benefit outsiders to the Empire nearly as much as it would benefit an insider to Imperial politics, but then again that could just be a red herring.
26 Apr 2021, 9:03pm
There's some beacons in the Teorge system that go over this...
26 Apr 2021, 9:12pm
Isaiah EvansonThere's some beacons in the Teorge system that go over this...

I don't take that at 100% face value because of what's in the last beacon:

"How do I know all this? That’s simple. My memory has been shot to pieces, edited by them and by me over the years, But I finally put it back together, most of it anyway."

It's not what I'd consider a reliable source.
26 Apr 2021, 9:14pm
Read the book Premonition by Drew Wagar then. That's a pretty reliable source.
27 Apr 2021, 5:04pm
Usually I'd say there wasn't anyone behind it and X Organisation (in this case the NMLA) is completely genuine, and that all the politicians and CEOs who have benefitted are just very good at taking advantage of the situation - they seem suspicious but they're not responsible, and at most the NMLA had received funding from Federal and/or Alliance Intelligence prior to blowing up Federal and Alliance stations, when having an insurgency fight the Empire was beneficial. Things similar to that have happened in real life; see the CIA's Operation Cyclone or Timber Sycamore.

Elite's universe, however, isn't a usual place so I can say with confidence that there's at least one puppeteer behind this. I can't say with confidence who, previously I would blame Hudson, but now he just seems too easy a target. With this recent 'leak' accusing Hadrian Duval the likelihood of it being someone within the Empire has increased in my mind - painting Hadrian as a target doesn't benefit outsiders to the Empire nearly as much as it would benefit an insider to Imperial politics, but then again that could just be a red herring.

I was wondering about "Salvation". Could it be that such character (or characters) have some involvement with Nine Starports tragedy or NMLA?
I don't think it's just coincidence that NMLA and Hesperus/Adamastor narratives are running very close to each other.

"There are no coincidences. Only the illusion of coincidence. " V, V for Vendetta.
01 May 2021, 12:06am
Is there any lore regarding the way Onionhead is consumed? Is it eaten, smoked, or injected? Can't find any details in the wiki.
01 May 2021, 12:08am
Actually, you can imagine, I think.
Many drugs have different ways to... enter the human body, with somehow similar effects.

Can't say about the 'true lore' though.
01 May 2021, 12:11am
That's fine, then I'll make something up.
01 May 2021, 12:13am
Its name - Onionhead - makes me think about its nature being close to today's opiate drugs. So I guess you can use this as a source of similarities.
01 May 2021, 1:20am
There are some rather sultry ways opioids can be infused into the human body.
01 May 2021, 1:27am
I'm hell sure you know... you have enough programs to find a sultry way of doing anything, or infuse anything into the human body in the sultry way.
01 May 2021, 2:33am
I always assumed Onionhead was smoked.
01 May 2021, 6:42am
For some reason I've always seen it like an Artichoke, you peel off a leaf and just chew it. I have no idea why.
01 May 2021, 7:12am
Then we have to compare these ways. Like... Competitors receive same doses of Onionhead to use it in a preferable way, who gets higher - wins.

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