Elite: Lore

01 May 2021, 10:50am
SapphoThere are some rather sultry ways opioids can be infused into the human body.

What's the size of an Onionhead, by the way?
01 May 2021, 12:03pm
SapphoThere are some rather sultry ways opioids can be infused into the human body.

What's the size of an Onionhead, by the way?

I suppose they might come in different sizes, being a natural or naturally sourced product & grown, but bigger isn't necessarily better. Any more than a mouthful is a waste, after all. Other avenues for infusion would depend on the user's preference & tolerance level, of course.
01 May 2021, 12:37pm
SapphoOther avenues for infusion would depend on the user's preference & tolerance level, of course.

If the lore's onionheads bear any resemblance to the onions we know, the idea of androids infusing them through sultry avenues sounds a bit like torture to me.
01 May 2021, 12:41pm
Sakashiroidea of androids infusing them through sultry avenues sounds a bit like torture to me.

Don't you guess how much people would like it, if done secretly?

p.s. Just imagine some imperial noble with a slave kink dying accidentally during this.

Last edit: 01 May 2021, 12:53pm
01 May 2021, 1:18pm
I always wrote that onionhead was smoked.
01 May 2021, 2:26pm
Best not to overthink it.
01 May 2021, 2:53pm
Sakashiroidea of androids infusing them through sultry avenues sounds a bit like torture to me.

Don't you guess how much people would like it, if done secretly?

p.s. Just imagine some imperial noble with a slave kink dying accidentally during this.

If I ever get interdicted by a member of the Imperial Society of Polyembolokoilamaniacs, I will run away as fast as I can.
01 May 2021, 3:00pm
SakashiroIf I ever get interdicted by a member of the Imperial Society of Polyembolokoilamaniacs, I will run away as fast as I can.

And, talking about Onionhead, they're actually getting high doing this. Super high if accidentally stuck.
01 May 2021, 3:11pm
SakashiroIf I ever get interdicted by a member of the Imperial Society of Polyembolokoilamaniacs, I will run away as fast as I can.

And, talking about Onionhead, they're actually getting high doing this. Super high if accidentally stuck.

I'm wondering if the behavior was named polyembolokoilamania because that word gets easily stuck, too.
01 May 2021, 3:12pm
Sakashirobecause that word gets easily stuck, too.

And it's long!

(and have that l, b, k letters sticking out of it)
01 May 2021, 6:13pm
SakashiroIs there any lore regarding the way Onionhead is consumed? Is it eaten, smoked, or injected? Can't find any details in the wiki.

You eat it.

In a Galnet article from December 3300, Georgio Algeria (spokesman for the Kappa Fornacis Farmers Union and main producer of the drug), said at a press conference:

"Onionhead is great, cool. Loved across the galaxy. We make it, you eat it."

Last edit: 01 May 2021, 6:22pm
01 May 2021, 7:15pm
Thank you!
02 May 2021, 7:19am
Commander J-Dog162 recently wrote a series of logs in which Jordanna gets addicted with a derivate from Onionhead that she calls skag and she uses and injector to take it.
02 May 2021, 12:58pm
Jav MarloCommander J-Dog162 recently wrote a series of logs in which Jordanna gets addicted with a derivate from Onionhead that she calls skag and she uses and injector to take it.

Thanks Jav.

My thinking was that, like with opioids in real life, different variants could be derived with different methods of taking it. For example morphine is liquid which can be injected or drunk, codeine is a crystal that is formed into tablets, and then heroin, which 'skag' is a fictionalised representation of, can be injected or smoked.

I figured that using the idea of derivative versions means that you can use the drug in whichever way best suits what you are writing about. That way I think you can keep lore friendly whilst keeping delivery methods convenient for what you are writing.
02 May 2021, 1:29pm
If I remember correctly, there are some Onionhead derivatives in the game already (alpha strain, beta strain), so the idea of different methods of delivery isn't far-fetched at all.

Lore-wise I took some liberties myself recently with sensory drugs administered via barcodes through cybernetic eyes.

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