Elite: Lore

21 Apr 2021, 10:54am
Been there, done that, still got the T-shirt.
21 Apr 2021, 12:19pm
did anyone comanders solve the enigma of adamansor ? i cant solwe it because my ship coputer got broken when i got to close to targoid vesel
21 Apr 2021, 12:50pm
Claudius AetiusPhase 3 was suppose to be a huge (and amazing) introduction for missions and Lore regarding exobiological phenomena in the Galaxy

Was it really? I never expected anything more than an introduction to the new mechanics, along with a request for feedback. Content-wise they're showing us the absolute minimum necessary for testing.
21 Apr 2021, 1:39pm
Claudius AetiusPhase 3 was suppose to be a huge (and amazing) introduction for missions and Lore regarding exobiological phenomena in the Galaxy

Was it really? I never expected anything more than an introduction to the new mechanics, along with a request for feedback. Content-wise they're showing us the absolute minimum necessary for testing.

Perhaps my mistake was to expect too much from a mere testing phase, idk...

But I do understand that if Frontier give us exobiology, new discoveries, new options of exploration (besides the usual new systems and deep space phenomena) and no narrative, no expansion, no missions but just one single tool and a poor "take samples and sell it" feature, then we have a problem here.
21 Apr 2021, 5:39pm
Issue with player-driven content is the fact that people abuse certain mechanics that can (and will) be exploited. CMDR Besieger controversy is the best example on why players are the worst part of the equation when it comes to player-driven content.

Last edit: 21 Apr 2021, 6:03pm
21 Apr 2021, 6:08pm
The issue isn't mechanics, it's the community.

Ask me about the backlash. Better yet, ask Drew Wagar.
22 Apr 2021, 2:05am
I remember how a lot of people behaved around the Salomé thing, like people whinging about how FDev shouldn't waste their time (because all they care about is credits-per-hour), complaining how the event was open only, things like that. Really showed the true colours for a lot of people.

I'd love to see more events like that, but without all that nonsense I mentioned.
22 Apr 2021, 11:41am
I am also looking for fun and interesting events. I have plenty of credits,dont need them. I would rather lose my bilions than oportunity for a fun. I want more actions like Salome.
23 Apr 2021, 3:54pm
"Shadow President Felicia Winters has claimed that the Proactive Detection Bureau is unconstitutional as it violates the Federal Accord."

Winters in collision course against Hudson? Interesting...

I'm seeing the initial signs of a dangerous dictatorship. Mandatory and invasive surveillance, constitutional rights suspended.. next will be the right to constitute a defense layer suspended, right to Habeas Corpus suspended, mandatory Curfew, rights to reunion suspended... the list is insidious and long.

At the end, we will see the end of votes, and the Democratic Process killed...

Dark times for Federation.

Last edit: 23 Apr 2021, 7:02pm
23 Apr 2021, 4:14pm
"Never let a crisis go to waste."
23 Apr 2021, 4:16pm
Sappho"Never let a crisis go to waste."

Sappho scares me sometimes... *makes mental notes what features not to order for own model*
23 Apr 2021, 7:05pm
Amata Lirein
Sappho"Never let a crisis go to waste."

Sappho scares me sometimes... *makes mental notes what features not to order for own model*

But you should know Sappho is correct. Machiavellian right, but right nonetheless...
26 Apr 2021, 5:19pm
"Imperator Hadrian Augustus Duval of Nova Imperium is the mastermind behind the NMLA, according to classified information leaked from within ACT.
(...) As yet this information has not been verified, and its source remains anonymous. There has been no comment from either ACT or Nova Imperium."

WOW! That I was not expecting! Sneaky little bastard...

Well, I guess a war operation against Nova Imperium will happen very soon. Zac Hudson is not a patient man, as far as I know. I wonder if he is willing to wait "verification" in order to make a move...
26 Apr 2021, 5:32pm
I'd like to point out the biggest winner of NMLA attacks is Edmund Mahon, just saying.

- Galactic Summit extended his term despite very negative feedback in pushing voting away.
- Attacks extended the term even more, because his term was extended as long as the Summit lasts.
- Galactic Summit is postponed/prolonged, therefore the voting for Alliance Prime Minister is.
- NMLA attacks drew away Alliance's public attention from the fact Mahon has extension of his term.
- Edmund Mahon's term extension is on the verge of outright illegality... at least according to civil law*.

*Not to be confused with Anglo-American common law used in the USA, UK, former British colonies.

I wouldn't pull out Edmund Mahon, if not the fact that Fazia Silva died shortly after she stated that she would like a serious control over Alliance PM's expenses if she becomes Alliance President. Then suddenly after Kincaid-Yamamoto drama, the positions in Council of Admirals and entire Presidential office is taken by Mahon's men - with all the documents and files in Bank of Zaonce confiscated and controlled by the people supported by Edmund Mahon... which could have evidence of enormous corruption happening within Prime Minister cabinet.

There were voices to extend powers of Alliance President in order to counterweight Alliance President, cut by - once again - Kincaid-Yamamoto drama. With the fact that Council of Admirals now have a guy who's fully supported by Mahon it doesn't really paint entire stuff in nice colors. Now we have NMLA attacks which by strange coincidence, once again, are undeniably the best excuse to present himself as defender of the Alliance and win all the votes lost across his cadence.

I am willing to believe into lucky coincidences during terms of certain politicians, but in case of Mahon these happen WAY too often.
26 Apr 2021, 7:08pm
"I am willing to believe into lucky coincidences during terms of certain politicians, but in case of Mahon these happen WAY too often."

What I see is a constant and sometimes intense pressure on Empire's rulers in many ways. The scenario show Empire's center of power surrounded by -- if I could say it -- traitorous dissidents, dangerous revolutionaries and dubious loyalists.

Is this really a case of an embattled Empire Dynasty facing serious risks of overthrowing or Arissa Lavigny-Duval is the ultimate devious ruler and she is creating grounds to a even more repressive government?

We still need to consider that all Great Powers' leaders are -- essentially -- benefiting in some way of this situation.

Many possibilities, many underlying threads. The great question after all seems to be: is there a hidden Puppeteer pulling those threads? If it is the case, who?

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