Elite: Lore

30 Mar 2021, 6:05pm
Remember that Fazia Silva died shortly after saying she'd take a very close look onto Mahon's expenses once she would become the Alliance President.

Everything that had happened so far ever since was surprisingly in favor of Mahon's interest: person who wanted to verify his possible financial frauds was murdered, Alliance Presidential office was entirely removed despite some Alliance politicians wanting to extend the executive power in order to fully counterbalance their PM, an admiral very supportive to the current PM was chosen, Already extended PM's period is virtually extended due to postponing/cancelling the Galactic Summit...

By absolutely no means any politician would have THAT much luck if you ask me.

Also, a fragment from two GalNet entries:
“Elijah Beck, by contrast, is a highly experienced politician. Hailing from the Leesti system, he has served in the Assembly for over four decades. He is generally considered a safe pair of hands, but it’s unlikely that he would bring about any significant changes as president.”

“Elijah Beck is the only candidate who seems content with the status quo (...)

Guess who took over "dying" Presidential office once Silva and Kincaid swept from the board, too. Not to mention that Bank of Zaonce was also struck, what - even despite ties with Kincaid - brings a lot of concern since all the operations would be classified by Interpol - making it virtually impossible for anyone from independent investigation journalism.

I doubt money would be the only reason for all the people involved into supporting Kincaid.

Last edit: 30 Mar 2021, 6:27pm
30 Mar 2021, 6:28pm
Someone benefiting from events doesn't make them complicit in them. Mahon's extended term is largely down to the fact that the Alliance is stronger now than ever before, having more than quadrupled in size over the last six years. Also due to the efforts of Alliance powerplay he frequently tops number 1 in the powerplay standing, the only times he isn't is when the game counts expansions that are doomed to fail as counting towards standing.

Otherwise Mahon would be sitting in the number 1 spot all the time. To put it simply Mahon is the most successful Prime Minister in the history of the Alliance. Does he influence the Assembly and leverage them to achieve his goals?


Because that is his job, to bring a direction and focus to the chaos that is the Alliance. He does what he does within the bounds of the law, the Assembly voted to extend his term for the summit, he didn't unilaterally decide that himself. Tyrants and despots have attempted to assert their control over the Alliance and Mahon has seen them all off.
30 Mar 2021, 7:19pm
Powerplay has no influence over lore or plotlines, not even to the BGS itself.

Also, your defense for Mahon is a little bit naive, given the hints that honestly put him in very... suspicious position. Look at the point I made again. Given the circumstances, if Alliance decides upon giving emergency power to Mahon and its military due to NMLA crisis - that may somewhat mirror actual historical events with a certain Austrian guy (which, by the way, also removed president as an office while taking over). Mirror on purely governmental - not ideological - level, that is.

And there is only one country in entire world right now which has its president as a figurehead with no actual power. Even if it is an unintentional, such hinting is rather uncanny.

Last edit: 30 Mar 2021, 7:39pm
30 Mar 2021, 8:34pm
Vinh Kruczek-LengyelPowerplay has no influence over lore or plotlines, not even to the BGS itself.

Are you certain about that? Are you a writer at Fdev? Also Powerplay and BGS are intertwined in al ot of ways. Fort triggers are influenced by government types, certain allegiances are either buffed or debriefed based on who owns the nearby control systems. Buffs to certain trades, discounts, etc. I could go on.
30 Mar 2021, 9:01pm
Vinh Kruczek-LengyelPowerplay has no influence over lore or plotlines, not even to the BGS itself.

Are you certain about that? Are you a writer at Fdev? Also Powerplay and BGS are intertwined in al ot of ways. Fort triggers are influenced by government types, certain allegiances are either buffed or debriefed based on who owns the nearby control systems. Buffs to certain trades, discounts, etc. I could go on.

Powerplay hasn't had an effect on the lore in years. I'm talking season two, pre-Thargoids here.
30 Mar 2021, 9:22pm
Vinh Kruczek-LengyelPowerplay has no influence over lore or plotlines, not even to the BGS itself.

Are you certain about that? Are you a writer at Fdev? Also Powerplay and BGS are intertwined in al ot of ways. Fort triggers are influenced by government types, certain allegiances are either buffed or debriefed based on who owns the nearby control systems. Buffs to certain trades, discounts, etc. I could go on.

Like Michael Ridge said, Powerplay has not influenced anything besides Powerplay itself. It seems to be an unnecessary mechanic which by a lot of people is used solely for getting power-restricted weaponry - while being severely disconnected with BGS. Some of systems are in weird ludo-narrative dissonance given absurd combinations of Power and Superpower affiliation.

The only economical, let's say, effects are ship discounts (LYR) and bigger bounties (certain Powers). Someone else's pledge can also be abused to shoot him or her down without getting Bounty or Notoriety, even if you aren't pledged (I tested it at least once each year, issuing a few tickets every time as I believe that should be bug).

To be honest, the only actual BGS effects would be made solely by other activities of a pledged player but those can also be done by any player without the pledge, too. Powerplay cargo has no effect on starport's market, since it's not really cargo for it in the first place.

/offtop, as that belongs to -> Game Talk

Last edit: 31 Mar 2021, 8:42am
30 Mar 2021, 10:43pm
I'll agree that powerplay is in desperate need of a rework. Right now the trenches have been dug and there is no incentive to push for expansions anymore, all the profitable ones are gone. Right now it's a case of "Get Rank 2, vote consolidate, the end."
31 Mar 2021, 4:21pm
RedivivusCrowdAs for the Council of Admirals they are certainly not beyond the reach of the law. Two have been arrested and imprisoned within the last 3 years.

So what your saying is that he is removing them too? Your guy Mahon is some operator. I might see if he needs any help knocking off VIPs.

The "death by misadventure" or as I like to call it the asphyxigank is a favourite method of mine for bumping off Celebs. Usually everyone is so busy whispering about "OMG, guess how they found him!" No one bothers to ask why the succesful Shipping Magnate / Trust funder / Rock star or Alliance Admiral decided to chokeerbate themselves to death.

But let's face it when you look at the state of Civilisation in the Bubble Mahon will be doing the Alliance a favour by taking direct control. As far as I can see Utopia is only ok for the already Dead, The Federation is Crushing hard on the Sirius Corporation model and Archon Delaine keeps people thinking he's a bad guy without actually doing any murders or gangster stuff.

Seems to me the Empire is about the only sane place to be at the minute.

Hey Artie, can we move this station closer to Achenar?

Last edit: 31 Mar 2021, 4:27pm
03 Apr 2021, 7:50pm
I find very unsettling to realize that the Galaxy's several human colonies/outpost/planets are almost completely devoid of relevant religious manifestations. This is somehow against the very human nature. We are social-political creatures, but we also tend to religious idiosyncrasies.

Perhaps this is a particular phenomena related to Space traveling. Maybe, on the moment Humankind lifted off from Terra and started to colonized and explore the vastness of the Galaxy, the "Religious Experiment" cease to have any relevance.

But I find really curious that the Mysticism and penchant to the Divine has abandoned the Humankind so easily...
03 Apr 2021, 8:06pm
Claudius AetiusI find very unsettling to realize that the Galaxy's several human colonies/outpost/planets are almost completely devoid of relevant religious manifestations. This is somehow against the very human nature. We are social-political creatures, but we also tend to religious idiosyncrasies.

Perhaps this is a particular phenomena related to Space traveling. Maybe, on the moment Humankind lifted off from Terra and started to colonized and explore the vastness of the Galaxy, the "Religious Experiment" cease to have any relevance.

But I find really curious that the Mysticism and penchant to the Divine has abandoned the Humankind so easily...

There are loads of religions in the game... Theocracy is one of the types of governments.
03 Apr 2021, 8:08pm
Many years ago, when humankind was making it's first tiny and cautious steps into outer black, a first human who went into space, Yuri Gagarin, said: "I see no God up here". Perhaps we still haven't found one, even living on countless worlds and crossing the Galaxy.
04 Apr 2021, 10:28am
JB Threepwood There are loads of religions in the game... Theocracy is one of the types of governments.

"Loads"? Really? ED's summaries present roughly 3 or 4 mildly spread religions, in a Galactic Civilization of (I suppose) quadrillions of people, or more.

ED is clearly a non-religious installment -- at least for now.
04 Apr 2021, 10:39am
Claudius Aetius
JB Threepwood There are loads of religions in the game... Theocracy is one of the types of governments.

"Loads"? Really? ED's summaries present roughly 3 or 4 mildly spread religions, in a Galactic Civilization of (I suppose) quadrillions of people, or more.

ED is clearly a non-religious installment -- at least for now.

Go to "search", click "nearest", then "minor factions" and scroll government type to "Theocracy" and hit search.

You'll be able to find plenty to pick from.

Edit: A quick check shows there's 162 Theocracies in game.

Last edit: 04 Apr 2021, 10:55am
04 Apr 2021, 10:42am
Claudius AetiusI find very unsettling to realize that the Galaxy's several human colonies/outpost/planets are almost completely devoid of relevant religious manifestations. This is somehow against the very human nature. We are social-political creatures, but we also tend to religious idiosyncrasies.

Perhaps this is a particular phenomena related to Space traveling. Maybe, on the moment Humankind lifted off from Terra and started to colonized and explore the vastness of the Galaxy, the "Religious Experiment" cease to have any relevance.

But I find really curious that the Mysticism and penchant to the Divine has abandoned the Humankind so easily...

Religion is alive and well in the Elite universe, but it isn't really a lore priority to go into detail about it.
04 Apr 2021, 11:46am
'Religion' is based on whatever each person or group decides is their 'God' (or 'Goddess'), isn't it? That might be something like war-conquest, trading-profit, exploration-discovery, etc.

Considering that religion is 1 of those potentially 'toxic' & 'volatile' topics, in-game & out, & basically, a matter based on a belief or set of beliefs that typically defy scientific analysis or definition, & with the supposed advancement of science in the time of E:D, I'm guessing that there might be some kind of incorporation of science & technology that goes into forming or supporting the basis of forming various religions to help deal with all the things which remain unexplained or even, unexplainable, by the current in-game science & technology.

I think that what we might know as 'religions' today might be somewhat more secularized or generalized in the time of E:D, or at least, more evolved to take into account new discoveries but of course, others would also spring up with every new encounter with those new unknown & unexplained things & events in the E:D universe.

Blessed Be the Witches who art in WitchSpace! (just an example!)

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