Elite: Lore

02 May 2021, 2:29pm
SakashiroIf I remember correctly, there are some Onionhead derivatives in the game already (alpha strain, beta strain), so the idea of different methods of delivery isn't far-fetched at all.
Oh that's cool, I'd not seen that.

Sakashiro Lore-wise I took some liberties myself recently with sensory drugs administered via barcodes through cybernetic eyes.
I remember reading it. I thought it was quite a clever idea actually. Very well written.
02 May 2021, 3:16pm
J-Dog162I remember reading it. I thought it was quite a clever idea actually. Very well written.

Thank you! Writing prequels is a lot of fun actually, like adding missing pieces to a puzzle. I feel that "Cold" will go back in time a lot.
03 May 2021, 9:28am
SakashiroIf I remember correctly, there are some Onionhead derivatives in the game already (alpha strain, beta strain), so the idea of different methods of delivery isn't far-fetched at all.

Lore-wise I took some liberties myself recently with sensory drugs administered via barcodes through cybernetic eyes.

I like that idea. Could you post a link?
03 May 2021, 9:57am
Kara waldeN
SakashiroIf I remember correctly, there are some Onionhead derivatives in the game already (alpha strain, beta strain), so the idea of different methods of delivery isn't far-fetched at all.

Lore-wise I took some liberties myself recently with sensory drugs administered via barcodes through cybernetic eyes.

I like that idea. Could you post a link?

Bad Trip
03 May 2021, 10:38am
SakashiroBad Trip

That's great thank you. I like that concept. Its that kind of thing makes me wary of anything like Cybernetics. I wonder if there would have to be some form of volition to accept the instruction.

I could see that misguided people might put these sort of things on Advertising boards in public places.
03 May 2021, 10:40am
Kara waldeNI could see that misguided people might put these sort of things on Advertising boards in public places.

Oh, that's quite nice idea.
03 May 2021, 11:04am
Nova Imperium is poised to face war against Federal and Imperial Powers. A war too hastened, in my opinion, considering that still there's no corroboration of Hadrian Duval's people involvement with NMLA.

Fednecks and hardcore Imperialist lust for blood could cost innocent lives. If no clear evidence of Nova Imperium involvement with NMLA come to light before any way began, I'll defend them against what I see as an unfair (and outlaw) aggression.
03 May 2021, 4:11pm
I've been puzzling over this ever since I got my Type 9 with the big 4 crew bridge and was wondering..

If we are using centrifugal force on space stations to simulate gravity. How do we walk around ships like a carrier or a T-9?

Magnetic boots?
03 May 2021, 4:14pm
03 May 2021, 4:47pm
Stillgar777I've been puzzling over this ever since I got my Type 9 with the big 4 crew bridge and was wondering..

If we are using centrifugal force on space stations to simulate gravity. How do we walk around ships like a carrier or a T-9?

Magnetic boots?

Yes, exactly this.

While magnetic boots are mentioned frequently in the official novels and short stories, they are not the clumpy things you might think. If you take a look at the feet of your character's standard flightsuit, those are magnetic "boots". We can (and do frequently in our RP) assume that such is the state of -magnetic boot technology in the 34th century, ordinary shoes of all types can be fitted with mag-soles for people living in starports.

They can be switched off when required, too. In such circumstances, the wearer would need to negotiate zero- and low-G environments by using handholds attached to bulkheads.

Edit: Of course, you can buy clumpy magboots as well. They go very well with the jackets and pants.
03 May 2021, 5:07pm
The only problem with the lore concerning magboots is that they work on metal surfaces and wouldn't work on wooden starports... I'm guessing they'd have to use Velcro or suction cups.
03 May 2021, 5:10pm
Well, wooden starports is definitely a thing to see. Like... orbital rural toilet.
03 May 2021, 5:15pm
MeowersWell, wooden starports is definitely a thing to see. Like... orbital rural toilet.

Yes. I hear that all the hangar bays have a little crescent-moon hole in them.
03 May 2021, 5:49pm
There is a chance that ferromagnetic trees have been discovered somewhere around the bubble.
First thing anyone with magnetic wood would build is a space station. Stands to reason.
03 May 2021, 6:27pm
Stillgar777How do we walk around ships like a carrier or a T-9?

Slowly and carefully.

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