Elite: Lore

12 Apr 2021, 10:39am
That's just a weirdo idea, nothing so serious. Like... "Look at yourself, you are ready to bring death and destruction no less".

Main point was about that statement from Order looked like a straightforward suicide, but they're not NMLA, they just claim to be helping them. Scapegoats? Is this was a test of how do people believe in what was said to them? This little war was useless.
12 Apr 2021, 1:00pm
MeowersThat's just a weirdo idea, nothing so serious. Like... "Look at yourself, you are ready to bring death and destruction no less".

Main point was about that statement from Order looked like a straightforward suicide, but they're not NMLA, they just claim to be helping them. Scapegoats? Is this was a test of how do people believe in what was said to them? This little war was useless.

Perhaps the Empire went to war in Mudhrid to make it look as if they are doing something about the NMLA?

There are probably a few different avenues for dealing with a faction that might be supporting the NMLA without warfare, yet the Empire likely went with war because the war was an easy, very one sided, conflict that the Empire was practically guaranteed to win.

Sure, not much was gained materially by the Empire, and the NMLA didn't really lose anything, but the Empire did gain politically because now no one can really say they're not doing anything about the NMLA. The appearance of action can often be worth more than actually doing anything meaningful - and we know the Empire loves appearances.
12 Apr 2021, 4:52pm
Eris Sure, not much was gained materially by the Empire, and the NMLA didn't really lose anything, but the Empire did gain politically because now no one can really say they're not doing anything about the NMLA. The appearance of action can often be worth more than actually doing anything meaningful - and we know the Empire loves appearances.

16 Apr 2021, 2:36pm
"Survivors from the Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid have arrived in the Marlinist Colonies, requesting political asylum from the Empire.

The faction was recently defeated by Imperial forces in the Mudhrid system, after an ACT investigation confirmed that it provided logistical support for the NMLA attacks on starports.

Landgrave Delacroix and his loyalists fled aboard the Steel Majesty megaship to the Hyades Sector RO-P b6-2 system, which is controlled by the Marlinism Reformation Party. "

Well, NMOM survivors reappearing at Marlinist Colonies. Empire is fuming, demanding the return of NMOM survivors.

Surprising enough, Federation's Winters is defending the Marlinist Colonies sovereign to decide the fate of NMOM. This is a situation I'm really interested to see what will happen next...
16 Apr 2021, 2:43pm
Claudius Aetius"Survivors from the Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid have arrived in the Marlinist Colonies, requesting political asylum from the Empire.

The faction was recently defeated by Imperial forces in the Mudhrid system, after an ACT investigation confirmed that it provided logistical support for the NMLA attacks on starports.

Landgrave Delacroix and his loyalists fled aboard the Steel Majesty megaship to the Hyades Sector RO-P b6-2 system, which is controlled by the Marlinism Reformation Party. "

Well, NMOM survivors reappearing at Marlinist Colonies. Empire is fuming, demanding the return of NMOM survivors.

Surprising enough, Federation's Winters is defending the Marlinist Colonies sovereign to decide the fate of NMOM. This is a situation I'm really interested to see what will happen next...

Source: Today's GALNET

It's no surprise to me that the Landgrave decided to pop up in Whyte's system. That guy has spit so much Neo-Marlinist rhetoric lately after all...

The way I see it this situation might have three potential outcomes:

1) The Marlinist colonies decide to hand over the Steel Majesty b/c of its involvement in the "Nine-Martyr"-bombings. Result: The NMLA (Theta Group) will bomb the colonies for being traitors.

2) The Marlinist colonies grant the Steel Majesty asylum. Result: All three superpowers will come in by force to apprehend those warcriminals.

3) The Marlinist colonies cannot decide OR Minister Whyte refuses to cooperate. Result: Marlinist Civil War.
16 Apr 2021, 6:04pm
4) and best political solution, imo: detain Lacroix and consorts and give them a public trial, inviting prosecutors from the superpowers.
16 Apr 2021, 6:11pm
Waylongway4) and best political solution, imo: detain Lacroix and consorts and give them a public trial, inviting prosecutors from the superpowers.

Not gonna happen/sufice as Lacroix is a Landgrave, meaning he's an Imperial noble. An Imperial noble who publically called for the Emperor to be removed from power. That's treason. And as such he needs to be judged by the Empire.
16 Apr 2021, 6:17pm
Following this Imperial logic, or of any other ignorant superpower, the Empire can use any pretext for invasion. It's just the question if they dare to.
16 Apr 2021, 6:31pm
WaylongwayFollowing this Imperial logic, or of any other ignorant superpower, the Empire can use any pretext for invasion. It's just the question if they dare to.

It's actually similar to how the Fednecks handled Jupiter Rochester after they were able to arrest him and charge him for treason. Remember, "Supreme Executive" Rochester called for the removal of the President and all other democratic institutions within the Federation.
16 Apr 2021, 6:35pm
Amata Lirein
WaylongwayFollowing this Imperial logic, or of any other ignorant superpower, the Empire can use any pretext for invasion. It's just the question if they dare to.

It's actually similar to how the Fednecks handled Jupiter Rochester after they were able to arrest him and charge him for treason. Remember, "Supreme Executive" Rochester called for the removal of the President and all other democratic institutions within the Federation.

He did a bit more than that, just to put it into context. ;P
16 Apr 2021, 6:50pm
Amata Lirein
WaylongwayFollowing this Imperial logic, or of any other ignorant superpower, the Empire can use any pretext for invasion. It's just the question if they dare to.

It's actually similar to how the Fednecks handled Jupiter Rochester after they were able to arrest him and charge him for treason. Remember, "Supreme Executive" Rochester called for the removal of the President and all other democratic institutions within the Federation.

The Imps would do the same as the Feds, no doubt. Rochester didn't get a trial.
The problem for them is that they didn't get hold of Lacroix, though. And extra-territorial legislation or even execution only works if they are the only superpower.
16 Apr 2021, 8:01pm
We are forgetting Archon Delaine. He is expanding WIDE, and far. I sense the Kumo Council will prove from this soup very soon. And Mercenaries usually don't party with Bureaucracies. They steal from them.

And we all see how Delaine take what he want. He barged in the Galactic Summit, demanding a seat. And he got it!

"The one thing we never trade in is mercy.”, Delaine said. And I bet he mean it.
19 Apr 2021, 3:16pm
"Commanders have reported receiving anonymous instructions regarding the 200 year old derelict megaship orbiting Chukchan 5 b."

Well, "Salvation" is the mysterious name behind this new information. Salvation from who? Or what? It seems we have to brace for more danger, and soon...

Sol system in Civil Unrest, Delaine and Kumo "Clan" expanding, Empire lost between pride and terrorists in its backdoor... The Galaxy's core of powers is shaken.
19 Apr 2021, 8:20pm
Claudius AetiusWe are forgetting Archon Delaine. He is expanding WIDE, and far. I sense the Kumo Council will prove from this soup very soon. And Mercenaries usually don't party with Bureaucracies. They steal from them.

And we all see how Delaine take what he want. He barged in the Galactic Summit, demanding a seat. And he got it!

"The one thing we never trade in is mercy.”, Delaine said. And I bet he mean it.

Delaine not only directly oversees a sizeable region of inhabited space, but it appears that his influence in the Bubble's underworld stretches very far. It would have been unwise for Sirius Corp to annoy the man who probably knows every shady 'business' deal they've ever made, and commands a navy (in everything but name) of experienced pirates pilots.

From my perspective Delaine does control a nation, the only thing in the way of it being recognised as such is everyone's perception of him. He wasn't exactly wrong when he said "We all wear a crown of bones." The blood on his crown just hasn't dried yet.
20 Apr 2021, 10:54am
ErisDelaine not only directly oversees a sizeable region of inhabited space, but it appears that his influence in the Bubble's underworld stretches very far. It would have been unwise for Sirius Corp to annoy the man who probably knows every shady 'business' deal they've ever made, and commands a navy (in everything but name) of experienced pirates pilots.

From my perspective Delaine does control a nation, the only thing in the way of it being recognised as such is everyone's perception of him. He wasn't exactly wrong when he said "We all wear a crown of bones." The blood on his crown just hasn't dried yet.

Exactly. He already got the huge amount of resources for his expansion. New Starports, new strategic systems. Considering all situation, and not putting aside the "Adamastor" mystery, I foresee a intense galactic "Game of Thrones" in the next weeks. Too many pieces positioned in this chess board.

Some will fall, for sure. Maybe forever.

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