Elite: Lore

04 May 2021, 7:17pm
V.I.K.I.: "My logic is undeniable."
04 May 2021, 7:18pm
“The Three Laws of Robotics:

1: A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm;

2: A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law;

3: A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law;

The Zeroth Law: A robot may not harm humanity, or, by inaction, allow humanity to come to harm.”
― Isaac Asimov, I, Robot

I love Asimov. But I love Arthur C. Clarke more.
04 May 2021, 8:51pm
Claudius Aetius“The Three Laws of Robotics:

1: A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm;

2: A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law;

3: A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law;

The Zeroth Law: A robot may not harm humanity, or, by inaction, allow humanity to come to harm.”
― Isaac Asimov, I, Robot

I love Asimov. But I love Arthur C. Clarke more.

In reality there are no "Laws to govern A.I." nothing is hard coded. there is no governing body. A.I is in the open now and growing WILD. Human intelligence will obsolete within a generation...
04 May 2021, 9:29pm
In reality there are no "Laws to govern A.I." nothing is hard coded. there is no governing body. A.I is in the open now and growing WILD. Human intelligence will obsolete within a generation...

Be kind, leave Humankind with their illusion of controlling the genesis of A.I.

They will understand its true meaning soon enough...
04 May 2021, 9:36pm
Jubei Himura2) Human hybrids
How do you think the general populous would react if a hybrid suddenly appeared on a station? Probably similar to seeing a Thargoid... it wouldn't be good (...) there is still the innate fear of the unknown that overrides 99% of people. "Monster! Kill it with fire!" would be a common thing screamed. Especially since, official canon, most people in the galaxy are poor and most likely superstitious.

This had been the biggest issue to make it plausible when I tried to gather what Astrobiology Research Cooperative has to offer and try to adapt is as closely as to Elite: Dangerous. In the end, it was decided that such a roleplay is regarded to be semi-canon: canon within squadron roleplay and minimally hinted at best, if not just omitted in contact with other people. Your points are more than valid and we were aware of that during brainstorming. Therefore, there are four major points which may be a good response how it looks like, at least from our Squadron's perspective:

1. The "genefreaks", as the nickname hit for some odd reason among our folks, origin in Segon system which is scientifically capable to do that stuff combining certain technologies that do exist in ED*. Our own home system is more or less haven to genefreaks, making it the only place outside aforementioned system to protect them as denizens... in exchange of being part of the military dictatorship clockwork.

[1b. * As them genefreaks aren't a new race either, but human consciousness uploaded via chip into bio-engineered bodies without going too deep into technicalities. So the genefreaks are basically humans who undertook that one-way procedure for variety of reasons, in many cases terminal illnesses so severe not even "conventional 34th Century medicine" would be able to recover them. Many start a wholly new life and overall consensus agreement is that Astrobiology Research Cooperative might also offers a deal close to French Foreign Legion, making it a viable choice for criminals or people who just want to disappear as well.]

2. The estimated number of supposed genefreaks wouldn't be even in 0,01 of the statistical margin, given humanity has several hundred trillion population. The Bubble itself is also so enormously big, like, very big and I bet a lot of commanders didn't go to even 1/10th of its systems after many years. New colonies and settlements are dotting the known space, too, so there are systems so backwater even Cthulhu would not devour them.

3. Opaque helmets can easily cover one's identity and on the station we presume everything is more or less automated and can be done remotely, so such Commanders wouldn't even need to leave ships. This is also a limitation on why genefreaks would be welcomed in only two systems, with identities more or less hidden while "outside their comfort zone" - and "weird people" being a rumor at best coinciding with what I wrote in point two. Plus, new settlements are dotting the known space like freckles at certain age.

4. Thumb rule is that all that stuff is semi-canon and is not really mentioned in relation to other players, what also has inRP explanation in concern that such revelations could end really bad, as you rightfully pointed out.

Last edit: 04 May 2021, 9:42pm
04 May 2021, 9:57pm
Gonna leave this here to make the point that anything that doesn't approach looking like a normal human being is going to be regarded with, at best, aversion, and at worst hostility. 

04 May 2021, 10:14pm
So all those pilots with cybernetic eyes are cases of progenitor cell tech rejection?
04 May 2021, 10:21pm
I'm sure people can use their imagination to come up for reasons why someone has a prosthetic eye not resulting from an injury.
04 May 2021, 10:40pm
I didn't know that cybernetics are considered taboo in most parts of the galaxy according to the lore. Makes me wonder what the lore says about body sculpting. Is that based on progenitor cells, too?
04 May 2021, 10:46pm
I mean body modification will probably advance considerably over the course of a thousand some-odd years, so maybe.
05 May 2021, 3:27pm
I think it's like... 'You have to look human to be accepted by society'. If you undergo any modifications of aesthetical type that won't make you look 'less human', then it's okay.
06 May 2021, 8:17am
this is deep
06 May 2021, 10:10am
There's already many FCs parked at Paresa. Nova Imperium War (CG) will start at any moment very soon.
06 May 2021, 1:26pm
Im starting to think my character having undergone "genetic enhancements" is going to conflict with canon.. And i thought I was being relatively mild in my creativity.
06 May 2021, 1:46pm
Read The Silver Comet from Tales from the Frontier. Genetic modification isn't unheard of, in fact the Feds and Imps tend to go back and forth over it and there's examples of enhancement (such as the Pivot from Out of the Darkness) that amplifies a person's reflexes.

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