Elite: Lore

20 Apr 2021, 12:53pm
Claudius Aetius
ErisDelaine not only directly oversees a sizeable region of inhabited space, but it appears that his influence in the Bubble's underworld stretches very far. It would have been unwise for Sirius Corp to annoy the man who probably knows every shady 'business' deal they've ever made, and commands a navy (in everything but name) of experienced pirates pilots.

From my perspective Delaine does control a nation, the only thing in the way of it being recognised as such is everyone's perception of him. He wasn't exactly wrong when he said "We all wear a crown of bones." The blood on his crown just hasn't dried yet.

Exactly. He already got the huge amount of resources for his expansion. New Starports, new strategic systems. Considering all situation, and not putting aside the "Adamastor" mystery, I foresee a intense galactic "Game of Thrones" in the next weeks. Too many pieces positioned in this chess board.

Some will fall, for sure. Maybe forever.

Based on six years of watching Frontier derp their way from one half-baked feature and storyline to the next, I doubt that we'll see anything in the way of lasting significance. We certainly won't be seeing any power play-level characters die or be affected.
20 Apr 2021, 1:24pm
If it ends like Game of Thrones I much rather not have it at all.
20 Apr 2021, 1:48pm
M. LehmanBased on six years of watching Frontier derp their way from one half-baked feature and storyline to the next, I doubt that we'll see anything in the way of lasting significance. We certainly won't be seeing any power play-level characters die or be affected.

Nah, careful about that... today's GALNET...

Conditional Amnesty Agreed for Neo-Marlinists

20 APR 3307

The Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid has been granted sanctuary in the Marlinist Colonies in return for revealing the identities of the NMLA’s leaders.

The faction’s survivors arrived in the Hyades Sector RO-P b6-2 system after being defeated by Imperial forces. The Marlinism Reformation Party agreed to offer political asylum, despite all three superpowers demanding the refugees’ arrest.

Imperial Senator Lorcan Scordato, who was visiting the Colonies on a fact-finding mission, announced:

“After meeting the Neo-Marlinists and the Marlinist Parliament, I have secured an agreement. The Landgrave of Mudhrid and his inner circle will cooperate fully with ACT to provide details on the senior leadership of the NMLA. In return, they will receive life imprisonment at a local detention facility.”

“The Steel Majesty’s population will undergo security vetting by the Marlinist Constabulary to identify extremists. The remainder will be permitted to remain in the system and apply for citizenship.”

Chancellor Blaine has approved the proposal, commenting that it was “precisely the sort of creative solution the Emperor requires”. Responses from the Alliance and Federation were mixed, but there was broad agreement that targeting the NMLA was the priority.

Minister Aaron Whyte, elected leader of the Marlinism Reformation Party, publicly thanked Senator Scordato for negotiating a peaceful resolution.

...saw Chancellor make another jab against Patreus, giving him two strikes. Maybe one more and he's out (as Admiral of the Fleet)?
20 Apr 2021, 2:37pm
Amata Lirein
M. LehmanBased on six years of watching Frontier derp their way from one half-baked feature and storyline to the next, I doubt that we'll see anything in the way of lasting significance. We certainly won't be seeing any power play-level characters die or be affected.

Nah, careful about that... today's GALNET...

Conditional Amnesty Agreed for Neo-Marlinists

20 APR 3307

The Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid has been granted sanctuary in the Marlinist Colonies in return for revealing the identities of the NMLA’s leaders.

The faction’s survivors arrived in the Hyades Sector RO-P b6-2 system after being defeated by Imperial forces. The Marlinism Reformation Party agreed to offer political asylum, despite all three superpowers demanding the refugees’ arrest.

Imperial Senator Lorcan Scordato, who was visiting the Colonies on a fact-finding mission, announced:

“After meeting the Neo-Marlinists and the Marlinist Parliament, I have secured an agreement. The Landgrave of Mudhrid and his inner circle will cooperate fully with ACT to provide details on the senior leadership of the NMLA. In return, they will receive life imprisonment at a local detention facility.”

“The Steel Majesty’s population will undergo security vetting by the Marlinist Constabulary to identify extremists. The remainder will be permitted to remain in the system and apply for citizenship.”

Chancellor Blaine has approved the proposal, commenting that it was “precisely the sort of creative solution the Emperor requires”. Responses from the Alliance and Federation were mixed, but there was broad agreement that targeting the NMLA was the priority.

Minister Aaron Whyte, elected leader of the Marlinism Reformation Party, publicly thanked Senator Scordato for negotiating a peaceful resolution.

...saw Chancellor make another jab against Patreus, giving him two strikes. Maybe one more and he's out (as Admiral of the Fleet)?

Hey, I'd love to be wrong here. It's far past time that Powerplay characters shed their plot armor.
20 Apr 2021, 11:16pm
Rebecca HailIf it ends like Game of Thrones I much rather not have it at all.

I was thinking of The Red Wedding, not that shameful parody.
20 Apr 2021, 11:24pm
M. Lehman Based on six years of watching Frontier derp their way from one half-baked feature and storyline to the next, I doubt that we'll see anything in the way of lasting significance. We certainly won't be seeing any power play-level characters die or be affected.

I read similar argument when I suggest that an attack of great proportions could happen in the Bubble during the Galactic Summit. And as we all know, it happened.

Anyway, all this is just speculation. We need to wait and see what happens.

And yes, I play Elder Scrolls games and comparing with Elder Scrolls installments' Lore, Elite Dangerous seems a half-baked bed-time story. But I like it.

It's a shame Frontier doesn't seem interested to give ED lore a huge upgrade. But, again, let's see. Who knows?
20 Apr 2021, 11:52pm
Claudius AetiusIt's a shame Frontier doesn't seem interested to give ED lore a huge upgrade. But, again, let's see. Who knows?

I think there's something big coming for the launch of Odyssey. Here's why: The alpha is showing us lots of new mechanics, but all the settlements where testing takes place are of human origin. I think it would be very odd if FDev wasn't going to use space legs as an opportunity to introduce new Guardian, Thargoid, or even other xeno content, along with some lore updates, to sell the DLC. Of course they can't make any of this a part of the alpha, because there are no NDAs, screenshots would be all over the place, and by release day no one would be surprised any more. What we're seeing instead is a slow build-up towards that big reveal, with all those mysterious stories about lost ships, encrypted signals etc.
21 Apr 2021, 12:12am
The pussy cat race is coming !

I vote we call them Tiggers
21 Apr 2021, 12:30am
You mean the furry race?
21 Apr 2021, 12:50am
It would be 'puurrfect'.
21 Apr 2021, 1:08am
Claudius AetiusI read similar argument when I suggest that an attack of great proportions could happen in the Bubble during the Galactic Summit. And as we all know, it happened.

Anyway, all this is just speculation. We need to wait and see what happens.

And yes, I play Elder Scrolls games and comparing with Elder Scrolls installments' Lore, Elite Dangerous seems a half-baked bed-time story. But I like it.

It's a shame Frontier doesn't seem interested to give ED lore a huge upgrade. But, again, let's see. Who knows?

There was a lot of Lore happening up to early 2017. Then, the Salome event happened (which was awesome), and then piddle after that. We had to make our own events after that. So please... don't do that...

Don't give us hope.
21 Apr 2021, 2:41am
...a term I keep hearing is, "Player-driven narrative"...

A plausible reason, to be sure.
21 Apr 2021, 2:50am
I must admit, while I enjoy the various stories crafted in MMO's, having a rich enough lore for you to make your own story *is* sometimes enough for me.
21 Apr 2021, 3:01am
Daiyousei7I must admit, while I enjoy the various stories crafted in MMO's, having a rich enough lore for you to make your own story *is* sometimes enough for me.

Which is totally fair. I've met a lot of good friends in E:D though RP and Things (aka logbooks). We've made a great and rich mini-verse involving The Chapterhouse, Pegasi, the Olive Grove... lots of stuff and background.

Hell, I made the Elite:Lore discord so we could help people with their stories, have a resource that people could reference, and discuss the things that weren't talked about much or was missing (like fashion, weapons, ship interiors, traditions).
21 Apr 2021, 10:36am
Claudius AetiusIt's a shame Frontier doesn't seem interested to give ED lore a huge upgrade. But, again, let's see. Who knows?

I think there's something big coming for the launch of Odyssey. Here's why: The alpha is showing us lots of new mechanics, but all the settlements where testing takes place are of human origin. I think it would be very odd if FDev wasn't going to use space legs as an opportunity to introduce new Guardian, Thargoid, or even other xeno content, along with some lore updates, to sell the DLC. Of course they can't make any of this a part of the alpha, because there are no NDAs, screenshots would be all over the place, and by release day no one would be surprised any more. What we're seeing instead is a slow build-up towards that big reveal, with all those mysterious stories about lost ships, encrypted signals etc.

Yeah, it is possible that all new space legs novelty give us a open door to meaningful stories. But, honestly, if the Phase 3 debacle is indicative of something, is that Fdevs doesn't seem motivated to create more creative opportunities.

Phase 3 was suppose to be a huge (and amazing) introduction for missions and Lore regarding exobiological phenomena in the Galaxy, but what we got was a very annoying tool (Genetic Sampler) and a rather lame excuse for exploration: go there, be insanely frustrated using a horrible scanner tool, collect genetic samples, sell it for almost nothing. No missions, no new narratives, no expanded possibilities.

To me, this Phase 3 represents the worst of Elite Dangerous Lore: a half-baked bread made of almost nothing.

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