Elite: Lore
29 May 2021, 1:15am
30 May 2021, 11:00am
LordPsymonI'm more interested in implementing a "Strange Women Lying in Ponds Distributing Swords" system of government for the Alliance.
Can we get an example of the violence inherent in the system please?
30 May 2021, 11:27am
Unless ya part of the Empire.
30 May 2021, 2:26pm
Lambast MercyYou can't be king just because some moistened bint lobbs a scimitar at you.
Unless ya part of the Empire.
Well, the 'Testosterone Guy" in Federation is not a good example too.
30 May 2021, 4:26pm
Isaiah EvansonLess annoyed with the process and more annoyed that Frontier did exactly what everyone expected.
Well, when you think about it the problem is that Alliance uses indirect democracy without any involvement of citizens in this case, which is a thing that derives from American/Federation political scene: prominent "head of the state" is chosen not by the citizens themselves but by the Councillors (Electoral College in the US). That system of voting only gives in to my suspicion that Alliance is in fact Space Germany, because the very same system to choose Chancellor (German version of PM) is done by respective Bundestag and not by citizens themselves. Even EU - which I thought Alliance is based off - has more direct form of voting as every member state has to choose their candidates first through direct elections and only then EU chooses the candidate. Nothing like that happened in the Alliance - at least according to GalNet and respective in-game Codex.
Removal of Alliance Presidency due to "incompetence of previous candidate", along with replacing handful of seats with pro-Mahon candidates (remember that Elijah Beck supported by Mahon got so little votes as the candidate for Alliance President yet took control over what remained of its office), also gives into my already uneasy vibes about fall of Weimar Republic in 1930s. Especially when we take into consideration that Mahon gained popularity on wave of serious crisis, despite rather negative (lightly speaking) initial public opinion - the latter increased by postponing voting over new head of the state. In a lot of countries (from our own modern perspective) such a move is outright illegal unless done in state of emergency. And sure, even if the reason was the Galactic Summit - this is what Foreign Affairs or even Ambassadors were created for in the first place.
Last edit: 30 May 2021, 4:31pm
03 Jun 2021, 1:39pm
03 Jun 2021, 3:27pm
Claudius AetiusDid Aegis Megaship disappear? Lore gossip said so... Abducted by Thargoids. I guess we need to wait and see.
Other people on the forums suggested that the megaship wasn't able to jump into its planned destination system as it was clogged up with fleet carriers already, leaving no space available for the ship
03 Jun 2021, 5:44pm
Amata LireinOther people on the forums suggested that the megaship wasn't able to jump into its planned destination system as it was clogged up with fleet carriers already, leaving no space available for the ship
I sense a disturbance in the Force... another Ghost Ship is in the making...
04 Jun 2021, 10:42pm
Claudius AetiusDid Aegis Megaship disappear? Lore gossip said so... Abducted by Thargoids. I guess we need to wait and see.
Claudius AetiusI sense a disturbance in the Force... another Ghost Ship is in the making...
Community expedition to find the Alexandria?
07 Jun 2021, 2:13pm
If someone have a significantly higher understand, knowledge, and technology in a given subject, it just seem really bad idea to try and escape them with the same techniques when you've already made them angry. At least split up the artifacts into smaller batches so you don't put all eggs in one basket... Why not put an artifact in each of the docked ships and have them all scatter like the wind into pre-selected systems? I suppose that doesn't make as good story though.
10 Jun 2021, 9:18pm