Elite: Lore

19 Jun 2021, 8:10am
Not a biologist, but there is an entire array of biological and social mechanisms that are specifically there to prevent the birth/reproduction of hybrids. It's hard to imagine that it'd be possible to naturally produce a hybrid/hybrid species from vastly different species, let alone species that evolved in an environment that is based on entirely different premises.
19 Jun 2021, 12:55pm
Sorry folks, no human/kitsune hybrid any time soon.
19 Jun 2021, 1:54pm
Don't even try to start that up again Sakashiro. I have no need to have those attacks again by others.

Last edit: 19 Jun 2021, 2:41pm
19 Jun 2021, 3:56pm
On a realistic front, CRISPR already exists in current technology. Considering the timeline of E:D, that's >1K years ahead of our RL future. I rather doubt that such technology & expertise using it hadn't advanced considerably by then.

Also, that or similar technology would almost certainly have been discovered during the Guardian's civilization, which according to E:D Lore, was quite some time prior to the rise of human civilization.

Direct hybrids of humans & Guardians might not have been possible, but assuming that Guardians also used DNA, I think it certainly possible that using gene editing & splicing might have been possible, & developing a genetic 'hybrid'.

If every single one of the Guardians had perished, considering existing E:D expertise with cryogenic storage, I think it also likely that the Guardians would have developed something congruent; the Guardians, seeing what was happening, might it be plausible that at least one & more likely more, even many such as an isolated enclave or outpost, have used that as a means to try to preserve their species with the hope of surviving past their then-current catastrophe? If such a situation were to happen with humans, either in our own near-future species, or those in the time of E:D, wouldn't we have tried the same?

I think that time would be the great barrier here, with the Guardian civilization far pre-dating our own. Might it be plausible that someone, somewhere, stumbles upon said cryogenically-preserved Guardians & attempt to revive them & if that wasn't possible, then to at least extract & study their DNA & with the rationalization of using what they found to combat the 'Goids... humans are capable of anything, once their decisions can be rationalized. Few obstacles can't be overcome with the conviction of "doing The Right Thing". Humans & Guardians had many similarities.

As to hybridization of humans & 'Goids, I think that far less plausible, considering the 'Goids physiology & preferred environment. Ammonia-based, & far colder... not to mention, a totally alien social & conceptual structure.
19 Jun 2021, 4:32pm
Have to agree with the goids hybrids not ever happening. Cyborg goids however are a scary thought.
19 Jun 2021, 4:39pm
Knightwolf 1785Have to agree with the goids hybrids not ever happening. Cyborg goids however are a scary thought.

I doubt cyborg 'Goids, with their apparent affinity for bio-engineered technology.
19 Jun 2021, 4:40pm
Good point.
19 Jun 2021, 4:48pm
Knightwolf 1785Good point.

I'll make sure to wear a hat so no one will notice it.
19 Jun 2021, 5:04pm
SakashiroSorry folks, no human/kitsune hybrid any time soon.

If theoretical or imaginative/creative content is OK here, then I think that Rain's depiction should be allowed, provided that it's recognized as not being true to E:D Lore.

Who's to say that such a thing was impossible, or even implausible, given the potential for interest in such a thing & the wide expanse & diversity in variations of human cultures?

I can see the possibility of certain things being an interest, albeit by a select/fringe community, & available via CRISPR.

If we set aside the limit of discussing rigid conformity to E:D Lore, why not? We have a segment of fans in today's society expressing their individuality with body-modding, sometimes to the extreme. Who's to say such body-modding might not extend beyond that in the future?

As such a heated debate on the matter has already been pursued & settled, we do have a place for them now.
19 Jun 2021, 5:31pm
LordPsymon Ignore Synthia, she's just trying to bait the RP crowd.

Yeah, I think I see what you mean now.
21 Jun 2021, 6:38pm
Just passed a Type 6 that had a "My child is an Honor Student at Hutton Orbital Primary" decal on the back. Talk about a long bus ride everyday...
22 Jun 2021, 7:54pm
How many Marlinist fringe parties are there? They seems to reproduce like rabbits... or rats.
23 Jun 2021, 9:19pm
I wonder if we might learn the truth about Marlin Duval's death further down the Marlinism-arc. There are three options on the table after all:

1) It really was a freak and strangly timed accident.
2) She was assasinated by her brother (or supporters of him) to enable his rise to power and become the first Emperor.
3) It was the Fednecks (either the governement itself or one of the corporations) in an attempt to cut off the head of the seperatist movement that was the Republic of Achenar, hoping that it would fall back in line and join the Federation afterwards. Instead it backfired badly and created the its most powerful rival.

I myself would put my money on option #3.
23 Jun 2021, 9:33pm
Does it really matter?
23 Jun 2021, 9:49pm
Of course the Imp blames the Federation for whatever goes wrong in their little Empire. But we're used to it, aren't we?

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