Elite: Lore

10 Jun 2021, 9:46pm
Isaiah EvansonCorpos killing corpos is just... good business. Am I right?

10 Jun 2021, 9:52pm
Isaiah EvansonCorpos killing corpos is just... good business. Am I right?

What do you think where the term "hostile takeover" came from?
10 Jun 2021, 9:54pm
Vinh KruczekWhy Core Dynamics winning over Jupiter Division is considered a victory for "better" Federation? It has always been, after all, ran by corporations which influence political scene one way or another, right now only reinforced by current president who is not only a serious warmonger but actively supports abuse of working class - calling out unsuccessful citizens as "lazy parasites" (what would be an outright political suicide in any healthy democracy).

Megacorporations like their rule over the Federation to be on a de facto level, not de jure
11 Jun 2021, 6:13am
The Bubble really needs a Clan invasion to set them right.
11 Jun 2021, 1:45pm
Something big should happen in the bubble.
11 Jun 2021, 1:51pm
Well, the Thargoids were a big deal until they weren't, so...

It's like a Clan invasion except without the Battle of Tukayyid.
11 Jun 2021, 10:39pm
Vinh KruczekCurrent president who is not only a serious warmonger but actively supports abuse of working class - calling out unsuccessful citizens as "lazy parasites" (what would be an outright political suicide in any healthy democracy).

A good worker is a live worker. Free to live, and work! A bad worker is a dead worker, and vise versa. Don't be a bad worker. Bad workers are slaves and dead! Payday for good workers has been postponed indefinitely. Payday for bad workers is canceled.
16 Jun 2021, 3:39pm
Nkizo BaxterWhy Core Dynamics winning over Jupiter Division is considered a victory for "better" Federation? It has always been, after all, ran by corporations which influence political scene one way or another, right now only reinforced by current president who is not only a serious warmonger but actively supports abuse of working class - calling out unsuccessful citizens as "lazy parasites" (what would be an outright political suicide in any healthy democracy).

Federation is a phony democratic super power. Winters could be the best option for a more democratic Federation but most Feds love warmongering. That was evident in the last Zac/Winters CG.
17 Jun 2021, 1:02am
i have a theory ive had in my head that the guardians are still alive hiding i think they left to protect us from using there technology i think they are in the horsehead nebula and i dont think they know that the thargoid are back and still alive any idea or thoughts
17 Jun 2021, 11:01pm
Who007i have a theory ive had in my head that the guardians are still alive hiding i think they left to protect us from using there technology i think they are in the horsehead nebula and i dont think they know that the thargoid are back and still alive any idea or thoughts

Regardless of how creative, imaginative & interesting that may sound, it isn't official lore.

'Thou shalt not deviateth from the Official Lore.'

Might be the 11th Commandment somewhere...

Take that under advisement; I don't generally do well with 'Commandments'. Jus' sayin'.
18 Jun 2021, 5:40am
Synthya Wylder
Regardless of how creative, imaginative & interesting that may sound, it isn't official lore.

'Thou shalt not deviateth from the Official Lore.'

Might be the 11th Commandment somewhere...

Take that under advisement; I don't generally do well with 'Commandments'. Jus' sayin'.

They're putting forward a theory, not disputing the official lore. Big difference!
If there's any lore than can support their theory, it makes it more credible. And conversely, there may be established facts in the lore that rule it out.
But having that discussion is what this subforum's all about, right?

Who007i have a theory ive had in my head that the guardians are still alive hiding i think they left to protect us from using there technology i think they are in the horsehead nebula and i dont think they know that the thargoid are back and still alive any idea or thoughts

Were they even aware of the existence of humans? They supposedly died out 1-2m years ago, so humans would have been primitive sentient life.
Would a species on the brink of extinction find it a good use of their dwindling time and resources to relocate, on the chance that a primitive life form might evolve, discover their tech and use it against their mortal enemy?

Interesting theory that provokes interesting questions!
18 Jun 2021, 5:47am
Morgan James
They're putting forward a theory, not disputing the official lore. Big difference!
If there's any lore than can support their theory, it makes it more credible. And conversely, there may be established facts in the lore that rule it out.
But having that discussion is what this subforum's all about, right?

Ignore Synthia, she's just trying to bait the RP crowd.
18 Jun 2021, 4:25pm
Who007i have a theory ive had in my head that the guardians are still alive hiding i think they left to protect us from using there technology i think they are in the horsehead nebula and i dont think they know that the thargoid are back and still alive any idea or thoughts

At this point all we can really do is speculate as to the fate of the Guardians.

One should ask this question though - why do Thargoid scavengers remain passive to us at their ground sites, but Guardian Sentinels respond with hostility towards us when we visit their ruins?
18 Jun 2021, 5:06pm
Clearly the downfall of the Guardians was brought upon them by RP zealots on their quest to eradicate creativity from the E:D universe. /s
18 Jun 2021, 5:58pm
I should add that according to Ram Tah, the Guardians were eradicated by their creations. As to whether or not they're truly extinct, well... there's plenty of permit locked areas around the bubble. No way for us to know or find out until those locks are lifted or someone finds a permit

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