Elite: Lore

18 Jun 2021, 10:55pm
Isaiah EvansonI should add that according to Ram Tah, the Guardians were eradicated by their creations. As to whether or not they're truly extinct, well... there's plenty of permit locked areas around the bubble. No way for us to know or find out until those locks are lifted or someone finds a permit

Also the fact that less than 1% of the galaxy has been explored so far. 400 billion systems. Who knows what's left to uncover.
18 Jun 2021, 11:35pm
Morgan James
They're putting forward a theory, not disputing the official lore. Big difference!
If there's any lore than can support their theory, it makes it more credible. And conversely, there may be established facts in the lore that rule it out.
But having that discussion is what this subforum's all about, right?

Ignore Synthia, she's just trying to bait the RP crowd.

I won't lie: "angry, passive-aggressive horny grandma begging for attention" is... not the greatest of looks.
18 Jun 2021, 11:44pm
Is that the look you were going for?
18 Jun 2021, 11:49pm
Light-HawkAlso the fact that less than 1% of the galaxy has been explored so far. 400 billion systems. Who knows what's left to uncover.

Don't bother looking, because there's nothing to be found.

If FDev were to advance the Guardian storyline (or introduce another alien species), they wouldn't wait for us to find some Easter egg in between 400 billion star systems because that would take way too long and might in fact never happen. What they would do instead is pick random commanders and provide them with clues that lead them to the new content. Your chance of finding new content all by yourself without winning that lottery is zero.

"You don't find the Institute. The Institute finds you."
19 Jun 2021, 12:15am
TiggerIs that the look you were going for?

Yeah, I'm not a happy camper when people horn in on my action.
19 Jun 2021, 12:35am
Light-HawkAlso the fact that less than 1% of the galaxy has been explored so far. 400 billion systems. Who knows what's left to uncover.

Don't bother looking, because there's nothing to be found.

If FDev were to advance the Guardian storyline (or introduce another alien species), they wouldn't wait for us to find some Easter egg in between 400 billion star systems because that would take way too long and might in fact never happen. What they would do instead is pick random commanders and provide them with clues that lead them to the new content. Your chance of finding new content all by yourself without winning that lottery is zero.

"You don't find the Institute. The Institute finds you."

Disagree. Frontier doesn't do special dispensation. They do CGs and cryptic Galnet posts.

Believe me, if they did do that, you'd never hear the end of it on the forums.
19 Jun 2021, 1:28am
Who007i have a theory ive had in my head that the guardians are still alive hiding i think they left to protect us from using there technology i think they are in the horsehead nebula and i dont think they know that the thargoid are back and still alive any idea or thoughts

As far as we know, they are extinct. However, it would be really cool if we did find out to the contrary. I'm not going to hold my breath though. Please feel free to go explore and let the rest of us know!
19 Jun 2021, 1:56am
I really, really, really don't see Frontier adding an entire race to the game. It would be unlike them to explore such potentially rich gameplay and storytelling avenues.

This is the company that decided that their playerbase wanted a "feature" where one could book a Space Taxi and do literally nothing while an NPC pilot flew them to their destination but that ship interiors would get old, after all.
19 Jun 2021, 2:14am
While I agree that they probably would make any new things a bit more obvious for players to find in the game, be it through CGs or Galnet posts, or as an update later on down the road when they enable access to some of the other permit locked systems no one can get to yet, I still wouldn't put it past them to have something exist in waiting for a player to stumble upon. They announced that Raxxla is in the game and has been since launch. I believe I read that they even said their systems indicate at least 1 player has been near it. But the community at large still seems to either believe it does not exist, or at the very least they don't know where it is.
19 Jun 2021, 2:18am
In the case of Raxxla, I don't think it's either of those things you mentioned. It's just that we have such low expectations of Frontier that even if we did find Raxxla, it would be an immense letdown. And if we're being honest, that's all it can ever be. Finding it would result in bragging rights for the person who found it, but I don't see how it would profoundly affect the game unless it was at the center of the ongoing story - which has been all over the place lately.
19 Jun 2021, 2:35am
At this point, I'd not be surprised if Raxxla just looked like every other ELW out there.
19 Jun 2021, 2:52am
LordPsymonAt this point, I'd not be surprised if Raxxla just looked like every other ELW out there.

Imagine parallel reality with alien race playing for Raxxla and searching for traces of humankind.
19 Jun 2021, 3:03am
Too imaginative for the creative team at Frontier right now. 
19 Jun 2021, 4:05am
Isaiah EvansonDisagree. Frontier doesn't do special dispensation. They do CGs and cryptic Galnet posts.

Believe me, if they did do that, you'd never hear the end of it on the forums.

There would be no way to prove that they did. It would look like someone just happened to be at the right place at the right time.

They could literally make stuff pop up any time someone enters a star system for the very first time. There would be no way to prove that it hadn't been hidden there since the earliest days of the game, just waiting for someone to pass through.

Anyway, my point is that it's a waste of time to search for such hidden content. Game developers don't hide important content on a map so large that it may take the player base hundreds of years to discover it by accident. Once the content is ready, they'll make sure that it finds us, one way or another.
19 Jun 2021, 4:22am
Like a Generation Ship returning to Sol by FTL? That would be a heck of a why for new content to show up.

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