Elite: Lore

03 Jul 2021, 5:40pm
Rebecca Hail
Amata LireinAs far as I am aware the Paresa CG was the first time ever in the history of E:D that the Empire won a CG against the Federation without FDevs handing out any handicaps, cosmetics or double-engineered gear incentives. Otherwise the Empire tended to lose badly, in some cases even to the degree to qualify as a "curbstomp battle". There is a reason why "FedsWinLOL" is a meme inside the E:D community.

Yes, there's a simple reason for that.

The Federation has way better combat ships.

While it may not make a difference for me in my fuck-off Corvette or you in your OP-Cutter, it makes a difference for a lot of players whether they fight against IEagles, Couriers, Clippers and Cutters or Dropships, Assaultships, Gunships and Corvettes.

If you notice that you have a way easier time fighting against one side, you'll natural side with that side unless there's a really compelling reason to not do so.

The premises of the game are simply not balanced. Additionally to that, placement of the CG stations etc also plays a big factor. If you'd set the federal drop off point 200kls out, the Empire would win any day. For the same reason the Empire tends to win delivery CGs if I remember that correctly. Having the best bulk carrier in the game as faction ship counts for a lot.

That's why during the last Fed-v-Imp delivery CG (the shipbuilding one) the Fednecks finished early with Tier 5 and the Empire only managed to hit Tier 4 with only minutes to spare on the clock. (granted, we celebrated that as a victory after all due to tonnage per pilot hauled, but the Feds won that one quite comfortably, too).

Last edit: 03 Jul 2021, 6:14pm
03 Jul 2021, 5:48pm
Amata Lirein
Rebecca Hail
Amata LireinAs far as I am aware the Paresa CG was the first time ever in the history of E:D that the Empire won a CG against the Federation without FDevs handing out any handicaps, cosmetics or double-engineered gear incentives. Otherwise the Empire tended to lose badly, in some cases even to the degree to qualify as a "curbstomp battle". There is a reason why "FedsWinLOL" is a meme inside the E:D community.

Yes, there's a simple reason for that.

The Federation has way better combat ships.

While it may not make a difference for me in my fuck-off Corvette or you in your OP-Cutter, it makes a difference for a lot of players whether they fight against IEagles, Couriers, Clippers and Cutters or Dropships, Assaultships, Gunships and Corvettes.

If you notice that you have a way easier time fighting against one side, you'll natural side with that side unless there's a really compelling reason to not do so.

The premises of the game are simply not balanced. Additionally to that, placement of the CG stations etc also plays a big factor. If you'd set the federal drop off point 200kls out, the Empire would win any day. For the same reason the Empire tends to win delivery CGs if I remember that correctly. Having the best bulk carrier in the game as faction ship counts for a lot.

That's why during the last Fed-v-Imp delivery CG (the shipbuilding one) the Fednecks finished early with Tier 5 and the Empire only managed to hit Tier 4 with only minutes to spare on the clock. (granted, we celebrated that as a victory after all due to tonnage per pilot hauled, but the Feds won that won quite comfortably, too).

Exceptions prove the rule. As I said, this is me telling it from my memory. I wasn't around for every community goal and haven't played very actively in quite some time.

Even then, this can be explained by other factors than a general bias against the Empire. When people see one side having the edge and picking up, they'll naturally skew to that side in anticipation of a higher reward.
03 Jul 2021, 6:06pm
One thing that tilted a lot of players toward the Feds in the early-mid days was starting location, which was typically in a Fed system. Players would see this and think "oh, okay. I must be a Fed", and it showed in CG after CG. It usually takes a bit of leg-stretching and lore knowledge to declare for the Empire, which it seems fewer players end up doing. This, combined with the fact that the Feds offer better combat ships, virtually guaranteed a perpetual numerical advantage for the Feds.

Last edit: 03 Jul 2021, 6:16pm
03 Jul 2021, 6:18pm
According to Inara more players are pledged to the Empire than to the Federation though. It's a bit simplistic to assume that players will choose their allegiance based on their starting location.

A single peek into powerplay for example offers more than enough incentives to switch over to the Empire. That's exactly what I did when I started. I hauled ass out of the Federation towards Cubeo for the prismatics, not knowing that you'll never get anywhere in PP with a Sidey.
03 Jul 2021, 6:23pm
Well, it's a little different now, of course. If anything, the playerbase skews indy, given that the yellow dots are the fastest growing thing on the map.

Besides, we all know you stayed a Fed just to troll Jubs, Fox, and me back in the day.
03 Jul 2021, 6:25pm
M. LehmanWell, it's a little different now, of course. If anything, the playerbase skews indy, given that the yellow dots are the fastest growing thing on the map.

Besides, we all know you stayed a Fed just to troll Jubs, Fox, and me back in the day.

Nah, I became a fed because the entirety of log writing and RPing was filled to the brim with imperials.

+ the Federation can offer a real good background and setting for stuff.
03 Jul 2021, 6:30pm
anarchist when
03 Jul 2021, 6:33pm
Rebecca Hail
M. LehmanWell, it's a little different now, of course. If anything, the playerbase skews indy, given that the yellow dots are the fastest growing thing on the map.

Besides, we all know you stayed a Fed just to troll Jubs, Fox, and me back in the day.

Nah, I became a fed because the entirety of log writing and RPing was filled to the brim with imperials.

+ the Federation can offer a real good background and setting for stuff.

Yet your avatar is the top Ghost of a certain Emperor Mengsk... and I mean both father and son here
03 Jul 2021, 6:39pm
Amata Lirein
Rebecca Hail
M. LehmanWell, it's a little different now, of course. If anything, the playerbase skews indy, given that the yellow dots are the fastest growing thing on the map.

Besides, we all know you stayed a Fed just to troll Jubs, Fox, and me back in the day.

Nah, I became a fed because the entirety of log writing and RPing was filled to the brim with imperials.

+ the Federation can offer a real good background and setting for stuff.

Yet your avatar is the top Ghost of a certain Emperor Mengsk... and I mean both father and son here

I'm simping for Nova and I'm not afraid to admit it.
03 Jul 2021, 7:47pm
Would be interesting if all the players picked a new minor faction and BGS'd the heck out of it until it technically controlled all the systems in the bubble, or at the least completely took over the space a major faction or powerplay character occupied. Wonder if FDev would actually take note of that and do something about it.
03 Jul 2021, 7:56pm
I'd argue a few player groups out there already are trying that.
03 Jul 2021, 8:09pm
Are we still discussing lore though?
03 Jul 2021, 8:12pm
Depends. In this case I'd argue it's the lack of implications from player actions over the years.
03 Jul 2021, 8:13pm
Rho TefnutetAre we still discussing lore though?

Feel free to start a new discussion. ^^
04 Jul 2021, 6:02am
It's not always only blue pill or red pill. For some players both factions suck. So if you have chance to harm Feds or Imps you just do it. Ez.

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