Elite: Lore

17 Dec 2021, 1:39am
Theta Seven Full Body BDSM Suit
(25% discount for those who bought Guardian Disco Suit)
18 Dec 2021, 12:29am
MeowersTheta Seven Full Body BDSM Suit
(25% discount for those who bought Guardian Disco Suit)

Dammit Meowers... ya went there...

18 Dec 2021, 5:29pm
Jubei HimuraDo you see a body? ...No?

In my line o' work, ya confirm the kill, or they ain't dead.

He is dead and done. I understand your reasons for wanting to believe he is alive, but you must refrain from cultivating far fetched ideas like that as they only feed a future myth. These myths would not only insult the countless imperial and noble lives that he has taken, but they would also inspire cowardly copycats. Also, remember the criminal was too cowardly to fight fairly in the open for the duration of his reign of terror. He hid like a rat and pushed pawns and cronies to do his bidding. It says a lot that the first time the light of Imperial Justice shines on him, he took his own life.

He lacks the wit of fair and decent people and thus, I do not believe he has devsied a means of escape. That would place him far above a common slave.
20 Dec 2021, 1:47pm
Did anybody experience the following strange phenomena: you mapped the planet and set course for the next one, you flew to it but instead of the next one you arrived to the very planet you mapped first, and the same things happens several times before you finally would come to the intended planet? It happened to me in Norma Expanse yesterday, it circled me 3 times.
20 Dec 2021, 2:03pm
Shg56Did anybody experience the following strange phenomena: you mapped the planet and set course for the next one, you flew to it but instead of the next one you arrived to the very planet you mapped first, and the same things happens several times before you finally would come to the intended planet? It happened to me in Norma Expanse yesterday, it circled me 3 times.

Yes, but only until my Onionhead supply runs out.
20 Dec 2021, 4:47pm
In Odyssey all the planets look alike anyway.
20 Dec 2021, 9:36pm
There's one thing that makes me very skeptical on Theta Seven death... or rather, if it was the "real" Theta Seven at all:

Empire. Has. Cloning.

That means, even if someone pulled out the body and did the DNA check, clones are indistinguishable unless special modifications to the DNA would be made, hypothetically.
20 Dec 2021, 9:56pm
Iwao KishiroThat means, even if someone pulled out the body and did the DNA check, clones are indistinguishable unless special modifications to the DNA would be made, hypothetically.
But the new clone won't have his personality, in a psychological meaning. Or you're thinking that just one of the clones was killed?
20 Dec 2021, 10:16pm
Iwao KishiroThere's one thing that makes me very skeptical on Theta Seven death... or rather, if it was the "real" Theta Seven at all:

Empire. Has. Cloning.

That means, even if someone pulled out the body and did the DNA check, clones are indistinguishable unless special modifications to the DNA would be made, hypothetically.

Clones are absolutely distinguishable from the original. Unless the clone was alive for the same length of time you would see noticeable differences in Telomere length, and mutation rate in the DNA, any viral insertions that the original received during a lifetime of flus etc would be also be absent or at least discrepant in the clone.

Even under the possibility that the clone was produced recently from a fresh sample there would be telltale bio markers like 'all the cells are the same age', or 'this body has no scar tissue', and 'the immune system has little to no antibodies built up from a lifetime of exposures. Any civilization with the tech to reliably clone people would easily be able to tell the difference scientifically (we already can now).
20 Dec 2021, 10:23pm
Iwao KishiroThat means, even if someone pulled out the body and did the DNA check, clones are indistinguishable unless special modifications to the DNA would be made, hypothetically.

But the new clone won't have his personality, in a psychological meaning. Or you're thinking that just one of the clones was killed?

The latter. Also, Burstar made a good point about this. So a bit less skeptical, but... To be honest, the possibility of just clone getting killed still exists.
20 Dec 2021, 11:02pm
Iwao Kishiro
Iwao KishiroThat means, even if someone pulled out the body and did the DNA check, clones are indistinguishable unless special modifications to the DNA would be made, hypothetically.

But the new clone won't have his personality, in a psychological meaning. Or you're thinking that just one of the clones was killed?

The latter. Also, Burstar made a good point about this. So a bit less skeptical, but... To be honest, the possibility of just clone getting killed still exists.

Well in my mind the more plausible conspiracy theory is that his consciousness was transferred to a new clone and his original body was left behind. A technical difference, but aside from any indicators left from that mental transferance, it would resolve any aforementioned issues with clone evidence.
21 Dec 2021, 1:05am
Shg56Did anybody experience the following strange phenomena: you mapped the planet and set course for the next one, you flew to it but instead of the next one you arrived to the very planet you mapped first, and the same things happens several times before you finally would come to the intended planet? It happened to me in Norma Expanse yesterday, it circled me 3 times.

Yes, but only until my Onionhead supply runs out.

No, it is true... I did not make it up and I was not drunk
21 Dec 2021, 1:43am
Erika Wagner ChanterHe is dead and done. I understand your reasons for wanting to believe he is alive, but you must refrain from cultivating far fetched ideas like that as they only feed a future myth. These myths would not only insult the countless imperial and noble lives that he has taken, but they would also inspire cowardly copycats. Also, remember the criminal was too cowardly to fight fairly in the open for the duration of his reign of terror. He hid like a rat and pushed pawns and cronies to do his bidding. It says a lot that the first time the light of Imperial Justice shines on him, he took his own life.

He lacks the wit of fair and decent people and thus, I do not believe he has devsied a means of escape. That would place him far above a common slave.

I feel like this belongs in Roleplay: Banter, but it does continue the more in-character quote I did. Thus, I'll take the blame for that one. I still stand by the body point.

Iwao KishiroThere's one thing that makes me very skeptical on Theta Seven death... or rather, if it was the "real" Theta Seven at all:

Empire. Has. Cloning.

That means, even if someone pulled out the body and did the DNA check, clones are indistinguishable unless special modifications to the DNA would be made, hypothetically.

This is very true.

Burstar[quote=Iwao Kishiro]Well in my mind the more plausible conspiracy theory is that his consciousness was transferred to a new clone and his original body was left behind. A technical difference, but aside from any indicators left from that mental transferance, it would resolve any aforementioned issues with clone evidence.

This is a big plot point in Reclemation. Thus... fair game for current use.
21 Dec 2021, 2:20pm
Burstar Yes, but only until my Onionhead supply runs out.

No, it is true... I did not make it up and I was not drunk

Sure buddy, smoke some more...
31 Dec 2021, 12:49am
SakashiroAlso, there's this thing in the lore called "body sculpting"...

Okay, I'm curious about this. Someone please explain.

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