Elite: Lore

27 Jul 2021, 7:11am
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29 Jul 2021, 6:33am
so ... RAXXLA

To the jewel that burns on the brow of the mother of Galxalies! To the whisper in which space, the siren of the deepest void! The parent's grief, the lover's woe, and the yearning of our vagabond hearts. TO RAXXLA.

I have had heard a whisper myself, one that some may have already heard and some not, RAXXLA is not just a where, but a when and where, Raxxla rests on a rogue planet that had a long and cold orbit around one of the closest stars to earth but has to be navigated to with not only a where, but a when .. the coordinates need to be pinned to a time and a place in order to actually find yourself within striking distance

so RAXXLAs co ords are constantly shifting from one system to another so you would not only need a fixed galactic point but also a fixed temporal point in order to pi it down.

Raxxla could not only be locked as a body in space but also as a time in space.
29 Jul 2021, 6:51am
Raxxla is the ultimate MacGuffin. If it's actually in the game, I expect it to be an object you can scan and download a logfile from. And that'll be it.
29 Jul 2021, 8:49am
I know FDev said Raxxla is in the game. They even said their records show at least 1 CMDR has been near it at some point. But ED has been out since 2014. If Raxxla is in the game, how has someone not datamined its location by now?
29 Jul 2021, 9:54am
Light-HawkI know FDev said Raxxla is in the game. They even said their records show at least 1 CMDR has been near it at some point. But ED has been out since 2014. If Raxxla is in the game, how has someone not datamined its location by now?

so RAXXLAs co ords are constantly shifting from one system to another so you would not only need a fixed galactic point but also a fixed temporal point in order to pin it down.
29 Jul 2021, 9:55am
My Belief is that in order to target the correct system you not only need the physical location but the time it will arrive in that system

and yes D.B himself on more than one occasion has quoted that Raxxla holds a physical place in the game

As always it's not what they say, it's what they don't say!
29 Jul 2021, 10:15am
Ryno1154so RAXXLAs co ords are constantly shifting from one system to another so you would not only need a fixed galactic point but also a fixed temporal point in order to pin it down.

In before Raxxla is the fabled Planet X that has had conspiracy theories surround it for decades.
29 Jul 2021, 10:34am
Light-HawkI know FDev said Raxxla is in the game. They even said their records show at least 1 CMDR has been near it at some point. But ED has been out since 2014. If Raxxla is in the game, how has someone not datamined its location by now?

Because there's 500 billion stars. The likelihood of someone just running into it is incredibly slim.
29 Jul 2021, 10:56am
Raxxla is overrated.
29 Jul 2021, 11:13am
if it's on a super-wide elliptical orbit around a star close to sol its quite possible that at one player stumbled across it by our chance
29 Jul 2021, 11:23am
The road to Raxxla:

07 Aug 2021, 11:49am
Remote-controlled SRV could be fine. If you are far and need a ground taxi.
09 Aug 2021, 7:33pm
13 Nov 2021, 4:07pm
Isaiah EvansonRaxxla is overrated.

(so sacred, one should never write or speak its name)

9.1)R_xxla Location  send us your subspace-selfies with R_xxla bluecrash@gmail.com
9.2)R_xxla Symbol
9.3)R_xxla Hunters


9.4)R_xxla Predators
9.4a):::Order of 12:::


This stuff might be the dumbest bullshit I have ever wasted time with.
14 Nov 2021, 3:18pm
How much cost pilots federations licence?

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