Elite: Lore

31 Dec 2021, 1:01am
SakashiroAlso, there's this thing in the lore called "body sculpting"...

Okay, I'm curious about this. Someone please explain.


Not much else is known about it.
31 Dec 2021, 1:08am
At least Imps have guts to call slavery a 'slavery'.
31 Dec 2021, 1:55am
SakashiroAlso, there's this thing in the lore called "body sculpting"...

Okay, I'm curious about this. Someone please explain.


Not much else is known about it.


MeowersAt least Imps have guts to call slavery a 'slavery'.

One of my buddies who RPs a Patron calls the unregulated stuff "anarcho-slavery".
01 Jan 2022, 4:53am
In adding on to that galnet article, with speculation, what are skill implantation terminals?
04 Jan 2022, 2:38pm
Not Burstar True Story
Burstar Yes, but only until my Onionhead supply runs out.

No, it is true... I did not make it up and I was not drunk

Sure buddy, smoke some more...

I experienced another strange thing while exploring The Veils now. This time it was SRV strange behavior. I am using keyboard to control it where W map to forward, S to reverse and X to full stop. The usual pattern is when you press W or S, it goes forward or back, and when you release the key it slows down and eventually stops, and when you press and release X, it stops. But yesterday when I was collecting raws for FSD on one of the planets in the neutron star system, my SRV started responding differently to the controls. Release of W or S did not stop its movement, instead it was accelerating to the full speed. X was still stopping it but I had to hold X to keep it stopped otherwise it started moving again. Because of that I almost lost SRV due to damages from the rocks I was hitting which would be devastating blow since the closet carrier is 8KLY away provided it would be waiting for my arrival. I managed to recall my ship and luckily it did not land far and by constantly changing from ahead to reverse I made it to the ship. That looks like a good story for the lore. PS! I don’t smoke or get drunk wasted.
07 Jan 2022, 3:54pm
Burstar the Apparently Angry but not really
Iwao KishiroThere's one thing that makes me very skeptical on Theta Seven death... or rather, if it was the "real" Theta Seven at all:

Empire. Has. Cloning.

That means, even if someone pulled out the body and did the DNA check, clones are indistinguishable unless special modifications to the DNA would be made, hypothetically.

Clones are absolutely distinguishable from the original. Unless the clone was alive for the same length of time you would see noticeable differences in Telomere length, and mutation rate in the DNA, any viral insertions that the original received during a lifetime of flus etc would be also be absent or at least discrepant in the clone.

Even under the possibility that the clone was produced recently from a fresh sample there would be telltale bio markers like 'all the cells are the same age', or 'this body has no scar tissue', and 'the immune system has little to no antibodies built up from a lifetime of exposures. Any civilization with the tech to reliably clone people would easily be able to tell the difference scientifically (we already can now).

Every CMDR has a clone. Even if you will get blown up with your ship completely offline

Burstar the Apparently Angry but not really

Well in my mind the more plausible conspiracy theory is that his consciousness was transferred to a new clone and his original body was left behind. A technical difference, but aside from any indicators left from that mental transferance, it would resolve any aforementioned issues with clone evidence.

Even if you will get blown up with your ship completely offline with no possibility to transfer the data you will still get ressurected.

Explain that
07 Jan 2022, 3:55pm
Not Burstar True Story

No, it is true... I did not make it up and I was not drunk

Sure buddy, smoke some more...

I experienced another strange thing while exploring The Veils now. This time it was SRV strange behavior. I am using keyboard to control it where W map to forward, S to reverse and X to full stop. The usual pattern is when you press W or S, it goes forward or back, and when you release the key it slows down and eventually stops, and when you press and release X, it stops. But yesterday when I was collecting raws for FSD on one of the planets in the neutron star system, my SRV started responding differently to the controls. Release of W or S did not stop its movement, instead it was accelerating to the full speed. X was still stopping it but I had to hold X to keep it stopped otherwise it started moving again. Because of that I almost lost SRV due to damages from the rocks I was hitting which would be devastating blow since the closet carrier is 8KLY away provided it would be waiting for my arrival. I managed to recall my ship and luckily it did not land far and by constantly changing from ahead to reverse I made it to the ship. That looks like a good story for the lore. PS! I don’t smoke or get drunk wasted.

Maybe your game has onionhead supply
07 Jan 2022, 4:08pm
Paul Glynn Every CMDR has a clone. Even if you will get blown up with your ship completely offline

While we do wake up back at the last station we docked with, we do not have clones. The in-game Lore is that our cockpit has a specialized escape pod that brings us back, or our pod was picked up by a Search-and-Rescue ship.

That's not to say that clones and mind transference don't happen. (it is mentioned in the official books)... it's just the exception, and not the rule.
07 Jan 2022, 5:03pm
Mind transfer is more of an Utopian thing. Cloning is Imperial tech if I remember right (at least one approved by government since Federation and Alliance forbids cloning).
08 Jan 2022, 2:38am
Iwao KishiroMind transfer is more of an Utopian thing. Cloning is Imperial tech if I remember right (at least one approved by government since Federation and Alliance forbids cloning).

Correct on both accounts.
08 Jan 2022, 4:11am
Paul Glynn: Maybe your game has onionhead supply

I don't know what SRV got with refuel but it was behaving badly. Anybody knows where ships go when you release them? I guess they go to the orbit and they stay orbiting, how come when you are at its helm you can't set it to orbit?
08 Jan 2022, 5:19pm
Shg56Anybody knows where ships go when you release them? I guess they go to the orbit and they stay orbiting, how come when you are at its helm you can't set it to orbit?

I actually wrote that into a story once, but I had a hired crewmate included as a character, so I figured you have invisible crew or something.
09 Jan 2022, 5:26am
KazukoHimura: I actually wrote that into a story once, but I had a hired crewmate included as a character, so I figured you have invisible crew or something.

AI is the only crew member on my ship, though the game would be much better if we had androids as crew members though you can spot them advertised at some ports. So in the meantime it would happen, ship AIs are having orbit parties. Could you post a link to that story of yours? Thanks
10 Jan 2022, 9:04am
Shg56 how come when you are at its helm you can't set it to orbit?

Isn’t that how supercruise assist is supposed to work in game? I have never equipped or used it myself, being a seat-of-my-pants kind of pilot, but that was my understanding at least.
10 Jan 2022, 9:12am
If you have supercruise assist and use it when going to a planet, it will automatically begin to have you orbit the planet.

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