Elite: Lore

19 Nov 2018, 11:17am
GaaveraGaav here with just a question: Ive noticed that some number of terraformed Earth like planets are tidally locked. I understand that its the year 3304, so advanced tech is common, but would any of you all live a tidally locked terraformed world considering our evolution on a revolving world?

If planet would be tidally locked, the answer would be settling around the poles and use system of high-speed trains for citizens to move between two zones: the dark one and the one always set to the sun. The habitation zones would be set on the dark side of the planet, while all other industries and commerce objects would be set on the bright side. Also, depending on the business, cause I like to think that e.g. night clubs would be on the dark side, obviously.

However, taking into account planetary shuttles are likely as common thing as shuttle buses are in 21st C., I don't think setting around the north and south poles would be a thing anymore.
19 Nov 2018, 1:42pm
I'd live on the night side happily. I prefer the dark,
19 Nov 2018, 1:57pm
Safe assumption that in the future, humanity would exploit planets with endless sunlight with advanced solar farms - perpetual power for manufacturing etc.
19 Nov 2018, 2:35pm
Heh... a few generations on a planet like that and the natives would be looking at the non-tidal locked folks saying, 'How do you even live that way?'
19 Nov 2018, 2:50pm
The 'day' side would be hot af and the night side would be cold af. Even if it's terraformed most life would be located in the small twilight zone between the two sides.
19 Nov 2018, 2:54pm
Rebecca HailThe 'day' side would be hot af and the night side would be cold af. Even if it's terraformed most life would be located in the small twilight zone between the two sides.

That depends on the distance from the main star and any measures taken to balance the climate.
19 Nov 2018, 3:33pm
Rebecca HailThe 'day' side would be hot af and the night side would be cold af. Even if it's terraformed most life would be located in the small twilight zone between the two sides.

Ah yes, I forgot about this one. So setting around the pole circles (and the 'safe' area set around respective meridians) would be the best. That's why I had idea of bullet trains cruising between dark and bright parts of the 'safe' zones.
19 Nov 2018, 3:37pm
For thousands of years people have lived in places the sun doesn't set (or rise) for weeks or months on end. I think humans would do just fine, we didn't get to the top of the food chain by specializing, we adapt.
19 Nov 2018, 3:39pm
We should adapt to a planets environment instead of terraforming it.
19 Nov 2018, 3:48pm
Which makes more sense in the long run?
19 Nov 2018, 3:54pm
Well, there is a theory that humans will stop evolving, because instead of adapting to different environments (physically) we will wear special equipment to survive in it.

Simple example is wearing lots of layers in cold environments. No other animal does that and its means we humans can survive in colder climates because we wear a coat basically.

Bigger example, the moon landings. Humans survived landing on the moon because they wore space suits. No adaptation needed.

More exotic examples, in the future.... such as planets with toxic atmospheres etc humans will survive on, wearing specialist equipment to breath.

I think the theory goes on to say that humans are basically the only species to 'halt' their own evolution, because of technology, but that same tech will be what destroys us in the end.
19 Nov 2018, 3:56pm
Isaiah Evanson
Rebecca HailThe 'day' side would be hot af and the night side would be cold af. Even if it's terraformed most life would be located in the small twilight zone between the two sides.

That depends on the distance from the main star and any measures taken to balance the climate.

I made the assumption that you mean life as we live it on earth, i.e. you can step outside the door without spontaneously combusting or becoming an ice block.

The distance is barely a factor. It's size should be somewhere in the same category as earth or (lack of) gravity will make normal life very uncomfortable. It has to be in the habitable zone or water will simply not be liquid. The side pointing towards the sun will be insanely hot from, well, being pointed towards the sun for a couple of billion years and the other will be insanely cold, but that might be mitigated through atmospheric air currents. What effects those air currents would have on the local weather is hardly imaginable. Probably very windy all day.

The measures to sustain a water containing atmosphere alone on a tidally locked world are hardly imaginable. Water would evaporate on the hot side and freeze out on the cold side, with no selfsustaining way of reversing that.

If a potential tidally locked habitable planet receives enough energy to the hot side to form currents of hot air that make liquid water possible on the dark side + eventual satellites that provide rudimentary light to the dark side I can imagine that an ecosystem or even life similiar to life on earth could be sustainable there. But that's a very specific constellation you'd need to even make a small part of the dark zone habitable.

PhelboreFor thousands of years people have lived in places the sun doesn't set (or rise) for weeks or months on end. I think humans would do just fine, we didn't get to the top of the food chain by specializing, we adapt.

Exclusively cold zones with a very low angle of incoming light + that day is not eternal, the sun does set eventually. That's hardly comparable to the 'day' side of the planet. In fact that'd basically be the twilight zone I was talking about.
19 Nov 2018, 3:59pm
SuperFixxxeRWell, there is a theory that humans will stop evolving, because instead of adapting to different environments (physically) we will wear special equipment to survive in it.

Simple example is wearing lots of layers in cold environments. No other animal does that and its means we humans can survive in colder climates because we wear a coat basically.

Bigger example, the moon landings. Humans survived landing on the moon because they wore space suits. No adaptation needed.

More exotic examples, in the future.... such as planets with toxic atmospheres etc humans will survive on, wearing specialist equipment to breath.

I think the theory goes on to say that humans are basically the only species to 'halt' their own evolution, because of technology, but that same tech will be what destroys us in the end.

you can't halt evolution, only slow it down.
19 Nov 2018, 4:00pm
you can't halt evolution, only slow it down.

Its pretty damn slow already so we'll be dead by the time this is proven
19 Nov 2018, 4:04pm
We're not really halting evolution, are we? More like taking it into our own hands.

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