Elite: Lore

20 Jul 2022, 11:32am
SakashiroDoes anyone know what the Artificers are all about? Galnet says they are another dredger clan, but dredger megaships are old technology, dating back to the 31st century. The frame shift drive was reverse-engineered from Thargoid technology in the 33rd century, so how can the Artificers install a frame shift drive on the Golconda? Do they know how to build one?

Has Drew Wagar issued a comment yet?

I was really hoping they were cannibals.
20 Jul 2022, 4:56pm
Now THAT is a rabbit hole. Alice need to check her meds!
20 Jul 2022, 7:31pm
HeathenChild979Now THAT is a rabbit hole. Alice need to check her meds!

The Fibonacci pattern is so important to understand. Fibonacci is an evolutionary growth pattern for many life forms on planets and in the universe itself. The oldest galaxy that we can see from the Milky Way:

Proper Rabbit hole for you, no meds needed.

A mid-infrared image of the center of the NGC 628 galaxy, based on data taken by the James Webb Space Telescope Gabriel Brammer / Janice Lee et al. and the PHANGS-JWST collaboration.

Galnet supplemental here.
20 Jul 2022, 9:15pm
KrynesurI heard there was a Director of sorts that had created experiments on splicing humans to control Thargoid Scout ships.

That sounds horrifying, but it would make an interesting background for a character.

You mean Caleb 'the wych' Wycherly?

Yes I do. I fear what the prisoner may have been subjugated to.
21 Jul 2022, 4:26am
KrynesurI heard there was a Director of sorts that had created experiments on splicing humans to control Thargoid Scout ships.

That sounds horrifying, but it would make an interesting background for a character.

You mean Caleb 'the wych' Wycherly?

Yes I do. I fear what the prisoner may have been subjugated to.

Co-evolution with an IA (amansilism or competition) is very hard when introduced to a humans mind.

A larger science groups first experiments with this caused bi-cameral mind among test subjects.

Being connected to a Thargoids hive mind, would likely be worse, at least until they became more friendly.
21 Jul 2022, 10:12pm

Co-evolution with an IA (amansilism or competition) is very hard when introduced to a humans mind.

A larger science groups first experiments with this caused bi-cameral mind among test subjects.

Being connected to a Thargoids hive mind, would likely be worse, at least until they became more friendly.

Precisely. It is a form of madness to us humans, it's something we don't understand yet. It's like throwing yourself into an ice cold body of water. Your system is shocked. I wouldn't be surprised if other subjects died because of this shock to their system.
As for the Thargoids who were experimented on... We can only imagine what that could have been like for the Scouts, unless we would want to anthropomorphize them and use human terms.
04 Aug 2022, 5:55pm
KrynesurI heard there was a Director of sorts that had created experiments on splicing humans to control Thargoid Scout ships.

That sounds horrifying, but it would make an interesting background for a character.

And we do have such a character, known only as "Subject D-2". They managed to escape the Oaken Point facility in HIP 26176 and leave a trail of information that led to its discovery by various CMDRs, apparently they were the only subject that managed to interface with a thargoid ship and not die horribly in the process.
Currently, there's some (admittedly mild) speculation that she might be the First Apostle of the True Chapters mentioned in a moderately recent Galnet article, although we don't know for sure what Subject D-2s accent was. We do know that she was apparently experiencing some frightening dreams due to the experiments, so I wouldn't rule out the possibility of her going at least somewhat insane. Makes sense that she would probably be a person of GREAT interest to a thargoid-worshipping cult.
04 Aug 2022, 9:55pm
Bruno B
KrynesurI heard there was a Director of sorts that had created experiments on splicing humans to control Thargoid Scout ships.

That sounds horrifying, but it would make an interesting background for a character.

And we do have such a character, known only as "Subject D-2". They managed to escape the Oaken Point facility in HIP 26176 and leave a trail of information that led to its discovery by various CMDRs, apparently they were the only subject that managed to interface with a thargoid ship and not die horribly in the process.
Currently, there's some (admittedly mild) speculation that she might be the First Apostle of the True Chapters mentioned in a moderately recent Galnet article, although we don't know for sure what Subject D-2s accent was. We do know that she was apparently experiencing some frightening dreams due to the experiments, so I wouldn't rule out the possibility of her going at least somewhat insane. Makes sense that she would probably be a person of GREAT interest to a thargoid-worshipping cult.

The first to interface with Thargoids and lived?
10 Aug 2022, 9:33am
So, now the Proteus wave is overrun by thargoids. Well played, Salvation, well played. You haven't predicted such outcome, huh? What now we can do, maybe first.. use refabricated guardian relics to construct field suppressor? the all guardian gear is now in danger there. And who says they not gonna build more their megaships with signal emitters?

Last edit: 11 Aug 2022, 5:04am
11 Aug 2022, 1:10am
A.G.DuranSo, now the Proteus wave is overrun by thargoids. Well played, Salvation, well played. You haven't predicted such outcome, huh? What now we can do, maybe first.. use refabricated guardian relics to construct field suppressor? the all guardian gear is now in danger there. And who says they not gonna build their megaships with signel emitters?

No sense in using Guardian tech when it malfunctions in HIP 22460. At least, that's what I have heard from.

5 million tons of Guardian artifacts and research... Just exploded in a giant anomaly.
11 Aug 2022, 5:53am
A.G.DuranSo, now the Proteus wave is overrun by thargoids. Well played, Salvation, well played. You haven't predicted such outcome, huh? What now we can do, maybe first.. use refabricated guardian relics to construct field suppressor? the all guardian gear is now in danger there. And who says they not gonna build their megaships with signel emitters?

No sense in using Guardian tech when it malfunctions in HIP 22460. At least, that's what I have heard from.

5 million tons of Guardian artifacts and research... Just exploded in a giant anomaly.

Yeah, was freaking awesome ... I mean except for all the people who died
I feel strange ... is this guilt am I feeling Guilt .. I dont do guilt
I... I might have made a mistake
11 Aug 2022, 6:13am
A.G.DuranSo, now the Proteus wave is overrun by thargoids. Well played, Salvation, well played. You haven't predicted such outcome, huh? What now we can do, maybe first.. use refabricated guardian relics to construct field suppressor? the all guardian gear is now in danger there. And who says they not gonna build their megaships with signel emitters?

No sense in using Guardian tech when it malfunctions in HIP 22460. At least, that's what I have heard from.

5 million tons of Guardian artifacts and research... Just exploded in a giant anomaly.

Yeah, was freaking awesome ... I mean except for all the people who died
I feel strange ... is this guilt am I feeling Guilt .. I dont do guilt
I... I might have made a mistake

Is it because you thought you would get away with genocide of a sentient race? A race which by all available evidence have only acted in self defense of its territory before we attacked them and tried to wipe them out the first time?
11 Aug 2022, 6:20am
A C Ender

Yeah, was freaking awesome ... I mean except for all the people who died
I feel strange ... is this guilt am I feeling Guilt .. I dont do guilt
I... I might have made a mistake

Is it because you thought you would get away with genocide of a sentient race? A race which by all available evidence have only acted in self defense of its territory before we attacked them and tried to wipe them out the first time?

"Might have made a mistake"?
What of the humans subjugated to horrid experimentations, like D-2, to Thargoid vessels? What of those scientists who hadn't known what they were getting into?
Those people left behind families to work the strenuous hours of Azimuth. Now, letters have to be sent out, just to tell them that they had died in the failure of the Proteus Wave superweapon.
11 Aug 2022, 6:52am
A C Ender

Yeah, was freaking awesome ... I mean except for all the people who died
I feel strange ... is this guilt am I feeling Guilt .. I dont do guilt
I... I might have made a mistake

Is it because you thought you would get away with genocide of a sentient race? A race which by all available evidence have only acted in self defense of its territory before we attacked them and tried to wipe them out the first time?

"Might have made a mistake"?
What of the humans subjugated to horrid experimentations, like D-2, to Thargoid vessels? What of those scientists who hadn't known what they were getting into?
Those people left behind families to work the strenuous hours of Azimuth. Now, letters have to be sent out, just to tell them that they had died in the failure of the Proteus Wave superweapon.

I did it for the paint jobs
11 Aug 2022, 6:57am

I did it for the paint jobs

Why do the bad guys get the cool paintjobs?

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