Elite: Lore

08 Jan 2018, 3:36pm
Yeah, done that. Air pressure, gravity, orbital period. Done a cursory fly-by to have a look at the topology, oceans, land masses etc.

Looks a nice place, didn't see any storms. So far.

Thanks, Isiah.

Halfway through Reclamation, by the way. Really poignant, seeing as I know how it all ends.
08 Jan 2018, 3:42pm
It's good stuff. Just hope that FDEV decides to introduce more narratives within the Elite universe sooner rather than later. We need more story telling, not story showing.
08 Jan 2018, 3:54pm
Magdalena OztrayaA weaponised rail or coil can't use just random bit of metal anymore than a musket can.

But it can utilize a variety of different calibres and ammunitions in the same weapon which is a huge advantage.

Rail and coil guns I think would be recoiless and don't involve expanding gasses that can be an issue in a vacuum so that woiod he an advantage over chemical energy weapons.

Nope, Railguns and Coilguns are still subject to Newtons Third Law. The advantage with chemical weapons is that don't need any sophisticated electric parts and thus don't need any shielding (excluding some fancy scopes). I'm not sure why you think that expanding gasses would be an issue in vacuum. If the weapon is sturdy enough the only effect is that the propellant accelerates the bullet faster to a higher speed and thus gives it a greater effect on the target. The missing friction also helps. As said, of course you need a barrel that withstands the pressure, then you shouldn't have an issue due to the gasses taking the way of least resistance.

They would be longer though and require more power.

Compared to what and why?

What Ibwas meaning with it being procedure to depressurise the ship is that a starsjip, seeing combat imminent would be well served to suit up and depressurise so decompression from damage won't be an issue and the risk of fire is greatly reduced, if not eliminated.

I agree. Fire on a spaceship is nasty business.
08 Jan 2018, 7:51pm
I know this may seem far off but, has there been any word on eventually visiting other galaxies, or even more interesting, a spacefaring species from another galaxy visiting/colonizing the milky way ? Maybe something similar to the idea of the Yuuzhan Vong ?

( Side mini rant : Expanded sw universe is canon . Deal with it sw geeks... )
08 Jan 2018, 7:58pm
Elite Dangerous: Andromeda
08 Jan 2018, 8:14pm
(Wettoast) Wanda FersegiI know this may seem far off but, has there been any word on eventually visiting other galaxies, or even more interesting, a spacefaring species from another galaxy visiting/colonizing the milky way ? Maybe something similar to the idea of the Yuuzhan Vong ?

( Side mini rant : Expanded sw universe is canon . Deal with it sw geeks... )

A group has visited M67, a globular cluster. http://elite-dangerous.wikia.com/wiki/Anaconda_Graveyard
08 Jan 2018, 8:34pm
I chose rail/coil because of the inherent speed of the projectile and armor piercing capabilities. You can also dial in the velocity on the fly.

Also because they make ozone when they fire and I love describing that in a story. Plus rule of cool.
08 Jan 2018, 8:48pm
Rule of cool is a very important rule.
08 Jan 2018, 9:26pm
Aye. Rule of Cool is ace.

Good stuff, folks.
08 Jan 2018, 10:33pm
To say that a rail or coil weapon wouldn't produce recoil is strange, considering that every action has an equal and opposite reaction is common knowledge (Or I at least hope that it's common knowledge), In a rail based weapon system, a recoil force is exerted upon the breech closure, pretty much in exactly the same way it is in a chemical firearm. In addition, the rails also exert force upon each other, in a sideways kind of fashion, pushing each other away, meaning that if they aren't secured properly they'll just bend away from each other, and make the weapon near useless. By 3303, I imagine the bending problem will have been solved, but the recoil force applied to the breech is always going to be present, it cannot be removed.

Modern gunpowder is self oxidizing, and doesn't require atmosphere to fire.

Using a conventional, chemical firearm in space, with a projectile launched by gunpowder, or what have you, there is effectively no difference provided you can counteract the force of the shot, which if you're in space, you should be wearing an EVA suit that can move you in a three dimension space, or at least magnetic boots that would also solve the problem.

If you fire a bullet at 1000 meters per second, the force acts upon you as well, but you're much more massive than a bullet, so you might go back and spin a few centimeters but an EVA suit that can move you or Mag boots would counteract that pretty easily.

Now excuse me while I go pirate some wine for Selnus.
08 Jan 2018, 10:58pm
If gunpowder wasn't self oxidizing, how do you think it burns inside of a sealed shell casing? Or the relatively airtight environment of a firearm breach? Modern guns can fire undewater. The bullet doesn't go very far, but thats because the water dissipates the energy of the bullet, not because the powder didn't burn fully.

Last edit: 08 Jan 2018, 11:11pm
08 Jan 2018, 11:08pm
I think people treat recoiless rail guns much as they treat recoiless rifles. Yes, there's still recoil, but it's spread out over a much longer time, so it's easier to control and leads to less felt recoil. Same force, just easier to handle. Kinda like the difference between getting hit with a bowling ball's worth of BBs at 15mph over a few minutes instead of getting hit with a bowling ball at 15mph, one'll do a little injury and annoy, one will do a lot.
08 Jan 2018, 11:15pm
That is not how a recoilless rifle works my dude. A recoilless rifle is basically a rocket. Its an overpacked cartridge case with gunpowder and put vents at the back of the case. It's propelled by the force of the vented gasses. It doesn't impart any force on the tube or on the shooter, so you don't feel any recoil force.
08 Jan 2018, 11:16pm
Recoilless rifles and rail guns work fundamentally different.

Idk what you mean with: 'the recoil is spread out over a much longer time' but that's not even remotely how Recoilless rifles work.
08 Jan 2018, 11:20pm
Anyway, I think we're getting off topic here. A railgun will always have recoil because Sir Isaac Newton is the deadliest sonofabitch in space. I use railguns because they're cool and pierce armor.

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