Elite: Lore

19 Jun 2018, 1:29am
Is there any in universe reason we don't see supercruise trails of those in supercruise while we are in normal space?
19 Jun 2018, 1:36am
Because video game. They are separate instances.
19 Jun 2018, 6:33am
1 - Supercruise is faster than light, so you wouldn't see any light at all.
2 - Thrusters are not lit during Supercurise. So the normal space exhaustion is not the mechanism  used to push you forward during supercruise. Therefore, there are no smoke trails.

That's what I figured; I could be wrong, tho. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

EDIT: Scratch the first point. It doesn't make sense at all. And scratch the second point. While in supercruise. even though you can't see your own trail, you CAN see other ships' smoke trails. So idk what's that.

Last edit: 20 Jun 2018, 9:13am
19 Jun 2018, 7:08am
Not a physicist and only working with a basic layman's understanding of redshift/blueshift, but it's possible that when the FSD is active in supercruise, the ship "shifts" out of the visible spectrum to ships still in normal space. Next time you get a chance, follow a friend's ship up into orbital cruise. You'll see the ship once you jump to cruise, but as you gain speed, the ship is harder to see until all you eventually see is the energetic glow and the trail behind it. 

Notice as well that the trails themselves are only visible at lower speeds. They disappear completely at higher velocities. 

In other words, in normal space you're not seeing the vessels in supercruise because they're not on the visible spectrum anymore. At least that's how I think it goes. Maybe someone can explain it a bit better or correct me on that.
23 Jun 2018, 8:42am
That's because in sc the space around your ship gets pushed together in front of your ship and pulled to norm behind it. That's why you cant fly slower than 30kms. (Because the moving of space around you sets you on a minimum speed if that makes sense to you). It works like todays' alcubierre warp drive. And Hyperspace is just a Tunnel of withspace created from the point of your ship to the. With the highest mass in your destination  System. That's how "modern" FSD's work according to lore.

So you cant see ships in sc because theyre technically not in space as the normal ships are.
25 Jun 2018, 12:31pm
A feeling keeps pulling me towards the Formadine Rift. I think it's out there or there's something that will provide enlightenment on Raxxla at the very least... it ties in with my past I just know it. Is it a planet? A Giant Thargoid? Or a portal the Gaurdians tried to keep from the Thargoids to contain them to our galaxy..... I don't know the answer but I'm damn well going to find out. I'm no radical but I know that my history and where my family is -if they are even still alive- are somehow tied in to Raxxla.

I have a lot to do. A ship to prep-as My Anaconda does not have the range needed. I'm thinking the DBX should suffice... then maybe the AspX. Before all that though, I need to see Jameson.

Last edit: 25 Jun 2018, 12:44pm
25 Jun 2018, 3:32pm
The Rift is the home of the Zurara, the "evidence" of the existence of the Dynasty project. 
26 Jun 2018, 1:43am

The Rift is a Damned region of space, but a large portion remains uncharted since the DP was "solved".  When questioned on whether or not the Rift still held secrets Drew simply replied "I cannot say" or words to the affect leading me to belive there is more there.

The region between the Rift and Augustia is where my next destination lies.

Last edit: 25 Jul 2018, 5:35am
12 Aug 2018, 3:04pm
(Wettoast) Wanda FersegiIs there any in universe reason we don't see supercruise trails of those in supercruise while we are in normal space?

Main thrusters are not active in supercruise, only steering thrusters which leave no trail. Additionally you're effectively in your own little bubble separate to the material universe so there's nowhere for any trail to go. Though this does raise the question of how you can see anything at all while in supercruise.
14 Aug 2018, 11:14am
^ Actually that got me thinking, while above 1c in supercruise we can still see planets, stars, and whateverthehell. If we're going ftl in supercruise, why hasn't everything in the visible light spectrum been blueshifted to the point we can't see it ?
14 Aug 2018, 11:51am
(Wettoast) Wanda Fersegi^ Actually that got me thinking, while above 1c in supercruise we can still see planets, stars, and whateverthehell. If we're going ftl in supercruise, why hasn't everything in the visible light spectrum been blueshifted to the point we can't see it ?

Because it would make playing the game very difficult and somewhat rubbish
14 Aug 2018, 12:23pm
Kari Kerenski
(Wettoast) Wanda Fersegi^ Actually that got me thinking, while above 1c in supercruise we can still see planets, stars, and whateverthehell. If we're going ftl in supercruise, why hasn't everything in the visible light spectrum been blueshifted to the point we can't see it ?

Because it would make playing the game very difficult and somewhat rubbish

14 Aug 2018, 3:19pm
A wild presence! *chucks pokeball *
14 Aug 2018, 4:17pm
Can anyone link a detailed up to date lore video? I'm trying to get more immersed but only find old shit
14 Aug 2018, 5:51pm
I assume the intent is that the drives create a hyperspace (or 'warp' if you are a trekkie) bubble, so in fact you are not moving FTL - your ship is barely if at all moving in fact, but the 'bubble' is being squeezed through spacetime, so shifting your position. In which case the basic rule of the speed of light remaining constantt would apply, except for a minimal shift as it passes into or out of that 'bubble'. And its a game, which is probably the more salient point LOL

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