Elite: Lore

23 Sep 2018, 4:23pm
Mugpie Campbell
Nuran Mukkader
Mugpie Campbell
The only Friendly Bugs are the Dead Bugs.

To the everlasting glory of the Infantry...


ED's Federation in a nutshell. (Yes, I know that's Winter's coat of arms.)

That said, I have several queestions in regard to the Federation. Firstly, will 3305 mark end of Hudson's presidency? How come there's a shadow cabinet, which is rather more British Parliment's thing? What is relationship between Federation and Alliance, despite obvious PowerPlay hostilities (I mean, Hudson and Winters are hostile to each, which is the only case of inter-superpower hostility in entire PP.)

The federation seems to be built on the government of the United States, with British elements sprinkled in there. This could be because of the possible melding of western governments before a devastating war (we do know that in the Elite universe, there was a terrible war on earth before space travel was a common thing). It's also possible that the hostility between the Federal powers is a commentary on the current US political division (even age-old countries go through times of unity and times of division, this would be no exception to the powers of Elite).

As for Hudson's term, that's up to Frontier. Since there is the Thargoid threat, they may enact a special clause that would allow him to have a longer term because of the emergency situations.
24 Sep 2018, 10:44am
Jubei Himura
Mugpie Campbell
Nuran Mukkader
Mugpie Campbell
The only Friendly Bugs are the Dead Bugs.

To the everlasting glory of the Infantry...


ED's Federation in a nutshell. (Yes, I know that's Winter's coat of arms.)

That said, I have several queestions in regard to the Federation. Firstly, will 3305 mark end of Hudson's presidency? How come there's a shadow cabinet, which is rather more British Parliment's thing? What is relationship between Federation and Alliance, despite obvious PowerPlay hostilities (I mean, Hudson and Winters are hostile to each, which is the only case of inter-superpower hostility in entire PP.)

The federation seems to be built on the government of the United States, with British elements sprinkled in there. This could be because of the possible melding of western governments before a devastating war (we do know that in the Elite universe, there was a terrible war on earth before space travel was a common thing). It's also possible that the hostility between the Federal powers is a commentary on the current US political division (even age-old countries go through times of unity and times of division, this would be no exception to the powers of Elite).

As for Hudson's term, that's up to Frontier. Since there is the Thargoid threat, they may enact a special clause that would allow him to have a longer term because of the emergency situations.

Oh god no, another term of Hudson and there won't be a federation at the end of that one
24 Sep 2018, 12:53pm
(Wettoast) Wanda FersegiOh god no, another term of Hudson and there won't be a federation at the end of that one


That's so meta...
10 Oct 2018, 5:25pm
BolasieI assume the intent is that the drives create a hyperspace (or 'warp' if you are a trekkie) bubble, so in fact you are not moving FTL - your ship is barely if at all moving in fact, but the 'bubble' is being squeezed through spacetime, so shifting your position. In which case the basic rule of the speed of light remaining constantt would apply, except for a minimal shift as it passes into or out of that 'bubble'. And its a game, which is probably the more salient point LOL

I always thought the Frame shift drive worked more like stargate's hyper drive, where it opens a window to something like sub space you travel at insane speeds till another window opens and dumps you are your destination.
11 Oct 2018, 2:04pm
Galen ReynoldsI always thought the Frame shift drive worked more like stargate's hyper drive, where it opens a window to something like sub space you travel at insane speeds till another window opens and dumps you are your destination.

Please refer to Drew Wagar's explanation on the known history of Hyperspace (Frameshift) technology here.
17 Oct 2018, 3:36pm
@ Jubei Himura-

Cool reading, thanks for sharing!

Until now, my lore knowledge was limited about the history of the FSD. I picked up bits and pieces here and there, but not in such detail. Pretty cool! o7
18 Oct 2018, 8:28am
So Kincaid won? I didn't vote for him...
18 Oct 2018, 9:12am
I suspect Silva was assassinated on order of Edmund Mahon.

Silva wanted to take a closer look onto Alliance's expenses and withdraw a bit from military funding... which is nowadays Lakon Spaceways' main source of income given how Alliance designes emerged "just recently". Mahon likely has his own share from that, as well.

I think that can't really be just a fatal coincidence.

I mean, look the overall Powerplay situation. Alliance is the only Superpower with only one choice and no counterweight, giving Mahon almost dictator-like power when it comes to influence within Alliance. This sorta proves that President Kincaid has been a political puppet. Despite the fact that Kincaid stated he wants to give president more power but that could be just a smokescreen for Mahon's actions to give illusion of choice within Alliance, whereas Kincaid would still be the Prime Minister's pet.
22 Oct 2018, 12:49pm
Could your own character reference the Sagittarius eye magazine in universe ? For example going " Hey, I saw person X's name in the Sagittarius eye magazine while scrolling through my newsfeed in a starport " Would that break anything in universe, or worse break immersion ? ( The "I" word ? )
22 Oct 2018, 12:57pm
(Wettoast) Wanda FersegiCould your own character reference the Sagittarius eye magazine in universe ? For example going " Hey, I saw person X's name in the Sagittarius eye magazine while scrolling through my newsfeed in a starport " Would that break anything in universe, or worse break immersion ? ( The "I" word ? )

Sag Eye does a great job at respecting the lore and is written as a Pilot's magazine, so personally I don't see any problem with it
22 Oct 2018, 2:01pm
Kari KerenskiSag Eye does a great job at respecting the lore and is written as a Pilot's magazine, so personally I don't see any problem with it

I wholeheartedly agree with Kari. I would count SagEye as something you can reference.
27 Oct 2018, 4:22pm
Inh1b1ted UKCGNo there is no canon on the alliance generals who or where in game present.

There is only one active Alliance Admiral that we know about from GalNet. It's Admiral George Varma. Unfortunately we don't know anything about him other than his involvement in the McAllister affair.
27 Oct 2018, 4:38pm
There's a lot of things we don't know about Elite's lore that should be common knowledge...
28 Oct 2018, 11:59am
I think we are close to have a second Alliance Power in form of Kincard, cause for now Alliance seems like a thing ran by a dictator in form of Mahon, while even the corrupt Federation has two sides of the coin.
28 Oct 2018, 5:44pm
Kincaid won and he wants to turn the Alliance into a Federation look-a-like with his role having new executive powers...the Alliance is just that - an Alliance of aligned independent systems. Systems leave, return and join all the time. Alliance isn't some suit in Alioth it is the independent factions that make it up.

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