Elite: Lore

03 Dec 2018, 8:03pm
Fleet Admiral Inaho Kaizuka
Dragon DarkoAll hail the coming of the Far God!

Not Today Not Ever.
I would rather be a Shattered Pearl at the feet of the Far God Menace than be an Intact Tile bowing my head in Submission.

We shall see, when the bubble burns in its holy fire!
03 Dec 2018, 8:06pm
Dragon Darko
Fleet Admiral Inaho Kaizuka
Dragon DarkoAll hail the coming of the Far God!

Not Today Not Ever.
I would rather be a Shattered Pearl at the feet of the Far God Menace than be an Intact Tile bowing my head in Submission.

We shall see, when the bubble burns in its holy fire!

The only Holy Fire will be that from the people who Purge you from this Galaxy.
03 Dec 2018, 8:44pm
When we close to be defeated, we have no choice and have to Work all together
to survive this. I think this will be happen.
03 Dec 2018, 9:02pm
Dragon DarkoAll hail the coming of the Far God!

Preach all you wish. In the meantime, I'll be turning goids into caustic clouds.

I'm not about to let the bubble burn without a fight.

Last edit: 03 Dec 2018, 9:10pm
03 Dec 2018, 9:12pm
Dragon DarkoAll hail the coming of the Far God!

Preach all you wish. In the meantime, I'll be turning goids into caustic clouds.

Oorah, How about we all have Peace? You know Peace Through Superior Firepower. Lets see how long the Far God can withstand all guns blazing.
03 Dec 2018, 9:12pm
Dragon Darko We shall see, when the bubble burns in its holy fire!

Look, bub, I've gone up against enough people who think they're gods, and I've gone against the bugs. Ya know what they all have in common? They all bleed.

So bring the 'Far God', and I'll make 'em into a dead god.

I ain't one for 'faith'.

OOC: This ain't the place for RP. Although, this does open a discussion on what humanity will do to survive. Will we stick together, or will isolationism take over and make us weak?
03 Dec 2018, 9:18pm
Jubei Himura
Dragon Darko We shall see, when the bubble burns in its holy fire!

Look, bub, I've gone up against enough people who think they're gods, and I've gone against the bugs. Ya know what they all have in common? They all bleed.

So bring the 'Far God', and I'll make 'em into a dead god.

I ain't one for 'faith'.

OOC: This ain't the place for RP. Although, this does open a discussion on what humanity will do to survive. Will we stick together, or will isolationism take over and make us weak?

That may depend partially on Nova Imperium.
03 Dec 2018, 9:20pm
Jubei Himura
Dragon Darko We shall see, when the bubble burns in its holy fire!

Look, bub, I've gone up against enough people who think they're gods, and I've gone against the bugs. Ya know what they all have in common? They all bleed.

So bring the 'Far God', and I'll make 'em into a dead god.

I ain't one for 'faith'.

OOC: This ain't the place for RP. Although, this does open a discussion on what humanity will do to survive. Will we stick together, or will isolationism take over and make us weak?

That may depend partially on Nova Imperium.

Nova Imperium will be crushed for the commanders like myself who are Loyal to the Emperor will happily put our lives on the line to ensure her safety.
03 Dec 2018, 9:20pm
I sure hope the Empress has tightened her security.
03 Dec 2018, 9:42pm
Blademaster1196I sure hope the Empress has tightened her security.

Emperor* And she wont need too, Knowing the Imperial Security Protocols it was raised instantly
03 Dec 2018, 10:35pm
Jubei HimuraOOC: This ain't the place for RP. Although, this does open a discussion on what humanity will do to survive. Will we stick together, or will isolationism take over and make us weak?

Whatever happens I’ve got the same recommendation: be fast and well armed!
03 Dec 2018, 11:15pm
Dragon Darko
Kara waldeN
Dragon DarkoAll hail the coming of the Far God!

Your Picture is upside down.

The little blobby bit goes on the bottom.

lol, nice troll attempt, but you are wrong.

Wait, you've literally just changed your selfie.

It's because you know I was right isn't it? You were like being all badass and like

"Burn in the holy fire! Die at the mandibles of the fart god!"

And all the while you've got your picture hung upside down.

Betcha feel preetty silly now dontcha Fart God boy?
03 Dec 2018, 11:46pm
Take your Far God far away from Prism, or there's likely to be some holy hellfire.

You were warned once. I won't warn a second time.
04 Dec 2018, 12:49am
Isaiah EvansonTake your Far God far away from Prism, or there's likely to be some holy hellfire.

You were warned once. I won't warn a second time.

The 104th will stand with you in Protection if they decide to attack again.
04 Dec 2018, 4:22am
according to my research ammonia mixtures can be quite explosive especially when under pressure.
currently the best known way to kill a thargoid is with high yield energy weapons to the indicated heart with the most pressure behind it, this is due to an influx of ammonia under a strong bio electric charge.

In my studies I have come to note that thargoids scream. feel pain, bleed... they respond to hostility with hostility..  they also like to push our machines around like toys.

actually they are generally really inquisitive.  

ultimately they explode very nicely when roasted over a guardian cannon.

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