Elite: Lore

15 Nov 2021, 12:33am
SalmoneaHow much cost pilots federations licence?

That hasen't been determined in canon.

Let's see what people come up with...

Personally I'd say it's a large cost, probably close to a million credits. It has been stated that pilots licensed by the Pilot's Federation are very privilaged and, while not the top 1%, are considered among the top (if only for the privilege of being able to fly spaceships)

Last edit: 16 Nov 2021, 8:31pm
15 Nov 2021, 1:07am
I don't know anymore where I read it, but apparently the Pilots' Federation, due to a contract with the three superpowers, are only allowed to hand out a limited amount of licences per year. As those are highly sought after for obvious reasons you need either a lot of money to buy yourself in, an Elite-ranked sponsor or even both.
15 Nov 2021, 1:58am
Jubei Himura
SalmoneaHow much cost pilots federations licence?

That hasen't been determined in canon.

Let's see what people come up with...

Personally I'd say it's a large cost, probably close to a million credits. It has been stated that pilots licensed by the Pilot's Federation are very privilaged and, while not the top 1%, are considered umong the top.

I have familiar wiev.
15 Nov 2021, 3:20am
I wouldn't think pilot's federation licenses cost much in terms of credits, maybe 10-30k. But a Sidewinder, at 32k, is already pretty expensive for non-pilots, and most people don't want to be pilots because while it's a lucrative life of luxury, it's dangerous and risky. For many people it's more viable to just not be a pilot.
15 Nov 2021, 5:50am
Lily FlemmonI wouldn't think pilot's federation licenses cost much in terms of credits, maybe 10-30k. But a Sidewinder, at 32k, is already pretty expensive for non-pilots, and most people don't want to be pilots because while it's a lucrative life of luxury, it's dangerous and risky. For many people it's more viable to just not be a pilot.

It sounds like you are making anti commercial for your squadron.
19 Nov 2021, 12:54am
Here's a question: with talking about CMDRs, how are they viewed within each of the three superpowers culturally speaking?
19 Nov 2021, 1:04am
GaaveraHere's a question: with talking about CMDRs, how are they viewed within each of the three superpowers culturally speaking?

Em... Look there. There is a void. And there? Again void. That small spot of garbage are humans with their human culture. Pre-silicon, carbon-based entities...

Last edit: 19 Nov 2021, 1:26am
19 Nov 2021, 2:14pm
Lily FlemmonI wouldn't think pilot's federation licenses cost much in terms of credits, maybe 10-30k. But a Sidewinder, at 32k, is already pretty expensive for non-pilots, and most people don't want to be pilots because while it's a lucrative life of luxury, it's dangerous and risky. For many people it's more viable to just not be a pilot.

I think aside from 42k cr (license and sidewinder) you would need an pilot reccomendation. For example that guy that guides us trough tutorial (you can get reccomendation from teachers too). If not why would expert NPC pilots would have to look for the job instead of being an independent bounty hunter
19 Nov 2021, 4:32pm
GaaveraHere's a question: with talking about CMDRs, how are they viewed within each of the three superpowers culturally speaking?

For the most part, CMDRs are looked as untrustworthy. Of course, Powers would have an easier time trusting a CMDR who originates from their own space. But even then, CMDRs are the chaotic-nomadic variable due to our ability to go anywhere. Thus, seen as without loyalties.

Perhaps the Alliance would more likely invite CMDRs under their banner, due to it having roots in independent systems.

Utopia may also be more welcoming (but not much) as they're a techno-religion, and every religion wants to have more followers. However, without committing to the faith they may quickly turn their back on a CMDR.
23 Nov 2021, 2:15pm
Jubei Himura
GaaveraHere's a question: with talking about CMDRs, how are they viewed within each of the three superpowers culturally speaking?

For the most part, CMDRs are looked as untrustworthy. Of course, Powers would have an easier time trusting a CMDR who originates from their own space. But even then, CMDRs are the chaotic-nomadic variable due to our ability to go anywhere. Thus, seen as without loyalties.

Perhaps the Alliance would more likely invite CMDRs under their banner, due to it having roots in independent systems.

Utopia may also be more welcoming (but not much) as they're a techno-religion, and every religion wants to have more followers. However, without committing to the faith they may quickly turn their back on a CMDR.

We can add that some CMDRs pledge loyalty to some powerful figures and they are bonded to them. That not means those CMDRs are not allowed to act as mercenaries elsewhere, but they have a rather limited field of action. Of course I'm talking about pilots really engaged in support said powers, not the ones that pledge loyalty only for personal gains (prestige, better weapons or even sabotage).
13 Dec 2021, 6:58pm
Theta Seven finally perishes along with his closest aides and possibly any future signs of the NMLA. His death was long overdue. It is such a shame that the criminal couldn't have been captured and brought before the Imperial Senate to face justice for his crimes. The Empire will quickly forget he even existed and his impact upon history would be non-existent.

In other news, the Empire remains stronger than ever and would remain quite so for a long time. All enemies of House Duval should take heed form theta seven's cowardice at the face of death.
16 Dec 2021, 2:14am
he is still alive he will be back
16 Dec 2021, 2:05pm
Do you see a body? ...No?

In my line o' work, ya confirm the kill, or they ain't dead.
16 Dec 2021, 10:37pm
Jubei HimuraDo you see a body? ...No?

In my line o' work, ya confirm the kill, or they ain't dead.

Would I be right to assume that just seeing the body generally wouldn't be enough either, that with the existence of cryo-sleep and regrowing of body parts: Presumably you would need to bring it?
17 Dec 2021, 1:09am
Also, there's this thing in the lore called "body sculpting"...

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