Elite: Lore

01 Nov 2018, 5:02pm
Just shows that the Empire isn't immune against idiotic decisions, but as long as there's a halfway competent Emperor with enough support, I've little fear that they'll be in a strong enough position to seize power.
01 Nov 2018, 7:55pm
Not too surprising.  There are conservative elements in any large political identity.  Can’t blame folks for liking a flashy showman either!

The Imperator!

Anyway.  Maybe it’ll go somewhere further - maybe not.

Last edit: 01 Nov 2018, 8:56pm
01 Nov 2018, 8:04pm
Betting good money it's Patreus with a shiny new suit.
01 Nov 2018, 8:20pm
I like the sound of them. "Sod the rest of the galaxy, let's go isolationist." It's a good idea. Goids are seemingly after Sol, that aint our problem.
01 Nov 2018, 8:33pm
Nah, your problems begins when they're done with Sol and decide that they could use a dessert after the main dish.
01 Nov 2018, 9:09pm
the thargoids are all of humanity's problem
01 Nov 2018, 9:24pm
Seems like if that were the case, the superpowers would take a more active role in dealing with said problem...

I wonder why they're not.
01 Nov 2018, 9:34pm
It doesn't seem to me that the Thargoids are that much of a problem at all. They are, however, a mighty convenient boogieman for some folks to evoke in order to gain power for themselves.
01 Nov 2018, 9:51pm
perhaps they aren't inherently hostile unless acted on. or perhaps there are different hives. whatever the reasoning they seem to like nebula.
01 Nov 2018, 10:00pm
Maybe we stepped into the middle of an inter-species war and now we're the convenient fodder for the losing side to hide behind.
01 Nov 2018, 10:25pm
My prediction is that they'll be Emperor's Dawn V2.0. They'll spout off a couple of cartoon villain lines, and then be annihilated in a CG or two.
02 Nov 2018, 12:14am
Gotta keep 'em smiling, eh Lehman?
02 Nov 2018, 4:42pm
LeytraI like the sound of them. "Sod the rest of the galaxy, let's go isolationist." It's a good idea. Goids are seemingly after Sol, that aint our problem.
They were 40 ish ly from Sol a few months ago.... Seems they want to poke places with ammonia worlds , unless there's some twisted fate they're concocting for the earf .
03 Nov 2018, 10:02am
I have been getting non-human signal sources for threat 7 & 8 right next my homebase Penrose Ring in Dongzi. Maybe just a family on vacation?
03 Nov 2018, 3:03pm
Kirky007I have been getting non-human signal sources for threat 7 & 8 right next my homebase Penrose Ring in Dongzi. Maybe just a family on vacation?

isn't that in the bubble?

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