Elite: Lore

05 Dec 2018, 3:49am
Aegis are on par with Cerberus in terms of 'shady evil supervillains'.
05 Dec 2018, 5:53am
LeytraAegis are on par with Cerberus in terms of 'shady evil supervillains'.

Where do I sign up?
05 Dec 2018, 6:04am
Rebecca Hail
LeytraAegis are on par with Cerberus in terms of 'shady evil supervillains'.

Where do I sign up?

They're in the middle of Sag A. Just fly up to the limit, cut off your engines and drift on in.
05 Dec 2018, 11:27am

They're in the middle of Sag A. Just fly up to the limit, cut off your engines and drift on in.

I get the feeling that you're lying to me.
05 Dec 2018, 11:56am
05 Dec 2018, 8:12pm
Rebecca Hail

They're in the middle of Sag A. Just fly up to the limit, cut off your engines and drift on in.

I get the feeling that you're lying to me.

Nonsense! Would I lie to you? No. I have no reason to do that. I assure you it's all true. Give it a try, nothing to lose but your life, and you've got spares of those.
05 Dec 2018, 8:32pm
Rebecca Hail

They're in the middle of Sag A. Just fly up to the limit, cut off your engines and drift on in.

I get the feeling that you're lying to me.

Nonsense! Would I lie to you? No. I have no reason to do that. I assure you it's all true. Give it a try, nothing to lose but your life, and you've got spares of those.

You're not supposed to know that ... *narrows eyes*
05 Dec 2018, 8:38pm
Rebecca Hail
Rebecca Hail

They're in the middle of Sag A. Just fly up to the limit, cut off your engines and drift on in.

I get the feeling that you're lying to me.

Nonsense! Would I lie to you? No. I have no reason to do that. I assure you it's all true. Give it a try, nothing to lose but your life, and you've got spares of those.

You're not supposed to know that ... *narrows eyes*

05 Dec 2018, 8:51pm
AbioticSquare1Hey guys how ya feel about Aegis?

I'm pretty wary of them. Their tech is a boon when fighting to repel Thargoids, but I can't be sure they don't have ulterior motives.
09 Dec 2018, 7:11pm
Anybody know anything about this?
09 Dec 2018, 11:55pm
Just a hazerdous guess.
10 Dec 2018, 8:54am
Yes, Raxxla. The supposed planet sized ignis fatuus of Elite.
10 Dec 2018, 3:40pm
StamrehnAnybody know anything about this?

Hmmm interesting. I’m gonna pm you about it.
13 Dec 2018, 3:54pm
This is not going to be good.

Looks like the empire itself maybe heading for a civil war. Thoughts and ideas?

I am will throw my hat in with the Empress if it comes down to it.
13 Dec 2018, 5:53pm
They ain’t wrong about the Empire but I’m not convinced a conservative isolationist bent is the way to go.

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